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Reviews For Cor Leonis by Bellendora

Sunday 6th November 2005 08:16
Cor Leonis
I think I've read this chapter already.... maybe somewhere else?

Anyway, I still love it! Keep up the good work.
Wednesday 12th October 2005 17:48
Cor Leonis
I enjoyed this chapter a great deal. I think Coe is going to be an interesting character, although with all the research he did into Harry, one would think he might have figured out that withholding facts was not the best way to earn HP's trust!
Wednesday 12th October 2005 14:38
Cor Leonis
Hmmm, interesting!  Promising plot, indeed.  Harry is portrayed well, especially his reaction to Mr. Coe being the descendant of Gryffindor.  I look forward to the next installment. ;-)

Thanks for sharing!
