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Reviews For Fourth Time's the Charm by Aggiebell

Wednesday 13th August 2008 18:46
Fourth Time's the Charm
You were so close pairing him with Susan, rather than Hannah. It makes sense for him to end up with a Hufflepuff either way. I think Susan works just as well as Hannah, and I love how you wrote Susan here. I can completely picture Neville being a bit of a trial as a husband, but I can also imagine that she sees past all of his flaws and loves him a lot for who he is. It makes so much sense that Neville finally succeeds in his gift-giving when he stays true to himself by creating a perfect garden for Susan and naming a beautiful variety of rose he discovered after her. That's the real Neville. Great job!
Tuesday 15th April 2008 19:01
Fourth Time's the Charm
Somehow I've never read this before. It's delightful.
Friday 18th May 2007 05:17
Fourth Time's the Charm
This is sweet. Neville in my mind is such a gentle loving man that makes mistakes for all the best reasons. This was perfect. Thanks for writing. p
Monday 14th May 2007 17:19
Fourth Time's the Charm
This reminds me *so* much of my husband and I. The first year - paper - I bought him a beautiful big book of maps (he loves maps) and he bought me a little origami book... The second year (leather on my list) I bought him, well some sexy lingerie for me to wear (he liked it!) and he bought me... nothing because he couldn't think of anything leathery! Hey ho - maybe this year he will have a Neville moment! Thanks for making me laugh, Helen
Monday 14th May 2007 19:14Fourth Time's the Charm (Author Response)
Hi, Helen!

Thanks so much for taking the time to review (and for tellling your story!). My husband and I never followed the traditional gifts, so luckily I didn't have to find somethng leather for him (although I'm sure he would've liked the sexy lingerie, too ).

Tuesday 20th September 2005 12:34
Fourth Time's the Charm
Aggiebell, what a cute little story!  You seem to have Neville's character down pat - bumbling and stumbling at times, often to comic effect, but he always has honest and good intentions at heart, and he has a way of surprising us with gallantry and courage.  That all comes through wonderfully in the way he fumbles his way through three anniversary gifts, but finally notches a perfect score with his fourth.  LOL, and I loved the cameos by our Fantastic Four as well.  Nice job!
XXXmister-E werepony unit
Monday 19th September 2005 16:19
Fourth Time's the Charm
ooh!fluffy and cute!and funny,loved it!
Wednesday 14th September 2005 09:13
Fourth Time's the Charm
*laughs* That was brilliant, Julie. Neville is the epitome of the clueless husband, but the way he redeemed himself was delightfully in character. You know Susan's not my preferred partner for Neville (), but I'll have to keep an eye out for more stories from you with this pairing.
Zahri Seb Melitor
Tuesday 13th September 2005 16:09
Fourth Time's the Charm
Oh, Julie, you didn't!

What a perfect way to use the challenge. Ron, Harry and Neville should never be allowed to plot together, especially if they're not telling the girls about it. Though, if I were Susan, I would have had a far more serious talk about 'not using lists'.

*hugs* I loved it.
Tuesday 13th September 2005 21:18Fourth Time's the Charm (Author Response)
*blinks innocently*

I really felt sorry for Susan while I was writing this, poor thing. But Neville redeemed himself in the end. And you're right. She should have a serious discussion with him about lists.

Thanks, hon!

Tuesday 13th September 2005 15:02
Fourth Time's the Charm
Why am I not surpised that Neville would be that clueless when picking out gifts.  Well done, I really liked it.
Tuesday 13th September 2005 21:15Fourth Time's the Charm (Author Response)
Poor Neville gets a bum rap, doesn't he? I just remembered him as the bumbling kid in the first few books and extrapolated a bit.

Thanks for the review!


Tuesday 13th September 2005 08:34
Fourth Time's the Charm

Julie, this is so true to life it's hilarious!  I love Neville's attempts to follow Hermione's list of anniversary presents and what he comes up with.  Poor Susan!  Neville is trying so hard to please and keeps putting his foot in it.  However, gift number four is just up his alley and I'm certain Susan will remember his thoughtfulness for a long time to come.  [I have fond memories of my own garden-filled fourth anniversary and the gloxinia houseplant that will never die...even after six years of looking dead every winter!]  Your Neville stories always warm my heart, Julie.  Keep up the great work. 

Congratulations on the up-coming "fourth edition" of your family!

Tuesday 13th September 2005 21:04Fourth Time's the Charm (Author Response)

I love posting stories here, because I love your reviews. They always make me glow with happiness.

And may I just say that it is so cool that you for a garden-filled fourth anniversary?

Hee. And thanks for the congrats. Are you trying to influence the munchkin's gender?


Tuesday 13th September 2005 03:33
Fourth Time's the Charm
Oh, wonderful! *laughs merrily*  Neville is just too cute.  I can understand Susan's frustration, though.  Why do a lot of men, not just Neville, have such a hard time picking out gifts?  And why do a lot of women have such trouble seeing the true beauty in the gifts they get?  It's quite mind-boggling.  Nevertheless, this fic was a wonderful read, thank you so much!
Tuesday 13th September 2005 21:00Fourth Time's the Charm (Author Response)
LOL. Well, I've been married for almost 15 years, and both my husband and I have been guilty of those stereotypes. It is mindboggling, and I have no explanation for it.

Thanks for the review!

Tuesday 13th September 2005 02:03
Fourth Time's the Charm
Very, very, very good. VERY! I love the battle-axe, BTW.
Tuesday 13th September 2005 20:58Fourth Time's the Charm (Author Response)
Hee. Thanks; I'm glad you liked it.

Can't you just imagine the poor girl who gets courted by Neville having to deal with his gran?

Monday 12th September 2005 19:18
Fourth Time's the Charm
short, sweet, and very funny. 

I like the "voice" you used to write Susan.  

thanks for sharing.
Tuesday 13th September 2005 20:56Fourth Time's the Charm (Author Response)
Thanks, Art!  I normally write from Neville's POV, so it was fun to write from Susan's this time around.
Sunday 6th January 2002 22:54
Fourth Time's the Charm
get in neville