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Reviews For Empty Womb, Empty Room by MagnoliaMama

Tuesday 4th March 2008 17:19
Empty Womb, Empty Room
oh my gosh! thats amazing, yet so sad. im actually crying!
Tuesday 4th March 2008 17:19
Empty Womb, Empty Room
oh my gosh! thats amazing, yet so sad. im actually crying!
Friday 26th October 2007 10:08
Empty Womb, Empty Room
wow!!! This must have been really hard to write and i think that you did a good job with it!!!
Monday 6th August 2007 09:03
Empty Womb, Empty Room
This story is exceotional. So beautifully written and so heart-breaking.
I've been in a similar situation, though I was the one who had children and watched while my sister tried and tried. She and her husband went through everything you have described above.
Congratulations on writing this. It isn't soppy and it isn't angst ridden, but honest and truthful. I feel so bad for your Ron and Hermione.
Tuesday 27th December 2005 00:50
Empty Womb, Empty Room
Very well done, as always. You never cease to amaze me. Bravo!
Wednesday 28th December 2005 08:14Empty Womb, Empty Room (Author Response)
Thank you so much!
Sunday 25th December 2005 11:10
Empty Womb, Empty Room
First let me say that this is well written. It would be easy for you to just play on the natural emotions that the subject matter stirs but you avoided that. The way you described the emotions of the characters drew me in to the point where felt helpless just reading and wanted to be able to reach out and do something. 

I look forward (?) to reading the second part.
Monday 26th December 2005 20:52Empty Womb, Empty Room (Author Response)
Thank you so much for your thoughtful review. It was absolutely essential I not let the emotions take control of the story, but it wasn't easy, I can tell you that. Part two, I can assure you, is not quite as heavy as this part, though I make no promises about a happy ending.
Mr Flibble
Saturday 24th December 2005 17:15
Empty Womb, Empty Room
depressing reading on christmas morning...

well written tho
Monday 26th December 2005 20:50Empty Womb, Empty Room (Author Response)
Well, it's not as though you weren't warned...  Thanks for reviewing!
Wild Magelet
Saturday 24th December 2005 00:54
Empty Womb, Empty Room

A close friend of my mother's has gone through a similar thing year in and year out, and I know it's heartbreaking for her and many women. My mother had two miscarriages; my grandmother gave birth to her first baby knowing that it was stillborn. This definitely struck a chord with me. I only hope it isn't something I have to experience first-hand. Wonderful job depicting the emotions of all involved. It's difficult but a positive thing, I think, that fanfiction is used as a forum for the more serious subjects in life.

Despite the sombreness of this, however, I'm going to wish a you a Happy Christmas anyway!

Monday 26th December 2005 20:49Empty Womb, Empty Room (Author Response)
Thank you for taking the time to write such a personal and heartfelt review. I've heard from many women (and a few men) who've faced similar struggles as Ron and Hermione do in this story, and all of them -- and now you as well -- have touched me deeply with the way they've felt compelled to open up about what is a profoundly personal issue. I'm so honored to hear that my story moved you.
A belated merry Christmas to you as well!
Friday 23rd December 2005 10:56
Empty Womb, Empty Room

So there will never be a baby? Never? Unless they want a 'defected' baby? Or a premature one?

Well that was very well written, despite the fact that it was very sad...

Monday 26th December 2005 20:47Empty Womb, Empty Room (Author Response)
You'll have to read the next part to see what happens. There are a variety of choices for couples faced with this sort of situation, and not all of them involve taking the sort of risks Hermione and Ron are faced with. Thanks for taking the time to review.
Thursday 22nd December 2005 20:33
Empty Womb, Empty Room
This is a really great story.  I have family of my own who have been through this situation and that pain can only be imagined.  You did a great job of exuding this part of real life through the HP venue.  It's interesting how messages can be conveyed today.

Peace be with you. And keep on writing.

Monday 26th December 2005 20:45Empty Womb, Empty Room (Author Response)
Oh wow, thank you for such a heartfelt review. I'm honored I was able to touch you in this way with my story.
Thursday 22nd December 2005 20:18
Empty Womb, Empty Room
This was a fantastic, gripping story about a miserable, miserable journey.  Thanks for sharing and for using your talent in such a therapeutic way.
Monday 26th December 2005 20:44Empty Womb, Empty Room (Author Response)
Thank you so much for such a kind and generous review.
Thursday 22nd December 2005 20:07
Empty Womb, Empty Room

That was great. Please keep writing.

Monday 26th December 2005 20:44Empty Womb, Empty Room (Author Response)
Thank you, I certainly intend to.
Thursday 22nd December 2005 20:06
Empty Womb, Empty Room

There are no words to describe this. I cried so hard and my heart still aches.  Your ability to capture that much sorrow is amazing and heart wrenching.

Monday 26th December 2005 20:44Empty Womb, Empty Room (Author Response)
Oh, I'm so sorry I made you cry.  I promise the next part won't be quite so hard to read.
Thursday 22nd December 2005 18:23
Empty Womb, Empty Room

I want to express through my tears just how incredibly moving your first chapter was.  It was so real that it actually leaves me aching inside.  It was true and painfully beautiful. Can't wait for the final chapter.

Monday 26th December 2005 20:42Empty Womb, Empty Room (Author Response)
Yikes. Thank you, but I'm sorry for causing you such distress. The next bit isn't quite so wrenching, I promise.
Thursday 22nd December 2005 15:10
Empty Womb, Empty Room
very powerful
Monday 26th December 2005 20:41Empty Womb, Empty Room (Author Response)
Thank you.
Thursday 22nd December 2005 12:33
Empty Womb, Empty Room
You definitely hit the nail on its head...  This is almost scary in its realism.  What's even scarier - the worst is yet to come.  Excellent piece of work.
Monday 26th December 2005 20:41Empty Womb, Empty Room (Author Response)
Thank you so much. Realism was what I was most interested in achieving, so thank you for the affirmation.
Thursday 22nd December 2005 10:36
Empty Womb, Empty Room
I am a weeping mess.  This is just amazing, MM -- thank you for sharing this heartwrenching look into Ron and Hermione's lives!
Monday 26th December 2005 20:40Empty Womb, Empty Room (Author Response)
Oh, dear.  I can't promise you a happy ending, but things will improve for them before all is said and done.