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Reviews For Through a Dark Mirror by Sorting Hat

Friday 10th February 2006 09:46
Through a Dark Mirror
This is a complicated story with an intricate plot. I can't wait to see how it unravels. keep up the good work!
Wednesday 1st February 2006 18:58
Through a Dark Mirror
Great job with this chapter! I liked the edginess between H & Double-H, but then they find common ground to meet in the middle. I have really enjoyed your swapping of characters and how they impact each universe. You spun a good ending to the chapter as well. The various emotions felt, scenes viewed and thoughts experienced gave that hurricane/vortex feeling that the portkey travel you've described.

I can't wait for the next installment!
XXXmister-E werepony unit
Wednesday 1st February 2006 13:53
Through a Dark Mirror
yay!cant wait for chappy six! this is gonna be good
Wednesday 1st February 2006 08:30
Through a Dark Mirror
So far, things haven't been too unclear, so I hope I'll understand the rest, too. I trust you to explain it properly!
This is still an intriguing story.
Wednesday 1st February 2006 05:24
Through a Dark Mirror
I'd say the first part was more confusing, I think you should name the multiple Harry's or have them choose nicknames, it's what I did in my multiple Harry fic. It makes things A LOT less confusing. Keep up the great work!

praesul femella
Tuesday 31st January 2006 20:06
Through a Dark Mirror
So Harry's back homoe now? Interesting chapter, I wonder why Harry's double didn't want to talk about Sirius. Poor Molly.
Tuesday 31st January 2006 21:27Through a Dark Mirror (Author Response)
Yes Harry is back home. No, this isn't the end of the story, for those who might want to know. NOW things are going to get a bit strange.

As to why Harry's double didn't want to discuss Sirius -- in that universe, Sirius is a death eater. He's done some horrible things which have hurt harry.

Thanks for reading