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Reviews For Bewitched and Bewildered by Gowdie

Friday 21st September 2007 02:12
Bewitched and Bewildered
Hermione is so smart. Telling Harry he has to fight for the girl he loves is really what he needs to hear. Thank you for writing. I look forward to more of this story. p
Tuesday 31st October 2006 15:09
Bewitched and Bewildered
Harry's not doing to well, is he? Not a very bright idea with the card . 'Look, I kept the card you gave me' -- that should tell Ginny an awful lot, especially since he told her he thought the card was embarassing -- to keep an embarassing card is significant Ginny.
Wednesday 21st June 2006 11:02
Bewitched and Bewildered
I like this . . . some make them just get together somewhat automatically or try to create tension by having each dance around their feelings while its obvious their worry about how the other feels is just ridiculous. But you don't have the ridiculous hesitancy . . . just making Harry sweat
Thursday 25th May 2006 07:28
Bewitched and Bewildered
Man he's an idiot. A cute, bumbling idiot, but an idiot. Your characters in this are so EXCELLENT. Poor Ginny seemed a little not-herself...but I'm guessing that's a perfectly reasonable way to act when you're covered in blisters and feeling self-conscious...poor thing.
Sunday 18th June 2006 11:39Bewitched and Bewildered (Author Response)
Yeah, Ginny turned out a little differently than what I went with here. I wanted to try a story where she really truly HAD given up on the idea of him ever liking her, and moved on. And you're precisely right - I wanted to make her extra vulnerable for this moment, recently rejected and feeling terrbily ugly, for an even more guarded reaction.

Thrilled to hear you still like them - even though they turned out a little different in canon. Thank you!
Connor Landon
Wednesday 8th March 2006 16:42
Bewitched and Bewildered
LOL, man! I love how you do Hermione and Harry; i can't decide which i like more. They're awesome characters, incredibly close to the canon characters. And i felt hurt when Ginny nearly rejected Harry. Her words actually pierced me. You're doing great!!
Wednesday 15th March 2006 14:33Bewitched and Bewildered (Author Response)
Ohhhhh - the piercing. Sometimes I get one of those when I am reading someone else's story. It might be evil, but I like that I did it for you. Happy to hear you like Hermione and Harry - I loved writing them!
Wednesday 21st December 2005 07:44
Bewitched and Bewildered
So, I have read it ... makes you wonder, doesn't it? Oh, dear. At least I'm glad that you like my reviews better this time. - At SIYE?
Thursday 19th January 2006 11:17Bewitched and Bewildered (Author Response)
Sorry for the belated reply!  And you're right about the site.  I'm just glad you seem to like the story better this time.  Though, it was Chapter Six that I seem to recall you having issues with.  It's up now - maybe you'll like it better the second time around. 
Wednesday 21st December 2005 07:25
Bewitched and Bewildered
So, I have read it ... makes you wonder, doesn't it? Oh, dear. At least I'm glad that you like my reviews better this time. - At SIYE?
Tuesday 20th December 2005 08:06
Bewitched and Bewildered
Oh, I forgot. Is there a shorter version of this somewhere? I'm quite certain that I've read part of it before?
Tuesday 20th December 2005 19:30Bewitched and Bewildered (Author Response)

There is a completed version elsewhere.  And yes, you read it.  I was wondering if you were going to figure that out.  But the good news is you seem to be enjoying it a lot more this time around!    Thank you for all the reviews.  I should warn you though, last time you weren't fond of Chapter Six - but you came back around for the end. 

Tuesday 20th December 2005 08:05
Bewitched and Bewildered
Well, it's quite easy for Hermione, isn't it. But I feel for Harry, because it must have felt really horrible. He's an idot for his first attempt, but it requires guts to go down again and try to make up for it. Being turned down twice would have made me attempt harakiri .
Tuesday 20th December 2005 19:28Bewitched and Bewildered (Author Response)

Dude - once sends me into tail spin - right to the ice cream.  Harry, he is brave.  Much, much braver than I.  And it IS easy to give advice.  Another part of HBP I loved.  Hermione can totally nail other people's problems - but can't handle her own.  Loved the multiple exchanges between her and Harry that went, "Hermione, can't you just..."  "NO!" 

Thursday 15th December 2005 16:42
Bewitched and Bewildered
Fantastic job. This is going to be amusing, Harry woeing Ginny. Hilarious I can't wait to see what comes next!
Friday 16th December 2005 14:42Bewitched and Bewildered (Author Response)

Thank you!  I think it's amusing - I hope you enjoy it as well!

Wednesday 14th December 2005 23:42
Bewitched and Bewildered
Look, this is really naughty of me to admit, but I love this story so much that whenever you post a chapter here I read it and then, because I can't stand the suspense, I  hop on over to another site (*waves hand vaguely over there*) to read the rest of it, again - so I've read through the entire thing about 6 or 7 times already. Can't wait for it all to be finished here, though. I just love your Harry and he gives me the flutters every chapter. I love his little speech about why he kept the card... wonderful!
Thursday 15th December 2005 13:03Bewitched and Bewildered (Author Response)

Naughty?  I say delightful!  I love the idea of someone reading it over and over again. Which might mean I'm the naughty one.  But I can't help it - it makes me go Wheeeeee! 

I am committing myself to having an update to Bumbling for you, (*you know, over there*) by Christmas.  I am putting my betas on notice that they will get something from me this weekend.  Then you can start reading it over and over again here when it starts posting after holidays. 

Thank you!

Wednesday 14th December 2005 22:41
Bewitched and Bewildered
Poor Harry, he just can't seem to get it right. I liked the fact in HBP that Ginny never gave up on Harry but I feel that this is a little more realistic. It makes sense that Ginny wouldn't want to be hurt by him again. I can't wait to see him fight for her! Good job as always.
Thursday 15th December 2005 12:59Bewitched and Bewildered (Author Response)

It's funny - because this is really what I thought I wanted from the real thing, hence the writing it.  I wanted him to have to work for it, rather than it just be easy.  And Rowling gave that to us a bit by making him like her for months in silence.  And then I ended up loving her line about not giving up on him.  Possibly because it reads to me as, "And I'm not giving up now, either," setting up their happy ending. 

Thank you very much.  You will have your wish very soon.


Tuesday 13th December 2005 20:28
Bewitched and Bewildered
Tuesday 13th December 2005 21:56Bewitched and Bewildered (Author Response)
Thank you!
Tuesday 13th December 2005 18:12
Bewitched and Bewildered

*wince* Ouch. Poor Harry. And poor Ginny too, though probably more poor Harry. That was much too short! I need something longer to sustain me until the next chapter! ^^

So update. Now.


Chop, chop, I'm waiting.


Tuesday 13th December 2005 18:54Bewitched and Bewildered (Author Response)

I feel more sorry for Harry, because he is the one who just get stepped on.  But certainly feel sorry for Ginny too.  She's just been rejected, is horribly embarrassed - and is feeling very very ugly.  It's really not the time for the boy she crushed on for years - and then closed her heart to - to show up and annouce he likes her. 

I am happy to say the next three chapters are longer!  Yippie!  And they will go up as soon as my beta is finished with them - but it is exam time, so we both have to be patient.  Stupid school!

And thank you again!  I love people who stop in after each chapter to review!



Tuesday 13th December 2005 17:41
Bewitched and Bewildered
I think Harry should experiment with other girls first before deciding on Ginny. How does he know that its Ginny he wants to feel that with? Considering the lack of love in his upbringing, and his disatrous relationship with Cho, what does he know of love? Maybe hook him up with other girls, then, when he compares what he feels when he's with them and what he feels with Ginny, he can come to a decision if its love or not.
Tuesday 13th December 2005 18:48Bewitched and Bewildered (Author Response)

  Heh.  Sorry - not only are you not going to get that here, but it will never happen in any fic I ever write.  I can't do it.  Writing Harry with anyone else is practically physically impossible for me.  But if it's what you're looking for I can point you in the right direction.  LavenderBrown has written a few.  Also, I very much enjoyed Jenorama'a Reconnecting series.  They are both at Checkmated - and they are both NC17 for a lot of it, but what can you do. 

And I agree with you about his upbringing - he knows very little of love.  And I deal specifically with his lack of physical affection in chapter seven.  Where I was going with this was he is becomming aware of the fact that love/affection is horribly missing from his life and he is developing a longing for it.  How does he know it's Ginny - well, because she is the girl he is currently attracted to, so she is the one that fills that fantasy.

And considering how happy Harry was in HBP, and how he described their relationship, I don't think I'm that far off.  No it's not very realistic at all.  It's very romantic.  In life you don't fall in love with the woman you once watched run after a train when you were eleven - but you do in Potter - and it's a nice world to visit.

And Cho does fit into what you are describing - in that same innocent romantic vein.  Harry fell for Cho before he had even spoken to her - she was an ideal.  And it was when their relationship became real and emotionally complicated that it fell apart.  He didn't love the real Cho after all.  Whereas Ginny he falls for long after he knows her.  So he does learn the lesson you are speaking of, though perhaps not in a gritty realistic way. 

If I were writing my own work - I would totally agree with you, and even do it.  But in this nice little fantasy world Rowling created, the same rules don't necessarily apply.  Kind of the same way I am HORRIFIED at any 18 year old thinking about marriage - but in Potter it gets a pass.