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Reviews For Dragon Riders by Sassenach

Sunday 25th September 2005 12:34
Dragon Riders
Hmmm... What an interesting look into Charlie's past we get here.  And he's obviously not interested in going down that particular road again.  I hope Jade noticed as much.  Interesting, how the other guys at the camp begin to notice Jade and Charlie noticing each other, but being in complete denial about the feelings they share.  I love this fic, and it's wonderful to see it evolve in such an organic way.


Monday 26th September 2005 03:00Dragon Riders (Author Response)

Thanks! I'm glad you're enjoying and I'm very happy to hear that it is authentic in its own right. Look forward to a new chapter next week. Thanks again!

Saturday 24th September 2005 12:46
Dragon Riders
That was fantastic, as usual. your writing was wonderful in this chapter and i could see everything happening while i read.
I can't wait to know what happens next, so please update soon.
p.s.- i hope jade doesn't get hurt too much while riding(and not being strapped on properly)
Saturday 24th September 2005 13:11Dragon Riders (Author Response)

Thanks a lot! I'm trying to be as visual as I can, while not overloading the reader. Next update will be next week, so check back by the end of the week.

Jade's a trouper, she'll be fine...this time around. Hehehe *grins evilly*

Saturday 24th September 2005 00:07
Dragon Riders
Great chapter, dear. I can't wait for their talk about what just happened-hope it ends in a scorcher! Keerp up the great work!

Saturday 24th September 2005 07:46Dragon Riders (Author Response)
Thanks sweetie!