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Reviews For A Pensieve Affair by Imogen

Thursday 14th December 2006 20:38
A Pensieve Affair
Wow. That was a great memory.
Wednesday 12th April 2006 06:20
A Pensieve Affair
This story is so cool! I get all this neato back story and all that jazz...

Ok, I can completely picture Professor Snape's face...and it's priceless. PRICELESS I SAY! Brilliant beyond belief...and very funny.

Oh, and I love the title. Clever...has anyone caught where it's from yet? Ah well, Draco Dormiens Nunquam Tittilandus!
Thursday 13th April 2006 06:51A Pensieve Affair (Author Response)
It's definitely an interesting way of telling a story - kind of like flashbacks, but not, because the present is still there as well.

Snape wasn't a happy bunny about all of that. Matthew was lucky to get off as lightly as he did!
Friday 3rd March 2006 12:50
A Pensieve Affair
That was funny! Perhaps they are yours, sir... Matthew's lucky he and Snape were alone, otherwise no telling how much detention he'd have gotten. Imagine if he would have said that in front of the whole class!

I like how you are writing this - giving us a teaser and ending the story just as they are off to another memory. It makes the end of each chapter a cliffie and keeps me looking forward to the next one.

Poor Hope - taking a Flint to the Ball. What was she thinking?! Well, I'm looking forward to the next update! Great job!

Saturday 4th March 2006 03:31A Pensieve Affair (Author Response)
LOL You're going to see *just* what Hope sees in Julius Flint next chapter, but it's brought out a lot more in the PS and SQ version of chapter 8. Hopefully all will be revealed there.

I quite like the mini-cliffies as well; just enough, but not bad enough to have you tearing your hair out. We've got a couple of those later *insert evil grin here*
Friday 3rd March 2006 03:52
A Pensieve Affair
well, that encounter with snape was funny
Saturday 4th March 2006 03:29A Pensieve Affair (Author Response)
LOL Snape didn't think so. Matthew is mortally embarrassed bu=y it now, but Hope finds it hilarious!

Glad you enjoyed it.
Thursday 2nd March 2006 20:45
A Pensieve Affair
OH, (insert witty but harmless expletive here)!
This one memory per chapter pace is driving me mad.
Incredibly fun, mind you, with delicious depth of character, but maddeningly short just the same.

I'll have to take up Tai Chi or meditative Yoga to deal with the strain.

Saturday 4th March 2006 03:29A Pensieve Affair (Author Response)
Your reviews always make me laugh! A lovely way to start a morning We've got 4 more memories to do before the fic really starts focusing on the present. I had to torment them a bit, and embarrassing moments are definitely the way forward. Somehow I don't think Hope's going to let Matthew forget this particular memory!

Glad to hear you're enjoying the torment
Thursday 2nd March 2006 15:17
A Pensieve Affair
Great chapter, im loving all the snippets we're getting from Hope's time at Hogwarts while we wait for the next chapter in her story. Keep up the great work and update soon!

Saturday 4th March 2006 03:26A Pensieve Affair (Author Response)
I think we've got another four memories to do: two of them are during Hogwarts and two of them are post-Hogwarts, but then the story really starts to spin off from there. Thanks for letting me know you're enjoying. The next chapter is on its way in the next day or two.
Thursday 2nd March 2006 15:10
A Pensieve Affair
hhahaa - I looove it. funny funny funny! Please update asap!!! You wrote that perfectly - I like Matthew more with every chapter. Your Snape is great too - very believable. The dialogue is really good - funny and flows well...I can't wait to read more......!
Saturday 4th March 2006 03:24A Pensieve Affair (Author Response)
Oh, good! I'm so glad you like Matthew.. He's a lot of fun to write, as is Snape (who has to be my favourite ever JKR character). I've just got chapter 6 back from my betas, so it'll either be Sunday or Monday for posting, depending on how time goes across the weekend.