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Reviews For Life After the Old by Thekillerpie

The Boss
Saturday 9th June 2007 06:32
Life After the Old
Is this the end of this series as i was really liking it?
It is very good work indeed.
Hope to read more of your work in the near future.

The Boss
Thursday 26th July 2007 09:54Life After the Old (Author Response)
No it's not the end of the series, but I've been on a rather long hiatus recently - inspiration has been hard to come by what with one thing and another (studying/work etc). I'm also working on a different fic which I started ages ago, based on the seventh year, which now DH has come out I'll have to tinker with - but I shall be sure to get some more of the written chapters out of this one! Many thanks for the review!
Thursday 10th November 2005 14:13
Life After the Old
Aw that must be so nerve racking having to ask the father for their daughter's hand. Poor Harry.
Tuesday 8th November 2005 21:32
Life After the Old

Well done! I can't wait for the next one!

Cherry xx

Saturday 29th October 2005 17:50
Life After the Old
Are you rewriting this for PS? i know I read it on another site.
Sunday 30th October 2005 05:14Life After the Old (Author Response)
Yes this is an edited version of the same fiction posted on my user, ShepherdMoons. So you may well have read this before!
Saturday 29th October 2005 17:49
Life After the Old
Did anyone else tell you, you had Harry pay for his tea twice?At the beginning of the time he went into Toms,and then as he was leaving.Hope you update soon as I think I read this chapter ages ago.
Friday 28th October 2005 18:22
Life After the Old

ooo... yay! so, with Harry tying his hair back, would that mean he's... grown it out? *shivers with image of older, long-haired Harry* hee hee.... Perhaps I shall draw it... Could I?

Please hurry and write more!

Friday 28th October 2005 18:29Life After the Old (Author Response)
You're perfectly welcome to draw it! I'm curious to see this drawing now....
Friday 28th October 2005 13:53
Life After the Old
well! certainly don't waste any time eh?  i think that this is your best chapter yet! good work!
Friday 28th October 2005 18:29Life After the Old (Author Response)
Thank you! Good to know my work is appreciated!