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Reviews For Twenty-one Months by OHGinnyfan

Sunday 5th October 2008 11:54
Twenty-one Months
Tuesday 25th March 2008 22:29
Twenty-one Months
nice story!!! although 21 months is kinda random but nice and in the middle
Friday 9th November 2007 11:16
Twenty-one Months
interesting... Would have been nicer if it had been longer... still good though
Monday 11th June 2007 10:58
Twenty-one Months
although short which was due to the challenge, I really liked it.
Sunday 4th June 2006 16:12
Twenty-one Months short, but so sweet. Very cute...
Aaran St Vines
Monday 26th September 2005 14:02
Twenty-one Months
The perfect companion to the hopeful "Lucky Twenty-One."

Another well done indeed.
Tuesday 6th December 2005 15:44Twenty-one Months (Author Response)
I'm glad you like it, Aaron...thanks for reviewing!
Monday 26th September 2005 09:00
Twenty-one Months

Yes- its short- but right, I have way too much emotion for our couple- I loved the HBP untill the last three chapters- but for only this reason- they need each other and are so right for each other- but I fear that just as in the real world- somethings that are just ment to be, never are- just out of a cruel twist of fate. I love your stories- and I believe that no matter where JKR takes us- that there will be authors, like you, that will pick up the story and write alternate verse- what should be, and what can be. Regardless of what happens I will still read well beyond whatever the end may bring.

Tuesday 6th December 2005 15:44Twenty-one Months (Author Response)

Thank you so much for the lovely review. I appreciate you taking the time to review my work.  I'm glad you enjoyed the story, and I'm such a fairy tale person, that I can't help but go for the happy ending.  I hope that JKR will have our favorite couple (or couples) together at the end of the series.  But if not, there's loads of stories out there with them ending up together.

Thanks again for reviewing!

Monday 26th September 2005 07:29
Twenty-one Months
Niceley done.
Tuesday 6th December 2005 15:41Twenty-one Months (Author Response)
Thank you so much.  I'm glad you liked it.
Sunday 25th September 2005 13:56
Twenty-one Months
Short, to the point and sweet.  Incredible what can happen in twenty-one months, isn't it?

Tuesday 6th December 2005 15:41Twenty-one Months (Author Response)
Short, to the point and sweet.  Incredible what can happen in twenty-one months, isn't it?


Boy are you right on that! Twenty one months after I was married, I was waiting for the birth of my first child -- so, yes, a lot can happen in twenty-one months!

Thanks for reviewing and I'm glad you liked it!

Saturday 24th September 2005 07:30
Twenty-one Months
Short-shorts are tough (I've heard professionals claim they're harder than full-length novels), but you've done a great job on these two.
Tuesday 6th December 2005 15:40Twenty-one Months (Author Response)
Thanks, Gridley!  Shorts seem to be my "thing" right now -- it's all I have time to write!  Thanks for reviewing!
Saturday 24th September 2005 05:58
Twenty-one Months
Great job.  Nice drabble.
Tuesday 6th December 2005 15:39Twenty-one Months (Author Response)
Thanks so much for reviewing! I appreciate it!  I'm glad you enjoyed it!