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Reviews For The Butterbeer Effect by Incurable Romantic

Friday 17th October 2008 14:15
The Butterbeer Effect
cute cute cute x about a million

you got ginny bang on.

and harry was even better. can totally see him doing that! argh I feel Ginny's frustratation!

Monday 14th January 2008 04:09
The Butterbeer Effect
Aww bless.
Monday 8th October 2007 20:59
The Butterbeer Effect
not bad
Friday 29th June 2007 12:06
The Butterbeer Effect
arhh still in left in the dark. And both feel the same.
Monday 29th May 2006 00:06
The Butterbeer Effect
Ok...that was too cute. Seriously. I think that had an unhealthy amount of cuteness in it for so short a fic. It should come with a warning label. Maybe even from the Surgeon General. Get on that.


Really though, I loved should write more stories, you have an interesting, really nice writing style.
Thursday 6th October 2005 14:22
The Butterbeer Effect
Your stories are really cute. Have you written anything Post-HBP? I would read it!
Monday 3rd October 2005 16:21
The Butterbeer Effect
aww.. so short.. but perfect
Tuesday 8th June 2004 03:45
The Butterbeer Effect