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Reviews For Half-Blood Prince Drabbles by Ladybug

Saturday 29th December 2007 21:47
Half-Blood Prince Drabbles
Very the hero's journey, Ginny is the temptress. You captured that perfectly here and revealed the true reason she had to stay behind. Excellent.
Monday 7th January 2008 19:40Half-Blood Prince Drabbles (Author Response)
Thanks! When I wrote this I was getting a bit tired of the more common view that Harry didn't value Ginny enough to 'let' her accompany him.
Sunday 21st October 2007 15:37
Half-Blood Prince Drabbles
Thursday 29th June 2006 07:25
Half-Blood Prince Drabbles
That's excellent. Seriously...I love Rowling's work but that scene didn't sit right with me...this makes it much better...Thanks!
Thursday 29th June 2006 23:36Half-Blood Prince Drabbles (Author Response)
Hehehe ... thanks! If Rowling wrote every single thing that went through Harry's mind, we'd still be waiting for Chamber of Secrets! Luckily, she lets us play and fill in the gaps. Glad you found this plausible - I like to think it happened this way.
Thursday 6th October 2005 15:31
Half-Blood Prince Drabbles
I hadn't thought about Harry's reason for breaking off with Ginny in this way before (nor seen it in any other fanfic). I think you're absolutely right, and you presented it in such a realistic way. Great job!
Thursday 6th October 2005 19:06Half-Blood Prince Drabbles (Author Response)
Wow, thanks for your review. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks it could have been this way.
Wednesday 5th October 2005 22:39
Half-Blood Prince Drabbles
you know why i loved this drabble?  because it is such a unique take on why harry broke things off with ginny.  i keep reading in other fics that it's harry's love for her that will enable him to defeat v-mort... but really it's his love that would be the one reason he wouldn't want to fight him.  you captured it perfectly, i think, with insight that i have not seen in any other fics as of yet.  this is so harry, and it so makes sense!!  love it!
Thursday 6th October 2005 18:49Half-Blood Prince Drabbles (Author Response)
Thank you so much! Yes, I just had to write this because I hadn't seen it expressed quite the way I wanted it, though there are plenty of other fics and takes on it that I love.
Wednesday 5th October 2005 20:41
Half-Blood Prince Drabbles
Ooo, this is so true and positively perfectly written.  This has been the most realistic and best drabble I've encountered...