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Reviews For ...Something for the Weekend by Majick

Thursday 2nd October 2008 15:32
...Something for the Weekend
Friday 26th October 2007 13:12
...Something for the Weekend
lol I liked rons pov... now i wonder what ginny has to say....

Sunday 29th July 2007 10:13
...Something for the Weekend
I suppose I can accept that explanation for where Harry's money is.

But I have another problem...the Holyhead Harpies??? Viktor must have made history as the first male member of an all girl Quidditch team!!! You should've picked something like the Appelby Arrows, or something. Look through your Quidditch through the ages for another team that accepts men!
Sunday 7th May 2006 00:57
...Something for the Weekend
Interesting... Let's see what else you have in store for us...
Thursday 13th April 2006 19:51
...Something for the Weekend
Really good story so far. I admit that I was wondering about where Harry's money had gone, but I'm glad that I took the time to read all 3 chapters before reviewing.

I like how the characters behave toward one another, it's very funny. And your characterization is very good as well.

Hope to see another update soon, and keep up the good work!
Thursday 13th April 2006 14:48
...Something for the Weekend
I saw part three up when I popped on the site today and was thrilled.

The voices of each primary character per chapter really comes through. This is very entertaining and well told story. I love the little details the characteres fill in for us.

I am anxiously awaiting part 4 which I assume will be Ginny's Tale
Wednesday 12th April 2006 12:01
...Something for the Weekend
Love your burning-everything-down-from-nervousness Ron. And I like how Hermione handles him.
Wednesday 12th April 2006 09:41
...Something for the Weekend
omg wow, not bad at all...but i must say, eveything at the end went so fast...but very nice, cant wait till the next chapter!