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Reviews For Unexpected Encounters by Corey Lin

Saturday 28th January 2006 22:49
Unexpected Encounters
the beginning of something, or merely a sidestep

Oh, I hope it's 'the beginning of something'. A very intriguing story - may there be much more to come!
Wolf's Scream
Wednesday 25th January 2006 22:37
Unexpected Encounters
Oh, quite well done! You've definitely managed to make Dudders into a real person, rather than a pathetic caricature. I look forward to seeing where you take the story next!
Tuesday 24th January 2006 23:05
Unexpected Encounters
Another terrific chapter! I'm grinning just as much as Harry and Ginny because a healthy woman accompanied by her husband with an appointment at St. Mungo's can only mean one thing...the pair is soon to be a trio and the pair is not ready to share it with Dudley yet!

I'd love to be a fly on the Potters' bedroom wall after their dinner with Dudley. Harry's got to have an opinion or two on the subject and I'm sure Ginny's going to hear it. She may even have a few observations of her own.

I look forward to your next chapter. Please post again soon...every chapter is worth the wait, but I'm rather impatient!
Tuesday 24th January 2006 17:31
Unexpected Encounters
Great chapter, I'm gald to see this relationship between the two ... it's all too common that this would take place (especially amongst siblings that have grown apart) and I'm glad to see someone exploring it in words. Keep it up!
Tuesday 24th January 2006 16:24
Unexpected Encounters
I enjoyed this chapter a lot. I think it was very well conceived with the difficult give and take between Harry and Dudley. I also love the interaction between Harry and Ginny. Makes me wish this was also written from their perspectives.
Tuesday 24th January 2006 16:04
Unexpected Encounters
excellent chapter, this is a fab story, and very unique! I almost kind of sort of LIKE Dudley (haha, jokes, jokes)...anyways, I'm excited to see what the next chapter brings...
Tuesday 24th January 2006 12:25
Unexpected Encounters
A lovely continuation! I'm curious to see where you (and Dudley) take us!
Tuesday 24th January 2006 11:43
Unexpected Encounters
Great chapter! I wasn't hooked on the premise of this story at first, but the great writing has pulled me into it. Keep it coming!
J.R. Lewis
Tuesday 24th January 2006 10:02
Unexpected Encounters
For what it's worth, I'm enjoying this story a lot. Please continue... and if it's possible, a little less time between updates.
Tuesday 24th January 2006 06:17
Unexpected Encounters
I'm hoping to see more of this in the furtur. Thanks
Tuesday 24th January 2006 05:23
Unexpected Encounters
Great chapter! It's appropriate that Dudley didn't get to deliver his big apology at their first meeting. Harry needs time to process the changes in his cousin, just as Dudley had time to work out those changes.

So who was Ginny & Harry visiting at St. Mungo's?
Tuesday 24th January 2006 04:02
Unexpected Encounters
This is a very bright story!
It is good to read a different perspective of Dudley. No man should be condemned by their parent's sins.

Great and noble work!

Domain (A K A Dome 36)
Monday 23rd January 2006 22:33
Unexpected Encounters
I'm glad there is finally an update. I do hope that Harry and Dudley have a serious conversation about what happened during their childhood. I'm hoping that Dudley has a big blow up with his parents about how they treated him as a child, because they are partly to blame for the way Dudley had acted towards Harry. It is like what Dudley said parents are suppose to teach their children right from wrong and the Dursleys never did taught Dudley that he had to find out for himself. Hope you update soon. Sorry if this is too long

Monday 23rd January 2006 22:01
Unexpected Encounters
Great chapter! I like the fact that Dudley is having to be the suplicant in this relationship. I suspect it's helped him a lot, as you indicated in this chapter, to have a bit of a role-reversal going on. Once, Harry had to wish and hope and beg for any scrap of love or attention or nurturing, to say nothing of basic sustanance. Now, Dudley is the one watching anxiously for Harry in the hope that he'll talk to him or offer him a kind word.

I'm eagerly awaiting more! Thanks!
Monday 23rd January 2006 22:01
Unexpected Encounters
this is a very fun and interesting story. i cant really think of anything else to write at the moment, so i'll just leave it here.

update soon!!