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Reviews For Justice by Wild Magelet

Sunday 15th January 2006 23:40
Wonderful! Mrs Weasley is such a tease! And what is it about mothers and cooking? (My skills are probably on a par with Harry and Ginny's.) Ah, the clock - I could just imagine Ginny's face - first making the joke, and then contemplating the horrible possibility that it might actually be true. Or at least teasing Harry with it - he is so cute! And I also really enjoyed the first half - the mystery is shaping up very well and Seamus is a hoot! (NB No word swallowing required - as I very well knew!)
Wednesday 18th January 2006 15:16Justice (Author Response)

I know - my own mother occasionally hints at my cooking dinner, but she doesn't really make disparaging comments about my skills, or lack of. She could, however, since she's a fantastic cook and makes me feel completely inept in comparison. Although I guess that's really nothing to complain about, living with a fabulous cook!

I'm glad you like Seamus; I love him in the books. "baboon brandishing a stick" had me giggling for ages.

Tuesday 3rd January 2006 22:13

i really enjoyed reading this fic! a great companion to truth under fire and the ginny harry fluff was just awesome. i love the mystery and action vibes and really am curious as to who this o'clock killer might be, i'll be waiting for updates!

actually you introduced me to this site (inadvertantly i'm sure) as i was checking out your profile on why don't you post this story there as well?

Thursday 5th January 2006 00:58Justice (Author Response)
Thanks so much for taking the time to come over here and then comment.  And I'm so glad you found PhoenixSong, because it has some of the best Harry/Ginny fiction ever. I might post it on, yeah, I hadn't actually thought of it for some reason. Thanks again!
Tuesday 27th December 2005 22:10

 Hahaha. ROTF!!! Ahh, I can just see his eyes light up right at the end.  And oh my gosh, if I could hardly contain my mortification at the situation, I can only wonder what it felt like for them, lol.  No worries, I'm still entranced by what you've got here and am officially a dedicated fan; you've got my reviews forever (I guess you're stuck with me whether you like it or not! ).  Well done, WM!



Sunday 1st January 2006 00:44Justice (Author Response)
*Will be thrilled to be stuck with you as a reader* Hee.  So glad you're still enjoying it, and, yes, I feel the mortification too, lol. If that happened to me, I seriously wouldn't be able to face my parents for a year.
Tuesday 20th December 2005 10:44

The more I read of your writing, the more I start loving it. This has everything I like in a story: mystery, romance, 'grown-up' canonnical characters... I'm looking forward to reading the next chapter !

Saturday 24th December 2005 00:57Justice (Author Response)
So relieved you're enjoying it so far! I really appreciate your commenting. Hope to have the next chapter up before the New Year, although, as it's set on Christmas Day, it'll be a little off with the timing! :) Thanks for reading!
Sunday 18th December 2005 23:20
"To sleep, Harry."


on the floor LITERALLY

5 minutes of laughing

reminded me so much of my dog when she see's me walk anywhere by the treat cupboard and then pass by.
Monday 19th December 2005 02:27Justice (Author Response)
I recognise that look!  Thanks so much for reading!