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Reviews For In Memoriam by Faelaern

Sunday 30th July 2006 09:52
In Memoriam
How can you play Quidditch indoors? And Ginny is very right. Now that I am reading this story, the other one is making much more scense. Nice.
Wednesday 29th September 2004 19:47
In Memoriam
Another interesting, well written chapter. You keep the pacing brisk, once again underlying the urgency of getting everyone in secure locations. I like the idea of Moody now being treated as an authority, rather than just paranoid. :D Interesting byplay between Molly and Kingsley. Your Molly is definitely in cannon here. I can picture Ron backing out of the room at the first sign of a Harry temper tantrum. (I knew he was due for one.) I love that Ginny stood up to him, as she does has some idea of what he's been through. Placing Harry in Sirius's role to Ginny's cast as Harry was a wonderful idea. Great way to drive the point home to Harry. This will go a long way to clear that guilt. (And the girl in me loved that they hugged without getting overly embarrassed.) Ron and the twins took it well, and with no teasing. I wonder how long that will last. I get the feeling I should pay attention to Zorn. He's been mentioned in two chapters now, and is staying there? I really hope he's one of the good guys. Thank you for posting, and I hope you continue to write. ellie:rolleyes: