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Reviews For Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor by Hank

Sunday 31st December 2006 13:48
Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor
Aww. I love it. Nothing else to say
Sunday 8th October 2006 12:47
Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor
Ginny the tiger -- Rooaarrrrr
Snape's pretext for detention was so ... well ... Snapeish .
So the two ways of occlumency seem to reflect the two forks between which Harry must choose. But he's weaker at the 'clear your mind of all emotion' one and yet he's supposed to be stronger when he follows the other path. Hermione's telling of the prophecy to Dumbledore wasn't complete; she left out the choice to be made; I wonder if that's going to turn out significant
I hope Ginny and Harry (and maybe Ron and Hermione, too) do find the time to become Anamagi (and that it has a role in the plot) -- that could be so fun .
Monday 9th October 2006 09:44Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor (Author Response)
I would love to see Ginny as an animagus. I'm not sure what's going to happen with that one yet. I'll have to wait and see how the story develops.

One note - the two ways of Occlumancy are in no way connected to the new prophecy. Snape (in this story) is correct in that apathy is not the best choice for practicing Occlumancy. If anything happens to change the emotional front fueling the apathy, this could affect how powerful the Occlumancy defense is and undermine it. Also, you are depending on your emotional state to provide your defense. What if you are feeling (gasp!) happy or something horrible like that? It just won't do!
Sunday 27th August 2006 23:31
Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor
Sorry I did not see other post before I wrote mine. This is a great story and I look forward to updates. I hope your life goes well and is not to troubled. Thank you
Monday 28th August 2006 12:52Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor (Author Response)
Not a problem. I hope so, too. That way there will be more of Sword of Gryffindor! I love this story a lot and want to finish it before JKR comes out with Book 7.
Sunday 27th August 2006 23:23
Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor
I wonder if you have abandoned this story. It is very good.
Monday 28th August 2006 12:50Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor (Author Response)
Thanks for the kind words and no, the story has not been abandoned. Things in my personal life are preventing me from writing at the moment. I'm hoping to have an update available soon - the next chapter is almost done. I just need to find a few peaceful hours in which to finish it.
Friday 18th August 2006 16:31
Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor
This story is great. Harry is perfect, I mean I thought right away her would be heir of Gryffindor because of the fire lement. I am going to say, Hermione buggs me in this story! She practially betrayed Harry going to Dumbledore like that!!! Also, does Harry know Hermione and Ron are going out?

Please updae soon!
Tuesday 22nd August 2006 09:35Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor (Author Response)
Thanks for the review! Sorry for the lack of updates - reality is kicking my butt. Chapter 13 is in the works, but stalled at the moment. I've got two last scenes to write and I'm trying find some peace and quiet in which to write it.

Yeah - Hermione is a bit of a stinker in this story, but don't worry; she's going to make up for it later. I've got good (really good) plans for her. As far as Harry knowing what's going on between Ron and Hermione - he's a bit too consumed with his own problems to notice. This story (as originally conceived) took off directly from Order of the Phoenix and continues with the oppressive atmosphere for at least a while. I've got lots of neat plans - now if I can just find the time to write!

Thanks for reviewing!!!!!
Monday 24th April 2006 17:30
Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor

I didn't review after reading your story the first time, and for that I apologize.

I read it again today and have to say that this has become one of my favorites. I enjoy the way you have Ginny trying to figure out how she feels about Harry. Most stories it is Harry trying to figure things out with Ginny being the one who always knows she loves Harry. It is refreshing to see both stumbling along trying to figure out their feelings.

I can't wait for the next chapter. Great Job!
Tuesday 25th April 2006 12:10Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor (Author Response)
Thank you! Reviews like this make my day! I'm sorry for the delay in posting, but RL keeps taking potshots at me! I keep trying to duck at the right time, but it doesn't seem to be working. Let's hope I can get the next chapter up soon.

Thanks for letting me know you like how I'm handling Ginny. I LOVE feedback! It's the only way I know if I've hit the mark I'm aiming at. As far as the H/G goes, I was trying to see how I thought JKR would do it, but I also wanted to add multiple viewpoints to increase the breadth of the story. Ironically, while I bring Harry and Ginny together quickly and undramatically, JKR sort of did the opposite... Oh well. Win some, lose some. You're going to enjoy the next chapter. Harry and Ginny are going to come much closer, although the point where their relationship gets cemented is still a bit further down the line. That will be dramatic, although the cementing will be rather anticlimactic. You'll see when we get there.

Thanks for the review!!!!
Tuesday 28th February 2006 06:42
Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor
I really thought you were on target with the apathy defense. I'm not used to seeing a device used for so many chapters and then discarded. You're full of surprises.

Hermione went against Harry's wishes which is okay, but she also went behind his back. She was too caught up in Ron to think clearly. Harry should be pissed.

Wonderful chapter.
Tuesday 28th February 2006 13:15Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor (Author Response)
Thanks for the kind words and for continuing to review! Hermione is a stinker, but wait until you see what she's set up by taking this to Dumbledore! Wait - I probably shouldn't say anything since it will take until chapter 16 and I don't even have 13 wrapped up yet. Oh well, be patient; I'm working on it. Now if I can just find some time...

As far as the apathy goes, Harry's going to have to master Occlumency the old fashioned way. I've got some plans for that and it's going to be fun. Harry and Snape are going to start practicing in class and it's going to make Hermione's head spin, especially since Harry won't be able to tell her what he and Snape are doing. Snape is also going to teach Harry Legilimency (as promised) and that will add to the mix. And of course, Harry's penalty for failure will continue to be detention...
Sunday 12th February 2006 12:05
Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor
What a fantastic chapter. I'm so glad that Harry can defend himself, somewhat, against Occulemency. I was dissapointed when Harry didn't have to master it in the 6th book just because Voldemort was blocking his mind against Harry, what would happen if he decided to stop for a second.

I love how Ginny would be a tiger if she could, really cute. I think that describes her personality marvelously. I also like that Harry would be a phoenix, I always thought that Harry should become that or a gryffin. Some magical creature of course.

That was so hilarious. Harry's conversation with Snape. About how McGonagall threatened to fail everyone, where I don't see that happening, I couldn't help but burst with happiness for Minnie sticking up for Harry. Those Gryffindor's, always keeping their words. I loved it. Brilliant.

I also liked how Hermione went and told Dumbledore the prophesy, good idea. Initially when I read the sixth book I was kind of mad at Dumbledore, but when I re-read it for the third time two weeks ago, I realize that I love Dumbledore immensley. I'm crushed that he died, and he was so so sweet to Harry, Harry definitely needs to open up to Dumblydore more.

Brilliant job as always! I can't wait to read the next chapter. This story is amazing!
Monday 13th February 2006 09:27Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor (Author Response)
Gillie - thanks for the detailed review! I'm happy to see that you like how things are going over! In this story, things will heal between Harry and Dumbledore. It will just be a while in coming. I believe it's going to begin around chapter 17 or so and if you like the way this chapter went, I think you'll like the way that chapter will go. Just be warned, there is some darkness ahead!

There will be more fun with McGonagall and Snape, too, and I really like the idea of Ginny being able to turn into a tiger. What a way to shut Fred, George, and Ron up! Sorry that it took so long in between postings. I'll try and have chapter 13 up a little bit quicker. Chapter 14 will be easy - it's almost completely written already! Thanks for continuing to review!
Friday 10th February 2006 04:21
Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor
Great chapter, almost forgot about this wonderful story. Keep up the great work!

Friday 10th February 2006 07:19Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor (Author Response)
Thanks for the compliment and for continuing to review. Things have been a bit rough lately. I am in the process of trying to speed up my posting. Now if reality will just leave me alone for a little while...
Thursday 9th February 2006 16:04
Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor
Hee, I liked the ending here. I can't believe I was hoping for play time with Ginny and I got Occlumency with Snape. Urgh! For this story, I like the idea of using Apathy to block Snape, even if it is sad, although post-HBP, I think I like the idea that he simply can't do it at all, lol.

I CANNOT believe Hermione! I'm so annoyed with her. I can't believe she betrayed Harry's trust that way, even if she did think she was doing the right thing. He trusts so few people completely, and she just thoroughly destroyed that. I was literally clenching my fists as I read it.
Friday 10th February 2006 07:33Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor (Author Response)
Hey Melinda! Glad to see you're still enjoying the story. My thoughts behind the Occulmency thing is that Harry has never really had a reason to hide anything. His life, what little there is of it, has always been an open book. He had nothing to hide simply because the Dursleys had given him so little to start with. There's just no point in it (sort of pathetic, isn't it?), hence the apathy and the really bad depression over the summer. I sort of like the irony that Harry has finally found a way to master Occlumency and he can't use it!
As far as Hermione goes, that's just Hermione. They've been through this before with the Firebolt and I don't really think Harry will hold it against her. Perhaps on a subconscious level, Harry even wants to tell Dumbledore, but can't bring himself to. There's still too much anger. Be patient with me, chapters 16, 17, and a yet to be numbered chapter are going to clear this all up. I'll try to post faster, but I can't make any promises. RL has been difficult lately.
Oops - almost forgot. Chapter 14 is going to be almost exclusively H/G, although it's going to be more angst than fluff. Stay tuned! Any your breakdown is scheduled for chapter 16!