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Reviews For Roger and Lisa, A Romance by St Margarets

Friday 11th December 2009 19:23
Roger and Lisa, A Romance
I hadnt thought of how cool it would be just apperate where ever you want dinner. Magical folk are so lucky. I chuckled when Roger asked for a kissing contract. Silly man
Saturday 12th December 2009 03:41Roger and Lisa, A Romance (Author Response)
I know - how cool would it be to just zoom around and find a change of scenery? I would love to go to the Isles of Scily someday. They just sound beautiful.
Wednesday 5th September 2007 22:36
Roger and Lisa, A Romance
Now it's time for me to fall into a dreamless sleep because I've read more than I was suppose to tonight. Your fault, not mine.

Excellent chapter. You are the first fan fic author that got me to read something other than HG. I'm almost tempted to read your Lee Jordan's story.

I'll have to save the Aerie, mature version of course, chapter for tomorrow. I'm so looking forward to it. Now it's time for me to stumble into bed wondering why I never gave Roger and Lisa a chance when you first wrote it.

Thursday 6th September 2007 04:14Roger and Lisa, A Romance (Author Response)
LOL - a lot of people said that. I think now that H/G are "settled" in canon, some of the other ships and pairings can be appreciated. I'm glad I kept you reading since in hindsight I think the story starts out slow. Lots of twists in this one. Thanks for reading and letting me know what you think as you go. It's very instructive.
Gabriella Du Sult
Friday 3rd February 2006 08:21
Roger and Lisa, A Romance
What I really like about this chapter is how Ravenclaw they are. The repetition is good too. How Lisa repeats Rogers words before escaping to his flat, how he bets her about the cleaning charms.

Their conversations about divorce and fighting couples seemed odd at first, but I think it plays well with the other themes. I also like Lisa's thoughts about light (how strange that she hasn't yet made the connection to the locked room!).

Oh, and if I were Candace and Roger flooed me I'd be like "You were kissing the girl you wanted and you left....why exactly? Ravenclaws really ARE dumb."
Friday 3rd February 2006 09:31Roger and Lisa, A Romance (Author Response)
I had another reviewer that didn't like the fighting couples talk either - which I can understand, but unfortunately, I still don't know any other way to hint at Lisa's family life until the big blow up in chapter seven.

That's exactly what Candace told Roger! LOL

Because Lisa only knows about love from a "theory" PoV - she's not going to recognize it until she starts to experience it. And as you can see, that's going to be a long journey!

Thanks for reading! Smuff up next!
Wednesday 18th January 2006 11:12
Roger and Lisa, A Romance
*sits down in front of computer with supplies and waits for the next chapter*

*holds up bottled water*

*is prepared to wait for 48 hours straight*
Wednesday 18th January 2006 11:40Roger and Lisa, A Romance (Author Response)

LOL.  Pressure's on.  Sherry wants to work on a PG-13 version of the next chapter - it's going to be the "R" version at the Sugar Quill - and once we have that done, we'll put it up here.  I may be able to get Chapter five up at the Quill today - but Wednesdays are soo busy for me until after 9:00 - it just depends on when Madam Pince decides what time in the evening she's going to post stories.

You're a sweetie to be so patient.  LOL. 

Tuesday 17th January 2006 11:41
Roger and Lisa, A Romance

Shameless, fluff.  A cozy angora sweater-type of a chapter.  Darn, I'm out of chapters again.  I vote that Sherry take a leave of absence from work to finish beta-ing the lot.  I think it's worse knowing that the story is done, I'm more impatient.  lol.  And I check daily for updates.  arg. 

I like Lisa's independent streak.  Yes, she's vulnerable, which makes her nicely human.  But, thankfully, she doesn't seem to be the plotting/scheaming type of romantic female lead.  And I LOVE that Roger was so forthright with her.  A lack of mind games is a good thing.  *applause* 

Tuesday 17th January 2006 16:28Roger and Lisa, A Romance (Author Response)

LOL - you make me laugh.  I'm sure Sherry would be most happy to take that leave of absence and don't forget to send over the house-elf while you're at it!  Just so you know, Sherry has chapters five and six already beta'd.  She'll put up five on Wed or Thurs.  Fluff?  I'm just warming up - "romance" is in the title, you know.

I'm not very good at mind games myself, so I don't think I'll ever write characters with that ability.  Hmm. That's probably not a good thing to admit - since writers are supposed to be able to write all sorts of people.  Maybe I could, but I wouldn't want to spend any time with them.

Pirate Ginny
Monday 16th January 2006 12:42
Roger and Lisa, A Romance
Wow, what a lot happened.  Lots of good tingly moments, but all that divorce talk makes me nervous for our couple.  :biting nails:  I loved the light imagery of their kiss, and am curious how Lisa's research is going to change. 

I really love that the Lisa character isn't a reads-too-much-into-everything intellectual.  I especially love her ability to ponder through Roger's actions and come up with answers that are not angsty and self-loathing.  It's downright trope-breaking, and I love it.  :)
Monday 16th January 2006 14:58Roger and Lisa, A Romance (Author Response)

I'm glad Lisa's brand of "smarts" is coming across.  She has one of those minds that works without prejudice - not exactly detatched - but she is pretty much agenda-free most of the time.

The divorce talk is supposed to make you a little nervous! :)  But you know I only write happy endings - so you're "safe" with this story!

Monday 16th January 2006 09:29
Roger and Lisa, A Romance
I really liked this chapter. The apology was perfect. Many couples make up without getting every litttle nagging detail solved. I like that Roger and Lisa did that. It made it seem more real to me.

I have a feeling that Lisa's mom is responsible for a lot of Lisa's self-esteem problems. I think her home life had a big impact on her and that's why she is a quiet, shy person who keeps to herself and a few close friends. I can see Roger helping her out of her shell.
Monday 16th January 2006 09:47Roger and Lisa, A Romance (Author Response)

I'm glad you liked the make-up scene. These poor Ravenclaws just really want to be together - even though on paper they look like a mismatch.  Yes, you're right about Lisa and her childhood - she has a few wounds to heal.

Thanks for reading!

Monday 16th January 2006 09:20
Roger and Lisa, A Romance

*sigh* Wonderful. I love coming back to fanfiction after several busy days only to see three new chapters. I noticed the reference to midnight quidditch. I like how different Roger feels about Lisa. All the little details are just perfect as well. I look forward to learning more about the light in the DoM.

Monday 16th January 2006 09:45Roger and Lisa, A Romance (Author Response)
More about the light coming up!  And I'm glad that Roger's change of heart is already showing.  Thanks for reading - check back again at the end of the week, there should be another chapter or two up.
Monday 16th January 2006 08:03
Roger and Lisa, A Romance
Mary, you are a shameless fluff writer.  That wasn't angsty at all.  I almost dreaded opening the chapter, as so many authors would have had the two of them in knots for a few chapters.

Isn't it amazing what can be cleared up if people simply talk things out?

So, Lisa's parents fought a lot, but stuck it out all the same.  I like that.  But yes, what *does* Roger do on Sunday evenings?

And what of Richard?  Is he going to be a lifelong bachelor?  That isn't all bad, of course.  My kids have a bachelor uncle, and it is fun to have someone show up every now and then to spoil them.

But I do think you were a bit mean to Padma in this chapter.  I think she was sitting there in the wings all read to console Lisa and be proved right in her estimation of Roger's character.  But no, you, the mean author, kept her in the background.  And now you're going to turn her lose on Sunday... but what will the poor girl have to do?  Lisa has already made up with Roger.  Things are looking up. 

Actually, in all seriousness, I do find it a bit odd that Lisa is SUCH a loner.  She really didn't have any close friend to confide in over the past 3 difficult days?  Had her previous beau, and boss, really succeeded in isolating her that much?  Hmm, Hmm, Hmm.  I suspect you've something up your sleave there!

thanks for sharing,
Monday 16th January 2006 09:42Roger and Lisa, A Romance (Author Response)

Gee, I'd hate to leave any bachelors behind, Art! LOL.  You know how shameless fluff writers are, so you may see more than one ship launched in this story.

Yes, poor Padma, indeed.  Lisa knows better than to look for sympathy in that corner.  Like a Weasley would ever cut and run after a great kiss.  Padma would *not* get it.  You will be happy to see that Padma does get a lot of things and continues to be a wonderful friend to Lisa - but the female bonding comes later, though.

So, Lisa-the-loner.  It's partly me trying to keep this story as streamline as possible (after the very broad Lee Jordan story, I wanted to reign some of that in) and partly thematic in showing how Lisa's life changes radically in the course of this story.  The theme is love and of course, love connects you to all sorts of people in ways you never thought possible - so you'll see some of that as well.

Yes - there is angst in this story - but it's shared angst, if that makes any sense - the story is their romance - not the build-up to their romance.  So lots of fluff ahead. :)

Monday 16th January 2006 07:37
Roger and Lisa, A Romance
St. Margrets, oh how I adore you.

I really like the idea what Lisa flies to deal with her stress. It's a very un-Hermione like trait for a very Hermione-ish character.

The calm before the storm? With 14 chapters, I can't help but think this was simply the first storm of many.
Monday 16th January 2006 07:58Roger and Lisa, A Romance (Author Response)

Yes - more storms to come.  Lisa also cleans when she is stressed (cleaning the kitchen at the beginning) and you'll see some of that as well.  I thought that all Ravenclaws should love to fly what with the bird imagery! :)

Julia Too
Monday 16th January 2006 06:56
Roger and Lisa, A Romance
I'm in love with this story!
Monday 16th January 2006 07:58Roger and Lisa, A Romance (Author Response)
I'm glad! Thanks for reading!
Monday 16th January 2006 06:39
Roger and Lisa, A Romance
Lisa flying was new to me - but not bad way. Let's say, there's more to her than shows at first.
And, oh, the Scillys - I liked the idea of the magical islands that are invisible to us muggles. Although the ones we can see are quite beautiful, too, even if we can't fly there...
As for the rest of the story ... :-) (= very happy smile)
Monday 16th January 2006 06:45Roger and Lisa, A Romance (Author Response)

I wanted to put Lisa's love of flying into their conversation in chapter two, but I couldn't work it in.  In my mind I can see her on flying carpets going through the desert looking for magical sand.  :)  There's a lot more about her that Roger keeps discovering, but more about the way her mind works rather than any skills.  I thought that all Ravenclaws should love to fly. :)

Someday I'm going to go to the Isles of Scilly! I just drooled over them from the internet!   Thanks for reading!

Wild Magelet
Monday 16th January 2006 01:31
Roger and Lisa, A Romance
I'm so happy to see a new story from you, Margaret. Seriously. You have no idea. And a very intriguing couple this time! I'm loving it already and I never thought I'd be increasingly addicted to a fic about Roger Davies. Lisa is lovely and I'm already rooting for her. I'm almost certain that Roger's going to stuff this up somehow, but I'll give him the benefit of the doubt! He's an interesting character - dedicated bachelor, but I can see him being the type to get easily jealous himself. Looking forward to the rest of the journey! And I hope you're having a good new year so far.
Monday 16th January 2006 06:41Roger and Lisa, A Romance (Author Response)
I'm so glad you're reading!  I knew this pairing would be a tough sell, which is why I put them in the title - truth in advertising and all of that! :)  Yes - the path to happiness will not be a straight one for these two - but I think you'll come to like Roger very much - and yes, he *would* get jealous and not know what the heck that feeling was at first! LOL.  Poor, straight-forward Roger!
Sunday 15th January 2006 22:57
Roger and Lisa, A Romance
I love the dynamic you're building here--and, of course, the Eros and Psyche thing you've got going!

(Though it makes me worry about Roger's mom!)
Monday 16th January 2006 06:37Roger and Lisa, A Romance (Author Response)
I assigned the Aphrodite role to Lisa's mom so that the conflict would be internal rather than external.  It seemed more fiting for this genre that Lisa's lack of trust would come from her own demons rather than the stereotypical jealous mother-in-law.  The other theme of Eros and Psyche - that of immortality and love - will hopefully be revealed by the end.  Thanks for reading!
Sunday 15th January 2006 21:57
Roger and Lisa, A Romance
I will not admit to cheering aloud when I saw this fic at the top of the 'Latest Stories' list. Except that I just did. Not loudly and excessively, mind you, but still. You're my prime fluff fix, and between the mundane nature of my day-to-day at the moment, and the horrible things I keep doing to Harry, Ginny, and company in my own fiction...I sure need a fluff fix. And you've always done fluff better than anyone.

Still, despite the fluff, which is necessary :-), I think my favourite part of this chapter was Lisa flying on her broom. I like the idea of their being a law about flying only at midnight - the witching hour, when all the myths say you're supposed to see witches flying over the moon. And I like that she was able to blow off steam by flying solitary over long stretches. I've been known to walk or run through woods or vacant areas myself, for similar reasons. Not quite the speed of being on a broom, but I know the feeling.

I hope the next chapter is up soon! :)
Monday 16th January 2006 06:32Roger and Lisa, A Romance (Author Response)
I didn't realize that you angst and action/adventure writers need fluff, too! LOL.  Well, this was pseudo-fluff in the sense that there is more to come and better days ahead for our characters.  I worried that this chapter and the next are going to feel like the end of the story when it's really still the beginning.  You'll have to let me know if I'm still uping the dramatic/fluffy ante as we go along.  (One of the pitfalls of fluff)  Thanks as always for reading - and wouldn't we all like to take a few broom rides to clear our heads every now and then? :)
Sunday 15th January 2006 16:09
Roger and Lisa, A Romance
Okay, he made up for his exceedingly caddish behavior. Lisa is very sweet. I understand how she feels about the divorcing couple...I am one of those marriage and love should be forever people, even though my parents are divorced. Like Lisa, they argued constantly but my mom followed my dad wherever he went. Yes, your Lisa and I seem to have a lot in common.

I like the idea of flying after midnight. Lisa's Disapparation was just priceless, and Roger's apology was very nice indeed. So, how many cleaning charms does he know now? ;-)

Another excellent update. I can't wait for more!!

Sunday 15th January 2006 16:32Roger and Lisa, A Romance (Author Response)

Oh, I hate to hear that about your parents, Cassie - that's not an easy situation to grow up in - and that will affect Lisa in the chapters to come.  You'll have to tell me how I did with that thread of the story.  Hopefully your happy ending is the same as Lisa's! :)

I'm glad that Roger managed to redeem himself !  Thanks for reading!

Megan SQ
Sunday 15th January 2006 15:48
Roger and Lisa, A Romance
Umm, overall it was a credible episode, but the dialogue felt very staccato in most places, and I thought that a couple of times Roger's replies were rather non sequitur (the 2nd time he says “You still want to hear the answer?” after Lisa asks why he didn't apologize sooner; and when he asks why she wonders about couples fighting, since he'd already given her one answer and Lisa's question should have made perfect sense to him anyway, given the context).

Also, Lisa's questions are leading in the first part ("Was that the only reason?" [that he didn't sleep with the pub witch]; "What's the emotional response?" a.s.o.). It made her appear too needy and clingy.

So my overall impression is that while the way you handled their making up is believable, some of the details were off. Do take this in the way I intend it, as constructive criticism, not bitching. And of course, you're free to disagree with me. :-)
Sunday 15th January 2006 16:28Roger and Lisa, A Romance (Author Response)

It's funny - I don't disagree with you since you have outlined what I was actually going for.  I meant for the dialogue in the argument to be staccato - kind of a ping-ponging back and forth - since that's the way I "heard" them in my mind.  I once read the observation that arguements are all about the present moment because it is during these times that we're really paying attention to each other. (Hence some couple's addiction to arguing)  So Lisa pounces on the word "logical" and asks him what the opposite response would be - to me, that's how her mind works.  I also set it up that she's had three days to think this over and has worked through many scenarios in her mind.

 As far as Lisa being needy and clingy - well, she is - even though she's not sure if she should be.  No, it's not admirable to be so needy - but it's human.  Roger is just as bad in his own way - he doesn't want to tell her what he's been doing, which is why I kept having him plead to be left off the hook with the "are you sure you want to know the answer?"

The questions about the arguing - I was again trying to show Roger's wariness - they had just had an argument - now Lisa is bringing it up after their nice lunch together.  To me, it seemed natural that he would wonder why she was asking these things.

She does it again with the divorce question at the end.  There are lots of "wobbly bits" in this reconcilation and it's meant to feel that way.  They will not have an easy relationship for a while - even though their obvious desire for each other is the bridge that is connecting them right now. 

So - as long as it was believable that they would make up (but still have some things that are off ) is what I was going for.  As always, thanks for reading!


Lily Jane
Sunday 15th January 2006 15:01
Roger and Lisa, A Romance
Wonderful, that was. You made me cry, and that is great. Because I'm the emotional one, and I haven't cried since I don't even remember when. Dumbledore's funeral, I guess. Anyway,  when Roger was apologising, I cried almost like a baby and laughed at the same time. Those men... what could we do without them.

"They were surrounded by light, Lisa realized, from the bright sky above and from the shimmering reflections in the water below.   There was light in this kiss as well; light that entered her and moved her and dissolved her until she was liquid, molded into his arms." Has this light got something to do with the light in the Ministry? Should I read more carefully?

Oh, I simply love this story
Sunday 15th January 2006 16:05Roger and Lisa, A Romance (Author Response)
I think you're reading carefully! Yes - I was thinking of the same light as in the locked room.  I'm glad you're enjoying it.  Thanks for reading!
Sunday 15th January 2006 15:00
Roger and Lisa, A Romance

purrrrr--grin of contentment--long sigh.   That was lovely. 

Only one line confused me, “Then all my favorite haunts would be crowed."  Is this a use of crowed that is common in Canada?  I haven't heard it before.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for the lovely warm fuzzies.

Sunday 15th January 2006 16:04Roger and Lisa, A Romance (Author Response)
I left a "d" out - it should be crowded! LOL.  I believe that is editorial noise!  Sherry is going to fix it.  Glad you're purring! (Why don't we have a kitty icon?)  Thanks for reading!