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Reviews For A Lost Generation by Fionnabhair

Monday 21st November 2005 00:08
A Lost Generation

Lots of good stuff in this chapter - I love all the little tidbits in Marlene's letter, eg development of the wolfsbane potion, the birth of Cedric!...

I also loved Lily's musings about what she thinks of James, and the portrayal of Peter's personality is interesting. It makes me want to ask how far you'll be taking this story - is it just a Hogwarts story, or will it follow them until the Potters' deaths?

Friday 2nd December 2005 05:54A Lost Generation (Author Response)
Sorry this response is so late - I have been without internet access for nearly two weeks now.  Anyway, I do intend to take the story all the way up to the final confrontation with Voldemoert, which should occur in Chapter Twenty (if I manage to follow my plan at all.)  And there will be many, many more 'blink and you'll miss 'em' cameos, if I have my way!
Connor Landon
Sunday 20th November 2005 21:04
A Lost Generation
I feel like cursing because the story ends, for now. Meh! This is definately one of my favorite Lily/James stories. Good work, update soon please!