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Reviews For Dragon Riders by Sassenach

Thursday 19th January 2006 14:41
Dragon Riders

Many women inside of Jade- I like that. It made me see that she was really going through a struggle. Thanks for not just making it fluff!


Thursday 19th January 2006 18:22Dragon Riders (Author Response)
I don't just isn't my style. I'm glad you're enjoying it. Thanks!
Wednesday 31st August 2005 16:01
Dragon Riders
Well, well, well.... There's more to Jade than met the eye initially, obviously.  Awful memories to be haunted by, and I'm happy she has decided to give Charlie a chance after all.  Might do them both some good...

Thursday 1st September 2005 00:01Dragon Riders (Author Response)
Thanks! I like to give her character some dimension.
Wednesday 31st August 2005 13:59
Dragon Riders
I'm glad she decided to give charlie another chance, she was being a... yeah well anyway great chapter, keep up the good work.

Friday 2nd September 2005 11:30Dragon Riders (Author Response)

Thanks Jake! Yeah, she was being a bit