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Reviews For Après La Vie by Adeline Avin

Sunday 3rd February 2008 10:19
Après La Vie
I wonder who DF is... draco?? tginny decieved them??
why? how? did she even or was it a misunderstanding...?
Sunday 1st October 2006 22:24
Après La Vie
I can't wait to read more!
Tuesday 25th July 2006 21:04
Après La Vie
What happened 10 years ago. And I wonder who D.F. is.
Tuesday 25th July 2006 12:44
Après La Vie
Enjoying this story so far. I want to know what happend all those years ago. Suspense is one thing, but try not to drag it out. Not knowing what happened is leaving holes in the story and the characters motives and reactions. If it continues for the next few chapters It might become very frustrating to read.
Tuesday 18th April 2006 17:20
Après La Vie
It seems odd to me that Ginny would be higher up in the Aurors than Harry. Also a bit difficult for Harry to infiltrate Death Eaters camps since he's so recognizable. The concept is very interesting though so I can't wait to see where this is leading. The "babies" seem really irritating, odd that they should be aurors. Loved it!