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Reviews For Justice by Wild Magelet

Monday 24th April 2006 17:41
You can imagine my delight when, stopping by PS on a procrastinating whim, I realized that one of my favorite authors had posted FIVE WHOLE CHAPTERS of a post-Hogwarts story without my noticing! Of course I've read them all and am blown away - as always - by your work.

My de-lurkifying is really a huge compliment to your amazing writing, as its about time I let you know just how much I've loved your stories since I discovered them a year or so ago. My standards for fanfiction are getting increasingly high, and it's all too often that I discard a perfectly decent story just because the characterizations are a little off.

That's why I love your work - all of it, the fluff and the more juicy plot-driven stuff - the characterizations are just DEAD on, the writing is spectacular, the plot is intelligent, the dialogue is believable and witty. Your Harry and Ginny especially are just about the best Harry and Ginny I've seen in fandom - you should be quite proud of them!

This piece in particular I think is one of your best. I love Fleur with her enviable pregnancies and her 7 children. I love that Harry and Ginny eat takeout on the floor. I love Ron eager for presents, and I love that Harry gave Ginny the "My Sweetheart" necklace as a funny gift. It's the small details, the wonderful characterizations, everything that adds up to a piece of writing that just seems so effortlessly GOOD.

Sorry about all this, this review is huge! Think of it as a year's pent-up praise . Thanks again for sharing your talents with us, and I'm really looking forward to the next installment of Justice!

Tuesday 25th April 2006 04:31Justice (Author Response)

After a lot of self-pity (and snacking) while trying to get a grip on a frustrating uni assignment today, lol, this completely cheered me up! Thank you for one of the nicest, and most encouraging, responses I've ever had to anything I've written. I've noticed that I'm getting very picky with what I read, too, and I'm so happy that you think the characterisations are okay so far. That's something that can always throw me out of a fic, even if it's just one line that sounds completely wrong, so I try to watch the dialogue, but it's obviously difficult when you're working with someone else's characters and I'm sure I've been guilty many times of completely unbelievable conversations!

This is my first try at a multi-chapter fic in the HP fandom, so I'm still really worried about it. My procrastinating nature is really better suited to one-shots, I think! Thank you again for the support, though; I very much appreciate it. And I hope the chapters to come don't disappoint!

-- Laura / Wild Magelet
Saturday 22nd April 2006 23:58
That was so worth the wait! Thank you for such classy work. I can't begin to tell you how much I loved this chapter - childish Ron, blushing Harry, feeble Hermione ! So much love and laughter and Arthur's sweetness *sniff*, makes me want to beg them to adopt me into the family. I love your originality - giving Ginny a brand new engagement ring, rather than the cliched Potter heirloom; acknowledging Percy so sensitively; Tonks not having children because of her condition, not Remus's. Oh, and Fleur insisting on seven children - that was delightful! The Veela Death Glare! And Elizabeth and David are so perfectly described. I just love this whole thing. My favourite line of all, though ...
see all this? Your mum and dad's love is going to live on for centuries. It might live on forever. Isn't that something?

Oh! But of course the best line was Ginny's ...
"Voila - the real reason Fleur stopped going to birthing class. The other mothers tried to smother her with their pregnancy pillows."
Monday 24th April 2006 05:51Justice (Author Response)
It's been an embarrassingly long time since I got stuck into writing this, but I want to get the next chapter written this week. I plead university work and admit to laziness! Thank you so much for your review - I always appreciate your comments so much. You have a knack for being encouraging when I really need it!
Friday 21st April 2006 14:10
Looks like you hate alarm clocks, too? I can feel for Ginny...
And poor Ron... There, there. Did the baby get his presents at last? Hm? *strokes his head*
I admit I couldn't at first remember who Elizabeth and David were, but... The conversation between Tonks and Ginny not only was a great read; it recapitulated perfectly everything that happened before.
Great job, again!
Monday 24th April 2006 05:48Justice (Author Response)
I know. Eep. It's been way too long since I got stuck into writing this. I have a brief break between uni assignments this week, though, so I want to get going on fun writing again! And yes, definitely not a fan of being woken up early! Thank you so much for reading - I really appreciate your support and your reviews always make me smile.
Thursday 20th April 2006 17:34
well this is getting rather exciting isn't it!! it must have been ages since the last update cos i had to recap some of the last chapter to remember what was happening (or maybe i just read too many fics!)!!!!

loved this chapter though, h/g time, ron being ron, some tonks background, christmas, a birth and a nice rounding of angst at the end- perfecto!!

looking forward to chapter 6
Monday 24th April 2006 05:46Justice (Author Response)
It has been ages - way too long. *hides* I've got a couple of days break between university assignments at the end of this week, though, so I want to get stuck into some more fun writing. I can barely remember what's happened in the latest chapters myself!

I'm so glad that you enjoyed it, and thank you so much for sticking with the story. I really appreciate your reading and commenting!