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Reviews For The Favour by RinnaMarie

Friday 28th April 2006 05:50
The Favour
Ron's confusion makes so much sense, he may as well be a muggle at his first wedding!
Tuesday 24th January 2006 12:09
The Favour
Amusing story. It's fun to see Ron struggle. But why doesn't Ron know about bridesmaids? In HBP Fluer talks about Ginny & Gabrielle as being her bridesmaids.
Tuesday 24th January 2006 10:16
The Favour
Oh god, a "traditional" Scottish wedding... It's funny though, especially the hideous dresses.
Tuesday 24th January 2006 06:19
The Favour
Good story! I hope you update again soon.
Tuesday 24th January 2006 01:50
The Favour
Amusing, but not finished.