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Reviews For The 'Kissing' Trilogy. by Jenadamson

Sunday 14th September 2008 18:11
The 'Kissing' Trilogy.
Saturday 13th October 2007 21:00
The 'Kissing' Trilogy.
awww!!! I loved this story!!! so adorable!
Thursday 7th September 2006 21:03
The 'Kissing' Trilogy.
This was just great and fluffy. Loved it.^^
Wednesday 21st December 2005 01:44
The 'Kissing' Trilogy.
Wow! Absolutely great!!! You captured all the tension, nervousness, shyness so well.
Tuesday 16th August 2005 06:54
The 'Kissing' Trilogy.
Oh, the delights of being a teenager in love - and being able to act upon it, no matter how awkward it feels or how wrong it all comes out.  Kissing is it, kissing tells it all.  What is it Cher sings?  "If you wanna know, if he loves you so, it's in his kiss - that's where it is!" or something like that.  True isn't it?

Monday 21st March 2005 22:36
The 'Kissing' Trilogy.

How absolutely fluffy!!! I love the awkwardness. It makes it even more adorable. This was the perfect thing for me to read before going to bed tonight..and I stayed up a bit to read it too. You are very talented at fluffy goodness.

Monday 21st March 2005 11:42
The 'Kissing' Trilogy.
Fluffy Buddy was a Bear.
Fluffy Buddy had no hair.
Fluffy Buddy wasn't fluffy, was he?

Sorry about the poem. I liked the different POVs in this. I don't know about the 'girl reaction' that Ginny had, but I definately can say that Harry's reaction was spot on. Good job!
Friday 28th January 2005 05:58
The 'Kissing' Trilogy.
I see why you want them in the tea room, but after Harry's disaster there last year, it's a bit funny that he brings it up. - Apart from that, I still like it.
Friday 21st January 2005 23:08
The 'Kissing' Trilogy.

Awwwwwwww....This was WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!