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Reviews For The 'Kissing' Trilogy. by Jenadamson

Sunday 14th September 2008 10:32
The 'Kissing' Trilogy.
Saturday 13th October 2007 17:52
The 'Kissing' Trilogy.
lol. interesting to read harry's pov
Tuesday 16th August 2005 06:26
The 'Kissing' Trilogy.
Oh, sweet.  I love seeing an action as this from the two involved parts' POV, and I'm ready to find out what happened in Hogsmeade...

Monday 21st March 2005 22:18
The 'Kissing' Trilogy.
Ooh I love another chapter in the opposite perspective. This, Boy-Who-Is-Now-A-Sitting-Duck, cracked me up. What a priceless description.