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Reviews For The Seventh Horcrux by Melindaleo

Monday 2nd January 2012 13:55
The Seventh Horcrux
Excellently written, quite emotional. Congrats
Thursday 28th February 2008 13:33
The Seventh Horcrux
huh that was interesting... i can see precy dying....
i can see malfoy walking around like he owns the place lol
i think something bad might end up happening at godrics hollow....
Wednesday 31st October 2007 13:46
The Seventh Horcrux
I know I'm late coming to this story, but kind of glad I can read it straight through without waiting for chapters.

I like your take on the secret keepers.

Excellent work.
Saturday 6th October 2007 11:29
The Seventh Horcrux
in the 6th book it says he had no anger towards Malfoy but you contrdict that by saying Malfoy, the one who'd plotted Dumbledore's death all last year
Saturday 6th October 2007 11:59The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response)
Ahh, but forgive doesn't have to mean forget. Malfoy did plot against Dumbledore for an entire year.
Friday 20th July 2007 13:01
The Seventh Horcrux
"Do you have to do that?"

"Most definately."

You tell him, Harry! Wonderful!
Tuesday 16th January 2007 11:54
The Seventh Horcrux
This was a great chapter I can't wait to finish the story! If you read your reviews can you point me in the direction of some more fanfiction on this site that you think is good! Thank you!
Monday 20th November 2006 13:58
The Seventh Horcrux
Good chapter. It leaves a lot of hanging questions.
Tuesday 22nd August 2006 13:18
The Seventh Horcrux
I really can't believe they're housing Draco and Narcissa! Couldn't they put a fidelus charm on another house somewhere and hold them there? Someone better watch Kreature closely around those two. And what about Snape? He may have been trying to help Narcissa and Draco but he's still with Voldemort and still killed Dumbledore and he knows where the headquarters is. I really wish Harry had told someone even if it was the house elf with orders not to reveal where he went unless he didn't return by a certain time.
Tuesday 8th August 2006 13:25
The Seventh Horcrux
This was another fun chapter. You've got a lot going on covering all the facets of the storyline, and I rather enjoyed the exciting, and in many cases unexpected, twists.

First you resolved the battle, and I thought it came out quite well. I like how you pumped up the drama but didn't let things get out of control. It gives a strong warning of what's out there, but it still leaves you room to make the action much more harrowing as you get deeper into the story.

That Ron and Hermione missed the battle because Ron was busy fighting Krum was just hilarious. I knew that Victor's presence was going to be a source of tension at some point, and you can through beautifully. You've still got Ron perfectly in character: insecure, caught up in certain wizarding-world stereotypes, and crazy where Hermione is concerned. You illustrate all of that so well in one off-camera scene, which epitomizes all the romantic tension you've built into this so far.

The more interesting byproduct of that, though, is that Harry had to stand alone in the battle. Given the way HBP ended I didn't see that coming, but it worked well in context and it sets the stage for Harry to go off to Godrics Hollow on his own. With that and his rejections of help from Fudge and Lupin it seems you're setting Harry up to be more and more independant, but what implications that's going to have for the rest of the story I can't figure out yet.

But the coup de grace in this chapter has to be the Malfoys turning up at Grimmauld Place. Talk about unwelcome guests! Other than inviting in Snape (who himself seems bound to end up helping Harry at some point based on the nice hint you dropped here) the Order would have been hard pressed to do anything Harry's is going to appreciate less. I can't wait until Harry and Malfoy actually run into each other in the story. Now that should be an interesting moment!

Anyway, I think I've rambled quite enough. Thanks for another nice chapter!

Wednesday 9th August 2006 11:38The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response)
Thanks! I'm glad you're still enjoying it for the most part. I really do wonder what will become of Malfoy in book 7 - the possibilities are just too much fun to ignore. I'll admit, I'm not usually a fan of the little ferret, but I've been enjoying writing him very much in this story.
Sunday 30th July 2006 10:47
The Seventh Horcrux
Well, so far I'm at chap. 5. Thirteen more chapters to go before I catch up. This was great, you picked out Harry's reaction to Draco and Narcissa. I loved the dementor sequence. Wonderful writing, it's always so smooth and flows easily. Keep up the great work, I'm off to read the next one!
Tuesday 25th July 2006 07:47
The Seventh Horcrux
And I thought they were hiding Snape himself. So why did V. not order Snape's dead, too? After all, he helped the Malfoys.
Thursday 29th June 2006 09:43
The Seventh Horcrux
Another great chapter, even overlooking the secret keeper thing. I like how this is going, I will keep reading and reviewing, soon. Trying to get them all done today but keep getting countless interruptions.. kids. Anyway, i loved the chapter. I did wonder if they were protecting Malfoy, very well done.
Monday 12th June 2006 19:13
The Seventh Horcrux
Eww. Malfoy. AND Narcissa? That is nasty. And I wonder how Harry is going to work out Ginny into the horcrux plan.
Friday 9th June 2006 14:31
The Seventh Horcrux
What is going on with Aunt Muriel's Tiara? Is that the piece from Ravenclaw?? Keep up the good work!
Friday 5th May 2006 12:39
The Seventh Horcrux
Ooh and the plot thickens...

The writing, as always, is fantastic and the twist of the Malfoy's being at Grimmauld Place was a good one.
Spark Soliton
Monday 1st May 2006 03:32
The Seventh Horcrux
My aplogies for this VERY belated review - I've been working far too hard lately and haven't had the energy to surf at all. But with a well-earned vacation this week I'll get back on track on with things.

I loved this chapter - a wonderful mix of excitement and adventure ( the strengthening of the wards) blended with bitter realities ( The Malfoy's staying because their information is required ).

The strengthening of the wards was a really impressive piece of writing and I really enjoyed how you pictured Harry as he thought of the good things he remembered about The Burrow.

The interaction between Ginny and Harry is very well depicted and I laughed so much when it was revealed that Jean-Lucifer's hitting on Ginny was all a ruse to get Harry so jealous that he'd forget his stupid nobility and take Ginny back! Laughed even more when I realised that it had worked as well!!!

The conversation with Moody was brilliant as well - who ever would have thought that grizzled death-defying Moody would be intimidated by Molly?

The other highlight was of course Harry's reaction to the knowing who the secret guests were , noone quite sulks as Harry!!!

This chapter I felt in many ways was a stepping stone, Ginny and Harry are back together but neither is sure of how this fits in with the greater plan - I look forward to the next chapter!

Oh, and the best line of the story? The one that almost made me spatter coffee all over my keyboard? This one:

"Mum is so grateful to Harry right now that we could have been shagging, and she would have allowed it," Ginny replied dismissively.

Brilliant writing, thanks for sharing this with us!
Billie Bowtrunckle
Saturday 22nd April 2006 08:56
The Seventh Horcrux
There are some really wonderful, heart-wrenching things in this chapter, but I especially loved Harry's memory of Molly washing and darning his socks with the rest of the Weasley childerns' and the fact that he feels the need to keep his promise to Dumbledore as a way to stay connencted to him.

I think your characterization of Harry is slightly more emotional than HBP Harry (or perhaps it's the fact that you have already allowed him to recognize some of his feelings for Ginny), and I much prefer it.

Your portrayal of Ron and Hermione's relationship is spot-on. I love the irrational quality your Ron has when confronted with anything Vicky-related! It's so appropriate!

I find a couple of things worrying: Arthur's Unbreakable Vow, Snape's whereabouts, the fact that Ron and Hermione were so easily distracted with each other's well being (which is reasonable considering they're finally on their way to getting "together" after all these years in agonzing limbo) that they momentarily forgot about Harry.

I think they will forever be loyal friends and they love Harry very much, but there comes a time when choices have to be made and instinct reigns (like during a *hehem* battle). I sense some tough decisions for Ron and Hermione in the future and can see some potentially lovely angst-ridden moments with their conflicting priorities *grins hopefully*. Which will win out - the love of a best friend OR the love of a partner? I think Harry is going to need someone whose thoughts are singularly centered on him. I am a firm believer that the hero needs to be saved in the end!

Thanks so much for a great chapter *rushes off to go write* LOVE IT!
Monday 10th April 2006 18:53
The Seventh Horcrux
oOo, intruige!

I'm interested to see how the role of Snape plays out in this story. He could go any of a myriad of different ways and they would all be believable and within character. This is really good stuff, I love how Harry is growing and coming into adulthood. I can't wait to read more!

Again, just so glad you're writing this story.
Wednesday 12th April 2006 11:50The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response)
Thanks! I'm glad you're enjoying it. Which way do you think Snape is going in canon? I don't want to say which way he's going in this story because I'd like to keep the mystery for awhile. I will say, however, that I think my canon opinion of him is opposite to the way I'm writing him. As my beloved Forrest Gump says, "That's all I'm going to say about that."
Monday 10th April 2006 17:51
The Seventh Horcrux
great chapter!! i'm glad ron and hermione are ok! i kinda suspected that one of the mystery guests was draco...

keep up the good work!

Wednesday 12th April 2006 11:48The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response)
Did you? Yeah, several people did. I can't believe how much fun I'm having with Malfoy in this story, lol. You'll get your first real glimpse of him in chapter 7.
Monday 10th April 2006 12:54
The Seventh Horcrux
Another cool chapter! I love the twist with Draco and Narcissa at the end. I was expecting Snape instead! And what is waiting for us at Godric's Hollow? Post soon!

I trying to figure out where to start on this - everything was so well done from the fight at the Burrow to the continuation of the party at Grimmauld Place. That was so Fleur! All of the characterizations were spot on and I loved all of the dialog. Excellent, excellent work. Now where is the emoticon that turns green with envy... Thanks for sharing!
Wednesday 12th April 2006 11:47The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response)
Aww, thanks so much! I'm glad you enjoyed it. Nope, no Snape yet, but you will see him. Next chapter is all Godric's Hollow.

I'm glad you liked Fleur. I could just picture her insisting that her wedding would run its course, lol.
Monday 10th April 2006 12:51
The Seventh Horcrux
Wonderful chapter as always, I loved what Harry had to do to strengthen the wards, that part was really well done. I also loved how Harry took charge and demanded to know what was going on in his house. Keep up the wonderful work and update soon! My enter key is broken argh. -Jake
Wednesday 12th April 2006 11:45The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response)
Thanks! Yeah, Harry isn't a kid anymore, so I think it's time he started taking his place among the adults - with occasional burst of teen hormones, of course
Monday 10th April 2006 01:02
The Seventh Horcrux
I am enjoying the story so far. A bit angsty for my taste, but very good.

Interesting idea to have Bill and Harry working together to strengthen the wards. I enjoyed that piece.

Malferret at Grimmauld. Wonders will never cease.

Thanks for sharing your story.

Monday 10th April 2006 05:34The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response)
Uh oh, and here I was thinking this is my least ansgty story to date. Gulp - you might find the next chapter a bit hard to take then,

Malfoy will appear in chapter 7.
Sunday 9th April 2006 23:48
The Seventh Horcrux
Great chapter. I especially liked how you incorporated emotion into the wards guarding the Burrow and how that led to Harry using his power ("the ability to love") to strengthen the wards. Really good stuff .
You've also given me loads to think about, with magic detection, Godric's Hollow, and the Malfoy's. You're doing a great job with this story!
Monday 10th April 2006 05:33The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response)
Aww, thanks! I'm glad I've got you considering, anyway. The Malfoys will definitely make their presence known, but not in the next chapter - that's all Godric's Hollow.
Sunday 9th April 2006 23:17
The Seventh Horcrux
Love how this is going so far!!!
Monday 10th April 2006 05:31The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response)
Thanks! I'm glad to hear it.
Sunday 9th April 2006 17:48
The Seventh Horcrux
As always, great chapter - thanks for continuing! I was a little suprised at Ron's Patronus ... would have thought something larger, but that's why I'm not the writer! Any clues as to why you chose that animal? Thanks agia!n!
Sunday 9th April 2006 18:19The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response)
Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it. Uhm, as to the Jack Russell - I chose it because that's what JKR said it was, lol. I think it fits very well for Ron - super loyal and over exuberant - don't you?
Sunday 9th April 2006 14:28
The Seventh Horcrux
Really enjoyed the scene between Harry and Moody. You sent me back to HBP ("The Cave")--very cool how you used that one little sentence to set up this conversation with Moody.
Sunday 9th April 2006 18:18The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response)
Thanks! I'm so glad it took you back there. That's exactly what I'd hoped to do, so thanks for saying that.
Sunday 9th April 2006 07:27
The Seventh Horcrux
Great chapter.
I liked the idea of Harry getting help from Moody without him knowing exactly what it's about. Harry does need some tips from a professional, after all...
Sunday 9th April 2006 18:17The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response)
Thanks! Moody gets to play several times in this fic. I even have a little romance planned for him
Saturday 8th April 2006 22:02
The Seventh Horcrux
awe the good ole weasleys!!! I love how much teasing harry gets in your stories,, it makes me happy lol.

but any way yet again great chapter you and myth & legend are keeping me occupied with AWESOME stories and i must say it makes fridays even better!!!

SO yeah! awesome chapter and i cant wait for next week!
Sunday 9th April 2006 06:58The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response)
Hee,thanks! I like when the Weasleys tease Harry, too - it makes him feel like one of them.

I'm also a HUGE fan of MythandLegends new story. I can't wait until Marlow is reavealed. I think we all suspect who he is at this point
Saturday 8th April 2006 20:56
The Seventh Horcrux
What a wonderful chapter! I had a nice little lump in my throat as Harry recalled all those wonderful memories up on the hill. It's amazing what has transpired in Harry's life in canon in regard to his feelings about family and it's all down to the Weasley Family: your succinct summation of all the events in the six books show just how much this family has come to mean to our favorite character.

I certainly would have loved to be Harry waking up with my head in Ginny's lap. Such close proximity to the one you love is so calming and relaxing that it was the perfect way for him to awaken after the ordeal at the Burrow. I loved the Ginny/Ron brother/sister banter and the fact that Ron and Hermione made up after Ron jumped to conclusions.

Of all the fics I've read since HBP came out, you're the first I've seen to explore the possiblity that Draco and Narcissa are being helped by the Order. One just naturally assumes that Draco and Snape went straight to Voldemort to tell of Dumbledore's death or some equally dark denizen, but you've made me ponder on the possibility that I might be entirely wrong in regard to where Draco went after he Dissapparated just beyond the Hogwarts gates. I love Harry's reaction; he's matured a lot in a short period of time and is confronting the situation much more maturely than Ron is. I admire your Harry even more for his adult-like behavior. I just wish he'd taken Ginny along with him to Godric's Hollow...

Looking forward to your next installment. ~A~
Sunday 9th April 2006 06:56The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response)
You always leave such nice long, detailed reviews. I really appreciate that. As for Harry slipping away to Godric's Hollow - that's something I really can see him doing. It'll be an emotional moment for him, and he tends to try and keep those private. I'll give fair warning that the next chapter is heavy on angst, but I promise it won't go on an on.
Ima Quidditch Fan
Saturday 8th April 2006 16:23
The Seventh Horcrux
Howdy! OK, I know that I have reviewed you on other sites, but heh, Ima Fan. I did have to comment on the following however, as I am a HUGE H/G fan - St. Margaret's can attest to this.

From Melindaleo:
Hello, and thanks for your review on the Seventh Horcrux.

I don't want to give too much away, but the one thing I will guarantee
is that there will be absolutely nothing remotely resembling a D/G
match. Ick! Ick! Ick! I'd have to start complusively washing my hands if
I were to write that, lol.

Fawkes would have to gouge out my eyes if I were to read it.
Saturday 8th April 2006 19:49The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response)
Hee. Good, then it will a mutually beneficial story for both of us
Saturday 8th April 2006 14:37
The Seventh Horcrux
great fall! really unattended .... ! as you can see, you're not the only one who loves exclamation marks! oops....
Saturday 8th April 2006 19:49The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response)
Hee. Good, I'm glad to see a fellow exclamation mark addictee, lol.
Saturday 8th April 2006 13:14
The Seventh Horcrux
Great Chapter!! I love that Ron's patronus is a Jack Russell Terrier - it is so good for him. He's such a tenacious friend & when he gets an idea, he doesn't let go - just like a Jack does!

You definetly nailed their reactions correctly in finding out about Draco. I'm going to look forward to when they meet - you know that has to happen!!!!!! Betcha - 10 -1 that Draco can't keep his trap shut!!!!!

Looking forward to what Harry will find at Godric's Hollow. This is a great adventure & I'm loving every word of it!
Saturday 8th April 2006 13:35The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response)
Well, I can't take credit for Ron's Patronus, that came from the JKR interview, but I agree - it's perfect for him. As for Draco...I don't think I'd take that bet, I'd most likely lose.
Saturday 8th April 2006 11:36
The Seventh Horcrux
Great chappy, as usual. I really liked the idea of love for the burrow and it's residents fueling the wards. Very clever. I think you wrote Harry's and co's reactions to the Malfoy's very well. Very interesting... I'm curious to see where you'll take this. Can't wait for the next chapter - Harry and Godrics Hollow. Should be a good one. :-D

Saturday 8th April 2006 13:33The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response)
Thanks! I was wondering about your penname. Are you a niffler at Fiction Alley, or is it just in reference to the magical creatures. I think a niffler would be a rather cool pet, lol
Saturday 8th April 2006 11:08
The Seventh Horcrux
Absolutely amazing chapter!! I never expected Draco and Narcissa be the ones they were hiding!! I thought it was going to be an OC or something!And I so love the way you're developping the plot, and the ideas you have going, and the twists and turns you make us take... brilliant!
Saturday 8th April 2006 13:32The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response)
Thanks so much! I'm really pleased that you're enjoying the story so far. Get ready though, the next chapter is a doozy.
Saturday 8th April 2006 10:53
The Seventh Horcrux
Don't we just love when our Harry takes charge of things as he did at the Burrow? I loved reading how Harry's love for the Burrow, the Weasleys, and Ginny gave the wards their power to repeal the Death Eaters and Dementors. Great example of the Harry's power of love.

And I also am enjoying the more physical displays of love between Harry and Ginny. I laughed at Ginny's bold comments about snogging and etc. and Harry's shocked reaction to them. I always pictured Ginny, with her fiesty personality, as the one who would push Harry into more of the physical "demonstrations of affection." In my mind, Harry, the noble young man that he was, would worry about doing the "right" thing. So, if your Harry needs a push in that direction, all I have to say is that I hope Ginny pushes hard.

And I had a inkling that the mysterious guest was Draco. Didn't think of Narcissa, but that does make sense, considering Dumbledore had offered to protect them at the end of HBP.

I have to tell you that I so enjoy reading your stories. You don't just write a story, you weave a tapestry in words that is a joy to read. Thanks. Can't wait for that angst filled Chapter 6. No one does angst as well as you. I'll make sure the Kleenex box is close by when I read it.
Saturday 8th April 2006 13:31The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response)
You're right, and DD's words about protecting Narcissa, Draco and even Lucius will come into play later.

I'm so glad you're enjoying the story so far. I agree completely that Ginny would be far more comfortable than Harry with the physical side of a relationship. I mean, before her - he had one snog with Cho and several hugs from Mrs. Weasley and Herione, but that's about the extent of it. Still, I had the impression from HBP that both of them are passionate people
Saturday 8th April 2006 10:30
The Seventh Horcrux
Great story, Mel, keep up the good work. S.
Saturday 8th April 2006 13:25The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response)
Thanks! I'm glad you're enjoying it.
Saturday 8th April 2006 08:52
The Seventh Horcrux
Wow, a very exciting and eventful chapter! Can't wait for the next one!
Saturday 8th April 2006 10:30The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response)
Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Wolf's Scream
Saturday 8th April 2006 08:37
The Seventh Horcrux
I enjoyed reading this chapter quite a bit.

As a big brother for a bit over half a century,
I feel qualified to state that Charlie's comment
to Harry (in response to Harry's slurred "She
said I was magnificent") was a classic "big
brother" type of thing to say.... :-)

Among the excellent characterizations, Moody's
stands out -- very nice. :-)
Saturday 8th April 2006 10:29The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response)
Hee, thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it. After killing Charlie the last time, I find myself highly protective of him this time around. I'm THRILLED you like Moody. I find him difficut to capture correctly, so, yay!
Saturday 8th April 2006 06:54
The Seventh Horcrux
Lovely chapter to a wonderful story.

Minor glitch: entirely –

As to the persistence of the Fidelius charm, I think your version is to be preferred. The immature part of me thinks that JKR dribbles out these little bits of new canon to drive the fan-fiction writers mad. Using a straight-forward interpretation of what JKR said, after the present knowers of the secret of Grimmauld Place die, the place would be hidden forever and no-one else may disclose the secret. Perhaps Bill could break the charm - but I'll leave that to another to set straight.

Keep writing, I'll keep reading.

Saturday 8th April 2006 07:54The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response)
Thanks! I'm glad you're enjoying it. I feel like I should give you fair warning about the next chapter, however. Remember, I'm an angst lover, and although I think this story is far less angsty than Curse, the next chapter is heavy with the stuff.

I lol at the image you put in my head of JKR rubbing her hands together gleefully and plotting little wrenches to throw at the fanfic writers. Ha! Too funny! Immature or not, it made me giggle.
Saturday 8th April 2006 05:16
The Seventh Horcrux
I'm with Harry on the Malfoys although I'm sure you'll make sure they're treated ... er... fairly.

Roll on the next update!
Saturday 8th April 2006 07:50The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response)
Hee, thanks! Don't worry, Harry and Malfoy will have thier confrontations. I can't believe that I'm saying this - me, of all people - but I've been having fun with Malfoy in this story.
Saturday 8th April 2006 04:21
The Seventh Horcrux

ooo...that was good- liking the emotions to strengthen the wards bit- and harry and ginny of course!! plus, ron and vicky- cracks me up!

can't wait for the next chapter, godric's hollow should be an adventure!
Saturday 8th April 2006 07:49The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response)
Thanks! The next chapter is heavy on the angst, so I'm glad you enjoyed the humor in this one