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Reviews For Switched by cryslin

Friday 21st July 2006 09:22
Cute scene with and , but i don't quite get it. How would kissing in 's body answer both questions. I would think it would lead Harry to surmise she likes the form. Also, Harry asked at least three question, more than "both" would sufice for. Further, I don't think Harry knows that Ginny would not kiss in a million years. Otherwise he wouldn't be wondering about the "physical form of me"
Monday 22nd May 2006 17:44
i love it. i can't wait for the rest.
Thursday 11th May 2006 14:50
Brilliant job. How weird this must be for Ginny to be constantly looking at Malfoy but liking Harry. I'm glad she's able to look past this minor down side. Haha now Malfoy knows what its like to have someone kissing his body. Touche. Loved it, I'm so glad Harry worked up the nerve to send her the note. I really enjoyed this chapter the characters are all written very well. Brilliant job!
Wednesday 10th May 2006 22:09
And thank you for being so patient with me. Looks like things you're in very capable hands with Arnel at your side. I'm so pleased!

What a fun, well rounded chapter. Little romance, little intrigue, lots of fun. Good Work.