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Reviews For ...Something for the Weekend by Majick

Wednesday 8th August 2012 15:37
...Something for the Weekend
It was very good. I wish I was that creative I give it 9 out of 10
Friday 26th August 2011 21:16
...Something for the Weekend
I love it! especially Ginny's ;D
Monday 5th April 2010 15:09
...Something for the Weekend
Great work!
Tuesday 11th August 2009 21:05
...Something for the Weekend
And that's why I love Fred and George! They are just awesome, and so was this story! Nice work
Monday 29th June 2009 22:36
...Something for the Weekend
Ginny's part was very touching, and the whole story was full of very funny lines. And who knew Fred and George were romantics underneath it all?
Wednesday 4th February 2009 17:22
...Something for the Weekend

Great Story.
Thursday 2nd October 2008 15:39
...Something for the Weekend
hahaha nice story
Tuesday 12th February 2008 07:25
...Something for the Weekend
Oh, it's nearing valentine's day and this was recc'ed by samathacr from live journal. is my OTP and I would say Ginny's is the most romantic and the best of the four's POV. A lovely, well written story!
Wednesday 28th November 2007 16:02
...Something for the Weekend
loved the ginny chapter best, hemione was a bit to fast for me. but I really liked the way how 4 people told a story progressing over time.
Sunday 18th November 2007 22:30
...Something for the Weekend
I love how the twins have pretty much set up the foundation of all their little plans but aren't actually in the story aside of being mentioned. This is wonderful.
Friday 26th October 2007 13:41
...Something for the Weekend
well, who would have thought that fredand george would actually help out and not prank them... lol
thanks for writting this! it was a joy to read

Friday 26th October 2007 02:19
...Something for the Weekend
What a fun story to read. I loved it! I always enjoy reading stuff from everyone's pov. And loads of fun reading about Fred and George. I just love them.
Saturday 13th October 2007 23:55
...Something for the Weekend
Hi Majick, I really enjoyed your story! Telling it from all the different points of view was great, and I didn't expect where Harry and Ginny ended up! Please keep writing - especailly Ron- Hermione fluff/romance, that's my favourite!
Saturday 1st September 2007 09:13
...Something for the Weekend
An excellent story! I've been sitting here with the BIGGEST GRIN on my face while I read it.

I really liked you having Fred & George end up with Angelina and Alicia. I also liked how both Harry & Ron ended up as professional Quidditch players. (Shows Ron really has managed to sort out his self-confidence issues. Especially when it came to comparing himself to Viktor and having a good appreciation of his own fine qualities.)

I also greatly enjoyed how well you captured how Ron, Harry, Hermione, & Ginny each think. Good examples (prepare for some run-on sentences): How Harry would want to make his & Ginny's special night wonderful, but how he may need a push in the right direction when his first plan wouldn't work out, leaving him a little clueless about a back-up location. How Hermione would be able to see through Harry trying to hint at her & Ron giving up the flat for the weekend, and how much she loves and appreciates Ron, even though he still makes her crazy at times. How Ron would do all that he could to make their special night SO romantic and feel disappointed if things went wrong (until Hermione could remind him that things could still go *right*). How Ginny can see past Harry's being introverted and modest to how much love and thoughtfulness he feels for those her, as well as the rest of his adopted family.

You really captured the characters and the way each of their mind works perfectly. I hope you keep writing more stories.
Monday 6th August 2007 03:56
...Something for the Weekend
great veiw on how it should be written. A++++
Thursday 2nd August 2007 22:05
...Something for the Weekend
it really didnt need an r rating there was nothing really bad about it
Sunday 29th July 2007 10:23
...Something for the Weekend
I really hate pointing out all of the inconsistencies because it is a really great story and the characterization is just spot on, but wouldn't Harry, Hermione and Ron have had the same seventh year as Ginny? I imagine Ginny's a good student, but well, surely Hermione would've been Head girl?

Ah well. I think it was brilliant otherwise and a very good read.
Sunday 17th June 2007 00:25
...Something for the Weekend
Lillie Ann Potter
Tuesday 13th February 2007 09:25
...Something for the Weekend
HA! I love it! This story totally ROCKS! J.K. ROCKS! YOU ROCK! ROCK ON MAN!!
Wild Magelet
Wednesday 9th August 2006 23:01
...Something for the Weekend
Gorgeous fic. And although I'm fully biased because I love the H/G ship so much and take R/Hr for granted, I agree with Ginny. Harry is very sweet and she's very lucky. I'm just going to go off and be jealous now. Of the relationships and of the writing.
Friday 21st April 2006 14:45
...Something for the Weekend
I love your tales in four parts. As always, great work!!
Friday 21st April 2006 14:24
...Something for the Weekend
I love your tales in four parts. As always, great work!!
Wednesday 19th April 2006 22:02
...Something for the Weekend
Delightful. I love the bit about how Harry flew up to her room the night after the first Voldemort attack and just held her, how she'd 'never felt as safe as that night'. Very nice, thank you!
Wednesday 19th April 2006 07:32
...Something for the Weekend
Very cute! I'm glad Harry was able to surprise Ginny.
Tuesday 18th April 2006 23:09
...Something for the Weekend
Absoluely brilliant. Absolutely wonderfully brilliant!!I really enjoyed this, and this last chapter really got me. Especially when you started describing the romantic gestures Harry did. Absolutely amazing fic!
Tuesday 18th April 2006 16:48
...Something for the Weekend
Oh, bravo! I liked Ginny's tale the best, and how she's the one to really know Harry. He is the intovert to Ron's extrovert - nice line. I have to admit, I was really happy to see the return of Harry's money in this one, too I loved the single rose through a thunderstorm, too. Sigh. Nice.
Tuesday 18th April 2006 15:36
...Something for the Weekend
Just wanted to leave a little note that I quite enjoyed this story. Each chapter showed how each of the group was feeling. Although I must say that Ginny's story was my favorite one! I hope you continue writing - you have a wonderful talent!!
Tuesday 18th April 2006 14:00
...Something for the Weekend
Thank you for writing such a fantastic story! Ginny's part was definately the best, and well placed as the last installment. I loved how you wrote about the things that Ginny knew about but the others didn't. The single red rose in the storm was a nice touch!
Tuesday 18th April 2006 11:46
...Something for the Weekend
I loved each chapter and each POV to this story.

You did an amazing job.

This chapter actually had me tear up (ina good way of course) with the sentiment of it all.

Really and excellent story!!!
Tuesday 18th April 2006 02:24
...Something for the Weekend
Thank you Fred & George for not messing it up!