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Reviews For The Rocky Road To Rosier by Faelaern

Wednesday 2nd June 2004 10:36
The Rocky Road To Rosier
Finally found some time to get reviews done, and this has been at the top of my list for awhile.

I'm happy you're updating this story, even though it's slow going (which is good, because it means you're not rushing it just to get it done, you're making sure of its quality).

"All right," he said. "But the vehicle gets returned when we're done with it, do I make myself clear?"

Mundungus looked annoyed but nodded in agreement.

Hee. I like that part, shows some nice characterization of the two of them.

Dog & Onion Pub

Nice name.

Mundungus noticed the expression on his face and laughed. "It's twelve past ten on a Friday, mate. Like as not the owner wouldn't notice if you stole the truck with ‘im in it!"

I'm really liking your Mundungus. Nice job.

"I don't care who you know in the Liverpool area or otherwise. I've enough trouble trusting you alone," growled Alastor.

"Don't get your knickers in a twist," grumbled Mundungus as they steered the truck back towards town.

I just really like the interaction you've created between these two characters. My favorite bits of the chapter are the two of them exchanging words.

Nice job, Joe, as usual.
