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Reviews For Harry Potter and the Story in the Runes by IHateSnakes

Monday 31st July 2006 16:36
Harry Potter and the Story in the Runes
So Hermione is working with Rune -- so she'll find the Story in the Runes, then! How appropriate to call Percy "Stinky" ; now what role does he have to play, living incognito?
Thursday 27th July 2006 22:37
Harry Potter and the Story in the Runes
Why is Percy sleeping next to graves? And awww, Ginny loves Harry.
Surplus Imagination
Tuesday 28th February 2006 14:29
Harry Potter and the Story in the Runes
Very interesting build-up. I'm very much enjoying your well-written story. I never expected the vagrant to be Percy. Nice surprise. I also like the 'Stinky' nickname.

Thanks for the story!
Tuesday 28th February 2006 15:43Harry Potter and the Story in the Runes (Author Response)
Thank you for the comments, I'm glad you are enjoying the story. S.