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Reviews For The Frog Prince of Slytherin by St Margarets

Wednesday 29th April 2009 18:38
The Frog Prince of Slytherin
Wow. I bet that wasn't at all how he wanted it to go huh? *imitates Peeves* Notty luurves Loony!! (lmao!)

PAINT WARS!! Lmao. Where? In my future bedroom! My dad and I were having this arguement on where I wanted my colors (dark blue and bright green ^_^) on the walls and he splashed me with blue paint, so, I drew a green strip down his arm haha! From there is sort of went bonkers haha.
That's my tale that I just had to share ^_^
Amazing chapter, as per usual!
Sunday 17th September 2006 09:13
The Frog Prince of Slytherin
Poor, confused Theodore, but he is gaining confidence. The hair growth charm seem to not have worked, but I guess you have a surprise up your sleeve. Taking a kiss felt oh so wrong, getting one was right even if it didn't last long enough. The sweetest part though, is when he contemplates whether he really is happy when Luna is happy, or not. Absolutely adoring and perfect for this Frog Prince who really doesn't want to be dragged into the hate and destruction of his father and his mates.

I've got a new ship to support. Thank you! Luna/Theodore is just too sweet.

Big hugs, Berte
Sunday 17th September 2006 11:16The Frog Prince of Slytherin (Author Response)
Ah yes, there's always more up my sleeve. Yes, the wrong kiss. Poor Theodore, I'm terribly hard on him in this story.

I'm glad you like this ship. They both show up later in New Zealand Chronicles. (I like my world building - LOL) Thanks for reading!
Wednesday 2nd August 2006 12:32
The Frog Prince of Slytherin
I have to say that Luna has me scratching my head in this one. I suppose if I had ever read The Frog Prince I would understand... but over all I'm bewildered. It's funny though watching Theodore running through hoops for Luna.
Wednesday 2nd August 2006 16:02The Frog Prince of Slytherin (Author Response)
The princess keeps rejecting the Frog Prince in the story - so I had to have sweet Luna do that in some way (and for a good reason). And of course, the theme of the Frog Prince is transformation, which is what happens to Theodore by the end.
Sunday 18th June 2006 18:06
The Frog Prince of Slytherin
wonderful work, as usual. I love the way Luna's able to get her message through without actually saying what she means to, and how Nott understands it. Well done! I look forward to your update!
Monday 19th June 2006 08:34The Frog Prince of Slytherin (Author Response)
The last part is up! I 'm glad you liked their ability to communicate. Luna does make sense - you just have to work at it! Thanks for reading!
Sunday 18th June 2006 18:01
The Frog Prince of Slytherin
wonderful work, as usual. I love the way Luna's able to get her message through without actually saying what she means to, and how Nott understands it. Well done! I look forward to your update!
Thursday 15th June 2006 17:32
The Frog Prince of Slytherin
Ohhhhhhh why didn't the charm work!!!!!!! :'( But this wasd an absolutely wonderful chapter!!! It's not the end is it!?!?! It can't be!! Not now that you have me hooked on these two!!!! Well... with your characterisations of course. I don't know if I would like any other writer's Theodore/Luna becaus eyou just write so wonderfully and uniquelly well, especially in terms of characters that it would be hard to compare!!! Anyways, I can't wait for an update!! Brilliant!
Thursday 15th June 2006 17:41The Frog Prince of Slytherin (Author Response)
The concluding chapter should be up on Sunday or Monday - depending on Sherry's schedule. You're right - I don't know how any other Theodore/Luna would work because I completely made him up! LOL. I'm sure another author would find endearing qualities in him - and that Luna is a dear girl is canon, of course!

Thanks for reading!
Thursday 15th June 2006 15:06
The Frog Prince of Slytherin
I read this chapter yesterday, but was unable to leave a review at that time. So, I came back and gave myself a little treat by reading it again. One of the things that I so love about your story is how Theodore appreciates the things about Luna that usually make other people shun her. The fact that he was disturbed when she was dressed like the other Hogwarts' girls but enjoyed when she was wearing one of her necklaces, just shows how much he "gets" her. He cares about her, making sure that she is eating and wanting to know about her mother, all shows us just a good side of him. And his desire to get his hair to grow longer because of what she said brought a tear to my eye.

One of the things that has impressed me about your story is how you have taken Luna's impromptu remarks about creatures and used that as a common interest between the two of them. He doesn't react as most everyone else does since he has such knowledge about magical creatures. This is just another way he appreciates her as no one else has. I love the conversations those comments start.

As always, can't wait for the 4th installment. I will be sad when this story ends. I have enjoyed it immensely!
Thursday 15th June 2006 16:58The Frog Prince of Slytherin (Author Response)
One of the things I had to think through about Luna's romantic interest would be what he would appreciate about her and why. Magical creatures seemed to be one area that was very "masculine" but certainly overlapped with Luna's interests. I would never pair Luna with someone who just tolerated her ways (like Neville, for instance), I think she deserves a bit more . . . Hopefully you'll like what "more" is in the last part! Thanks so much for reading!
Thursday 15th June 2006 08:29
The Frog Prince of Slytherin
As always, I find your Luna so enchantingly realistic. I really admire her and the fact that she sees everything as it is and seems to be converting the world over to the light side one Slytherin at a time. I love how Theodore is slowly seeing Luna for who and what she is and that he's making an effort to please her; the fact that he takes the time to consider what she says seriously is a very telling thing. I'm just sorry that the hairgrowth charm hasn't worked yet! I'm really looking forward to the next chapter.
Thursday 15th June 2006 09:50The Frog Prince of Slytherin (Author Response)
I'm glad you noticed that progression of Theodore's. I kind of collapsed Harry's journey of appreciation for Luna into three days for Theodore. And I didn't make him as skeptical as Harry since I figured someone raised in the magical world would recognize what she was talking about more readily than Harry ever would.

Luna needs/deserves respect as well as love! Thanks for reading! The final part should be up by the end of the weekend.
Thursday 15th June 2006 05:26
The Frog Prince of Slytherin
oooh . . . what's the charm going to do? You certainly got Luna perfect in this chapter - i can just picture her, the in-house joke, doing all her homework at once!

That's adorable. Thanks for another good read.

Thursday 15th June 2006 06:29The Frog Prince of Slytherin (Author Response)
I'm guessing that Luna is really smart - but does everything out of order and not at all like any other student. Thanks for reading!
Thursday 15th June 2006 00:50
The Frog Prince of Slytherin
St. Margarets,

As usual, you're weaving another immensely enjoyable tale. It's actually quite interesting to see you explore a tone of voice that is definitely not typical of your writing, in the biting, dark, flat tone of Theodore Nott as narrator. Sometimes it comes across a little too flat and unexpressive, but it works for this story. It makes for a particularly good contrast with Luna's gently eccentric nature, I think.

I'm particularly intrigued by a few things so far - for one, the "transformation" that you're having Nott experience. I wasn't sure what to expect when you called this fic "the frog prince", but now I see what you're doing - that you're having Luna transform Theodore from within, drawing out those good things inside him and making him into something more than he was. And I really like that - it's unexpected, clever and fun to watch. I guess I'm used to the story being about how the girl comes to appreciate the frog for who he is and see past the fact that he's a frog, and be able to muster the courage to kiss something icky and gross, a la "Beauty and the Beast" - the transformation isn't so much of the frog but of the girl. You've reversed that here, where the "frog" being transformed isn't in Theodore's looks but in his mind, and I think it works magnificently.

I also like another twist that you take, that of telling this story not from the frog kisser's perspective but from the frog's itself. I suppose it's an act of necessity, given that a story from Luna's, er, unique perspective would be unreadable in a postmodern way (can we say Ulysses?), but it's still a neat way to turn the old story on its head, and force us to really examine Theodore's transformation from frog to prince.

And so far I also really like the way you're handling Luna. She's more metaphor and plot device in canon than a true character - and you do a good job fleshing her out and giving us a Luna who is not merely spacey but loving and timid and gentle. The idea of Luna freezing like a deer when confronted with danger or anger was unexpected, but it goes a long way towards explaining why Luna behaves the way she does. Maybe it's not completely canon Luna, but it puts some flesh on her bones and makes her more human and more understandable. And of course, I'm loving (and being totally puzzled by) Luna's continuing wish that Theodore had more hair. LOL, what on earth is going on there?

Anyway, keep up the good work! Looking forward to the finale...

PS - I should add that I was totally thrilled by the cameo appearance of our favorite redhead witch in Part II. You just do Ginny *so* well, St. Margarets!
Thursday 15th June 2006 06:27The Frog Prince of Slytherin (Author Response)
Hey you! I'm so happy you're reading this little story. LOL. I'm glad you are well informed about the fairy tale - I was surprised at how many people don't like the tale. Of course I couldn't make Luna a terrible princess, so I had to do something else with it.

I've actually written a few things from Luna's perspective on my LJ - and once you get into her peculiar brand of logic, she makes perfect sense. My theory is that she leaves out about 60% of her thoughts - so that the 40% left seems a bit odd.

Still, she's so hard to get right - esp. from another character's perspective! This story was so hard to write and I thought when I started out it would be a fun lark. LOL. Oh well - it was good practice.

Thanks for the encouragement with Ginny. LOL. Was that a hint?

I have written some H/G for my Live journal - you'll have to check it out when you get a chance. I still haven't forgotten my HBP through Ginny's eyes. We're coming into summer, but by this fall I should be rolling along on that.
Wednesday 14th June 2006 20:56
The Frog Prince of Slytherin
Interesting chapter. I like how he's becoming more human in Luna's company...
Thursday 15th June 2006 01:06The Frog Prince of Slytherin (Author Response)
Yes, the frog is turning into a prince before our eyes! Thanks for reading!
Wednesday 14th June 2006 17:01
The Frog Prince of Slytherin
Okay, I've got some hair guesses --
1. Luna had a prophetic dream about the man she would marry -- he had long hair
2. The man she marries must have hair long enough to be tied back with the Lovegood family heirloom, a hair clip (finest 16th century goblin-wrought silver)
3. She just likes to run her fingers through long, silky hair
4. Her dad has very short cropped hair, so it creeps her out to kiss a guy that reminds her of her father
5. Her dad has long hair; deep down Luna wants to marry a man just like her dad
6. Luna future career - magical hairdresser. it's a gift that is only now being revealed

Okay, I'll stop now. Am I close with any of these?
Thursday 15th June 2006 01:05The Frog Prince of Slytherin (Author Response)
You so got me on magical hairdresser. How did you know???? And where *are* the hair dressers in the magical world. *frets* No wonder Hermione has "issues." LOL. This is like the cow in Magic Within, Magic Without.
Thanks for reading!
Penny Lane
Wednesday 14th June 2006 15:44
The Frog Prince of Slytherin
LOL, poor Theo (he'll always be Theo to me now, because you've gone and made me all fond of him). It has to be hell sometimes, being smitten with someone as inscrutable as Luna.

I loved the crescent-shaped room. That struck me as a very JKR-esque sort of detail. And the Avalon Anarchists were great.

I hope we get to see the Gryffindor-Slytherin match. I've no idea why I want to see it so badly through Theo's eyes, but I do. And to echo everyone else: What is with the hair?!

Thursday 15th June 2006 01:02The Frog Prince of Slytherin (Author Response)
I think this hair thing is like the cow in Magic Within, Magic Without. LOL. All will be revealed!

I'm glad you liked the room (I pictured it as wrapping around the base of the tower) I figured that there's always something new to discover at a magic castle.

Yes, he's smitten - poor guy. A new and not very comfortable feeling. As always thanks for reading!
Wednesday 14th June 2006 15:39
The Frog Prince of Slytherin
Oh! That was an awful ending!! I'm trying to think of why she wants his hair longer but I can't really think of anything that makes sense... I hate thinking of Luna even sounding sad, because she's so spectamazing when she's happy, LOL. I'm so glad I didn't have to wait too long for the next part. ^^ I really like the way you pair these two. It's nice, but not so nice that it's unrealistic. Still holding my breath for the next part!
Oh, and I loved the little details, of the tapestry and hunting, and of that moon-room. Made it much more real-feeling, if that makes any sense... 8-)
Thursday 15th June 2006 00:51The Frog Prince of Slytherin (Author Response)
LOL. Love that word, spectamazing! Yes, that's Luna all right! I'm glad you liked the details about the tapestry and the room - it's always hard to know how much description is too much.

Thanks for reading!
Wednesday 14th June 2006 13:30
The Frog Prince of Slytherin
I was laughing with delight as I read this. Poor Nott, Luna's got him all confused. By the way, you really have managed to make Luna your own. Kudos!!!!!! I was left as dumbfounded as Nott by the end of the chapter, yet oddly happy with it. Wonderful job!
Wednesday 14th June 2006 15:29The Frog Prince of Slytherin (Author Response)
Oh, good, I like that oddly happy feeling, because you can see that it will all work out, but your not quite sure how . . . Poor Theodore - he's working hard to get this right. Thanks for reading!
Wednesday 14th June 2006 13:22
The Frog Prince of Slytherin
What is with the hair? But it is really good. And cool,Slughorn is still teaching.
Wednesday 14th June 2006 15:28The Frog Prince of Slytherin (Author Response)
Yes, I needed Slughorn in there. Luna's obession with hair should make sense by the conclusion. (Which will be next Sun or Mon) Thanks for reading!
Wednesday 14th June 2006 13:21
The Frog Prince of Slytherin
Aww, Luna, give him more chance than that. This is wonderfully butterfly filled:. just one or two at a time, but I think the whole flock will be flying by chapter four.
Wednesday 14th June 2006 15:27The Frog Prince of Slytherin (Author Response)
Oh, the butterflies are a nice compliment, Kelley! I tell you, I was never so glad to write some fluff as I was when I finally came to the end of this! I really put poor Theodore through some confusing times but all will be well - it's a fairy tale after all! Thanks for reading!
weird sister
Wednesday 14th June 2006 13:11
The Frog Prince of Slytherin
The stories behind Luna's necklaces are great. I loved the dragon blood/oven cleaner made me think of Magic Within, Magic Without. I guess I'll have to wait until part 4 to find out more about Theodore's hair...I'm hoping it will grow!
Wednesday 14th June 2006 15:25The Frog Prince of Slytherin (Author Response)
LOL - that's so nice you remembered that from Magic Within, Magic Without. That's an "Old" story now!

You won't have to wait long for the conclusion. It should be up Sunday or Monday!
Grandma Kate
Wednesday 14th June 2006 13:10
The Frog Prince of Slytherin
I am enjoying this story so much that I read Red is the Heart again. It is such a good read and gently foreshadows this story.

Luna and Theodore are perfect together. I wonder how long his hair will grow...
Wednesday 14th June 2006 15:24The Frog Prince of Slytherin (Author Response)
Bless you for reading Red is the Heart again. Their pairing in that story was a happy accident - but it was too irrisistible to pass up! I'm glad I got to explore their characters a bit in this story. The last part should be up Sunday or Monday! Thanks for reading!
Wednesday 14th June 2006 13:01
The Frog Prince of Slytherin
What is it about Theodore's hair? Luna is quite obsessed with it. Does it have anything to do with the faiory tale? I don't know, maybe long hair would make him look like a knight or something?

The Avalon Anarchists were so funny. So... contradictory. And Luna-ish.

And I'm looking forward to the next chapter! Interesting, because technically, the bargain's over. What'll happen now? *taps fingers impatiently*
Wednesday 14th June 2006 15:22The Frog Prince of Slytherin (Author Response)
Yes, the bargain is over. Hmmm. How can I end this tale? Maybe with some fluff? LOL.

The hair is my own twist on this fairy tale. Hopefully all of Luna's thoughts about it will be clear in the last part.

Sherry said she'd post the last part on Sun. or Monday! Thanks for reading!
Wednesday 14th June 2006 12:56
The Frog Prince of Slytherin
Poor Theodore. I really feel sorry for him. Even I am completely confused by Luna's behavior. The poor boy doesn't have a chance! Is the hair length thing from the fairy tale? If it's not, then I am *really* confused! Inscrutable Ravenclaws indeed!
Wednesday 14th June 2006 15:20The Frog Prince of Slytherin (Author Response)
Yes - poor guy - I've really made him work, haven't I? LOL - no the hair isn't part of the fairy tale - just my own crazy twist. Luna's motivations will be clear in the last part (at least I hope they will) Thanks for reading!
Wednesday 14th June 2006 12:30
The Frog Prince of Slytherin

See! I ask for more and it's already here!

I love Theodore's need for her to fight with him--it seems perfect, and Luna would be infuriating to someone who felt that need. I also loved the sequence when she asked him if "I'm happy if you're happy" were just a figure of speech--his thoughtfulness on the one hand and Slytherin self-ruthlessness on the other were wonderful.

As were the two kisses, of course!

Of course, in tales of old, things always came in threes. ;-)

(Has something happened to Theodore's dad?)

(And why the fixation on his hair? Is he going to be a male Rapunzel? )
Wednesday 14th June 2006 15:18The Frog Prince of Slytherin (Author Response)
Yes - that's hard when you want to fight and no will fight with you. LOL "maddening calm" indeed.

Lucky number three! Yes indeed.

I don't know what happened to Theodore's dad - he was in Azkaban and I assume escaped. He wasn't in the battle of the tower in HBP. Theodore hasn't seen him in over two years - although that's probably not clear since Luna doesn't really follow up on that piece of info Theodore gives her.

The hair is my own Lunaesque twist on this tale.

Thanks for reading! The last part should be up Sunday!