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Reviews For The Frog Prince of Slytherin by St Margarets

Thursday 16th December 2010 18:00
The Frog Prince of Slytherin
I love a good Luna/Theo fic. And retold fairy tales are my favorite. This was just as wonderful to read the second time.
Sunday 19th December 2010 19:00The Frog Prince of Slytherin (Author Response)
I *really* like that pairing. Too bad we never got to learn more about Theo in canon.

I wish I had more time to explore a post-DH Luna/Rolf fic. I like to think he's just a yummy hunk of a guy who was oblivious to women until he met Luna. That would be a fun scenario. Thanks for reading! As always!
Wednesday 29th April 2009 21:11
The Frog Prince of Slytherin
Wow.. I'm very impressed with this story. I loved it!
You said it was hard to write Luna, but you write her so beautifully Mary.
And Nott, I'm also very impressed with. He's not at all what I imagined him to be in the books, but I like him much better this way. He's clearly the classic Slytherin, but without all the bad attached. Sure there's revenge, but he did it for Luna.
Whis father, it's a wonder he turned out to be so good, not that he knows it haha. I'm not so happy with Slughorn being a mean git and suggesting Nott leave. Although, I guess he did it partly for the boy... Ack, still, it's making Nott leave Luna
It's odd that he's the perfect match for Luna, but there you are. And I love it haha!
After reading other stories of yours where Luna and Nott are together, I was very curious to see how they got together. This is amazing. Five gold stars and two thumbs up ^_^
Cheers on another brilliant story!
I'm now off to bed because I can hardly keep my eyes open trying to give this reveiw proper attention ^_~ Night! I'll see you on your next story!
Thursday 30th April 2009 18:37The Frog Prince of Slytherin (Author Response)
I know - Slughorn wasn't very fair to Theodore, but then I don't think Slytherins are known for their fairness. I'm glad you thought they were suited. I enjoyed thinking about a "good" Slytherin and how Luna was one of the characters who would have been able to spot one. Thanks for reading!
Wednesday 10th December 2008 23:02
The Frog Prince of Slytherin
pleas right more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday 23rd November 2008 10:18
The Frog Prince of Slytherin
I just adore your version of Theodore Knot. You are a very talented writer.

Sunday 4th January 2009 15:52The Frog Prince of Slytherin (Author Response)
I'm glad you liked it. Sorry it took me so long to respond. We moved and my email address changed.
Tuesday 4th December 2007 07:35
The Frog Prince of Slytherin
St. Margarets -

This is one of the most beautiful things I've ever read. It is heart-breaking in the very best of ways!

I first read this back in September and I read it again this week - it is even better the second time around!

You created a believable Theodore (such great parallels between him and Harry!), but I especially love your Luna. Her hesitancy and daydreaminess are so clear now. When I reread the books I feel like I understand her better. It is not too often that fan fiction gives me a better canon reading experience, but this one really has!!


ps - I have read all your stories now and I plan to comment on a few more....
Sunday 4th January 2009 15:51The Frog Prince of Slytherin (Author Response)
Oh, I'm so glad you liked this! It was soooo hard to write, but it was so satisfying since Luna and Theodore are such complicated characters in my mind. It was sweet of you to reread and to let me know. Sorry it took me so long to respond. We moved and my email address changed so I didn't know I had reviews! Thanks for reading!
Tuesday 4th December 2007 07:26
The Frog Prince of Slytherin
St. Margarets -

This is one of the most beautiful things I've ever read. It is heart-breaking in the very best of ways!

I first read this back in September and I read it again this week - it is even better the second time around!

You created a believable Theodore (such great parallels between him and Harry!), but I especially love your Luna. Her hesitancy and daydreaminess are so clear now. When I reread the books I feel like I understand her better. It is not too often that fan fiction gives me a better canon reading experience, but this one really has!!


ps - I have read all your stories now and I plan to comment on a few more....
Tuesday 4th December 2007 07:37The Frog Prince of Slytherin (Author Response)
Didn't you just make my day? Thank you so much for telling me you liked this story. It felt like it took forever and a day and then another day to write. Luna is so tricky - I really agonized over her scenes, so it's gratifying to know this story rang true for you. I also have other stories on my live journal besides the ones archived here. Feel free to take a look:

Thanks for reading!
Monday 17th September 2007 02:00
The Frog Prince of Slytherin
THIS WAS *SO* GREAT!!!! I love your writing so much!

I love how much growth we saw in both Luna and Theodore over the space of these four Parts. (I think you helped develop Luna's character a bit more than we saw in JK's books, since those are really written from Harry's POV, and Harry can be a little thickheaded sometimes. ) So, we have a little better understanding of what makes Luna tick and how & why she relates to her roommates and people like she does because of reading your story.

Also, you've built Theodore Nott's character practically from the ground up, and I've really enjoyed the appearances he's made in your work. He is a welcome bit of fresh air, since he is so different from the characters we see most often in JK's books, really (mostly Gryffindors, with a few Ravenclaws, a couple Hufflepuffs, and then Malfoy/Crabbe/Goyle and Pansy. I DO LOVE JK's books, but sometimes it can be nice to see another approach for comparison purposes.)

Anyway, thank you for this wonderful story! Please write more new fan fiction.
Monday 17th September 2007 06:52The Frog Prince of Slytherin (Author Response)
I'm so glad you liked this story and this pairing. Nothing can take away my H/G love - but I do have a soft spot for Luna/Theodore. I'm glad you saw the growth of both Luna and Theodore, for such a short story, it took me forever to write. Luna is so much smarter than I am. I do love Theodore - how could you not love someone who's greatest ambition turns out to be that he wants to love and be loved?

I wrote a short drabble on my LJ about Theodore and Luna at The Quibble Christmas party. It takes place in Luna's seventh year. (It was written pre-DH)

I have lots of other stories on LJ - feel free to look around!
Tuesday 14th August 2007 19:59
The Frog Prince of Slytherin
Oh, this is perfect. You captured Luna perfectly, and Nott is in character, too. Definitly one of my favorites. Good work!
Wednesday 15th August 2007 04:24The Frog Prince of Slytherin (Author Response)
Oh, thanks for reading! This isn't one of my most popular stories, but it's still a favorite of mine. I'm glad you liked Luna and Theodore.
Wednesday 27th June 2007 00:43
The Frog Prince of Slytherin
I love your stories!! You capture the characters so well. Your descriptions of the people which inhabit the wizarding world really make your stories come alive! Plus you have a great sense of humor. I actually laughed out loud often while reading this one (and your other stories as well). Good job!! Sequel please! Make that sequels please!!
Wednesday 27th June 2007 08:54The Frog Prince of Slytherin (Author Response)
I'm glad you liked the funny parts as well as the serious parts. Luna is mentioned several times in the NZ Chronicles, but that's as close to a sequel as I've gotten. Maybe after DH. Thanks for reading!
Saturday 9th June 2007 15:05
The Frog Prince of Slytherin
I absolutly loved this story. It reminded me of the song Drops of Jupiter by Train. Keep up the great writing.
Friday 20th April 2007 13:27
The Frog Prince of Slytherin
Aaaaw! Wow - how cruel of the Hogwarts staff! I hope they get their cumuppance and HP needs his help and everyone realizes how nasty they were. This BEGS a sequel - you could have all sorts of correspondance and about HP needing sanctuary.
I also like the 'Nott' pun, and the meaning of first names.
Saturday 21st April 2007 11:57The Frog Prince of Slytherin (Author Response)
I'm glad you liked it! You hear a little about Theodore's time with Harry in second or third chapter (can't remember which) in The New Zealand Chronicles. Ginny does stay caught up with Luna even after Hogwarts. Thanks for reading!
Thursday 19th April 2007 13:52
The Frog Prince of Slytherin
I LOVE how much all of your stories interconnect! It's a great excuse to keep going back and reading the old ones as the new ones come out. And of course, your insight into different characters is spooky- you weave into wonderful tales the same things I've decided to believe about them. Wonderfully done!
Friday 20th April 2007 05:21The Frog Prince of Slytherin (Author Response)
I like to connect all my stories - it helps me know the characters better and it keeps them consistent in my head. I'm glad you like this one - I have a soft spot for Theodore. Thanks!
Thursday 29th March 2007 20:14
The Frog Prince of Slytherin
Oh I LOVE IT!!!! I love seeing a side of Luna that isn't the way she's painted in the book. I mean, we all know there's more to her than meets the eye....Wonderful work. ^_^
Friday 30th March 2007 11:49The Frog Prince of Slytherin (Author Response)
I'm glad you liked it. Luna is a great character and she needs the right person to love her. I had fun with this pairing. Thanks for reading!
Sunday 25th March 2007 08:09
The Frog Prince of Slytherin
I really enjoyed this story, and I actually feel sorry for Luna and Theo being parted. Great job!
Sunday 25th March 2007 09:10The Frog Prince of Slytherin (Author Response)
I know. But H/G had to be parted, and that's the cost of the war. You'll hear more about them in NZ Chronicles before it's through. Thanks for reading!
Friday 23rd February 2007 20:42
The Frog Prince of Slytherin
I had so much fun reading this story. It was beautiful, whimsical and utterly in character. I liked the fact that you didn't fix your flawed characters (Slughorn, the roommates - even Luna and Theodore). You gave Luna and Theodore opportunities for great growth, which made me feel much more invested in what happens to them. Well done!
Saturday 24th February 2007 05:24The Frog Prince of Slytherin (Author Response)
I'm so glad you liked it! It's difficult to resist the urge to give your characters "make overs" - esp. when you want a fluffy story - but that would be missing the point since the love can come to (and transform) the flawed as well as the perfect. I do like these characters and I'm glad someone else did, too! Thanks for reading!
Thursday 18th January 2007 21:48
The Frog Prince of Slytherin
An excellent reread.
Friday 19th January 2007 04:26The Frog Prince of Slytherin (Author Response)
Oh, thanks for re-reading! I'm glad it was okay the second time around!
Friday 5th January 2007 23:30
The Frog Prince of Slytherin
Beautiful ending. Only there was some confusion as to the phase of the moon in the middle one point you say it's full, then you say it's a crescent and he's never been there when it was full...mooncalves dance under the full moon, and he comments on it, so how in the next paragraph can the moon no longer be full?
Again, I really enjoyed this story. Thanks for writing it.
Saturday 6th January 2007 16:00The Frog Prince of Slytherin (Author Response)
It was supposed to be a full moon - I'll have to double-check that. Thanks for reading!
Sunday 24th September 2006 21:17
The Frog Prince of Slytherin
Sooooo beautiful. I've always loved your writing since I read that gorgeous fic you did on Lee Jordan - this is just as good, perhaps even better, because for all its strangeness, I still collapsed like a fluffy bunny at the end of it

Just a question or two, before I tear myself away - did you do this for a challenge, or because you just felt like it? And would you mind if I rec?
Sunday 24th September 2006 21:52The Frog Prince of Slytherin (Author Response)
Of course you can rec. this! I'm honored!

This came about because of the fluff thread at the Quill. We were talking about fairy tales and I thought I'd like to explore the Frog Prince. It wasn't a challenge - just a discussion. While Luna isn't as selfish as the princess in that tale, I thought she was quite baffling in her behavior to the frog - and Luna is of course - baffling to almost all of us, bless her.

I had someone tell me that this is the least fluffy thing I've ever written, but the most romantic. I have to agree since love transforming you is a very romantic idea (and the ideal behind the original fairy tale) Thanks for reading!
Sunday 17th September 2006 12:58
The Frog Prince of Slytherin
Ahhh, your last line soms it up wonderfullly, this really says it all: One sees clearly only with the heart. Anything essential is invisible to the eyes.

We all have a choice. We can let things that happen to us intimidate or wound us, for instance. Or we can choose to be empowered, find the hidden blessings and stay in charge. Just like dear Theodore does now. He chooses to find something positive in being asked to leave school, with the help of Luna, of course. Her admitting that she just didn't manage not to see his father in him, even though she wanted to, is very endearing. Now we know why Theodore needed longer hair, he needed to stand out as his own person, not as a younger version of his father.

Beautiful, beautiful. I am a hopeless romantic, and this is just
so fulfilling. Thank you, Darling, for a most wonderful read. You do bless us with fantastic stories, and I sure look forward to see this couple pop up somewhere in the NZ Chronicles.

Sunday 17th September 2006 13:35The Frog Prince of Slytherin (Author Response)
I'm so glad you liked this! Like I said, it's not fluffy at all as far as a conventional happy ending or lots of kissing - but it's a romantic notion to think that love can transform you - and that's the heart of The Frog Prince story, I think. With Roger and Lisa as Eros and Psyche and with this story, I was trying to find the truths in those old tales. They were both immensely satisfying to work with. My next story is a broader canvas - much like Lee's story. I'm going to see if I can handle more "world building." I'm so glad to have readers who like my little experiments in fan fiction. Thanks for reading and for "getting" what I try to convey.
Thursday 3rd August 2006 08:03
The Frog Prince of Slytherin
Well, I just had to read this story after that chapter of The New Zealand Chronicles you posted over at SIYE. I'm very impressed. This is the first clear picture I have of Theo Nott which doesn't involve him being a Death Eater or someone out to get Harry. Plus JKR only described him as a "stringy Slytherin boy". Normally I would pair Luna with Neville - but since JKR has shot that ship down, I'm thinking that Theo/Luna could work - you've certainly made it plausible.

Good story! Is there a follow-up story wherein Luna visits Theo and the quintapeds? I'd like to read about their adventures on the Isle of Drear!
Thursday 3rd August 2006 08:35The Frog Prince of Slytherin (Author Response)
I would love to write that adventure on the Isle of Drear - but with time constraints, I'll probably have to make do with mentions of it in my NZ story.

This was such a difficult story to write since Luna is tough to get right and I wanted to make Theodore a Slytherin through and through - but not a Death Eater. Anyway - I think Luna could be shipped with numerous characters, but the Theodore in my story couldn't do without her. Poor guy. Thanks for reading!
Wednesday 2nd August 2006 13:58
The Frog Prince of Slytherin
Now that was a romantic story. I thoroughly enjoyed it from begining to end. I would love to see you "fill" in the gaps sometime.
Wednesday 2nd August 2006 16:04The Frog Prince of Slytherin (Author Response)
I'm really glad you liked it. I think it was the hardest thing I've ever written. Luna is so hard to get right. And I'm glad you thought it romantic - it's really not very fluffy - but love that transforms you is rather romantic, I think.

Thanks for reading and for all of your reviews!
Wednesday 2nd August 2006 09:47
The Frog Prince of Slytherin
This is one is as quirky, charming and, in the end, as full of simple truths as Luna herself.
I really enjoy what you've made of Theodore's character and find his inner conflicts completely believable. There's got to be some good Slytherines!
I checked out this story after seeing it mentioned as footnote on SIYE and I'm very glad I took the time to do so. I do hope there's a sequal coming?

Long live the Quartet!
Wednesday 2nd August 2006 10:43The Frog Prince of Slytherin (Author Response)
I'm glad you liked it! It was nice of you to hunt this story down - I didn't know if we were allowed links at SIYE. I don't know if I will write a separate sequel, but I plan on showing more of Luna and Theodore in the New Zealand Chronicles. Thanks for reading!
Monday 17th July 2006 19:09
The Frog Prince of Slytherin
More please..... More Wallpaper stories, more Luna and Theodore, more White Women of the Well.

I think you've got yourself a new devoted fan.

Thanks again for such lovely reads.

Monday 17th July 2006 19:58The Frog Prince of Slytherin (Author Response)
I'm glad you liked this after just reading Red is the Heart. That was two years ago, so I had to give them a different set-up, but I wanted to keep their attraction similar to what I did in RitH.

My next multi-chapter is about Ron and Hermione post Hogwarts - I'm also writing H/G's story, but for now it's in loose form and I'm posting it only on SIYE. It might turn out okay and then again . . . LOL. I'm always writing more.

And if you can bear minor ships, there's Lee Jordan and Roger Davies to slog through. They are very different from my H/G stuff. LOL. Plenty of more!

Thanks for reading! I appreciate the encouragement!
Monday 17th July 2006 10:27
The Frog Prince of Slytherin
Awww, this is so beautiful! Really, it is. I'm going to start praising you now, seeing as you don't mind You are such a wonderful author - my favourite, actually. It's just such a beautiful way you have of writing, and the emotional and psychological depth to your stories that make them more than the usual boy-falls-for-girl-tells-her-and-she-feels-the-same-so-they-live-happily-ever-after nonsense. I specially liked Nott's evolution (since I read Red Is The Heart, I've been convinced that he's good after all!), how at first he thought that Luna was just a means of getting to Harry but then he fell in love with her and didn't care so much about questioning her about Harry.

I also liked all the name business. How beautiful, really. I liked that part where Theodore thinks "Why had what he wanted always been as far away as the moon?" I don't know if you did this on purpose or not, but Luna means moon in Spanish (my language) so that fit perfectly. And it was so sweet and romantic *sighs*

I've just been talking to my best friend about this fic, and she said "What I don't understand is, why is Luna so apart from the plot in the books? She must have an important role in the 7th book or else JKR wouldn't have created her." But then I told her, "There is a point to Luna. Her point is, she's just Luna. She's the one who can make others realise that they don't have to be all anguished and depressed because there's a war going on; she's the one who knows that she can live in dreams without being careless about reality. And dreams are good, because it is in dreams that our priorities are clearer: we always see ourselves with friends, family, love... like a Mirror of Erised waiting to be discovered. Luna knows what really matters, and she is a wonderful person because she acts on her beliefs. The world needs more people like Luna."

I really like this fic; it's really well-written and Luna and Theodore are so beautiful, the way they act and everything. I actually almost cried when she said the reason why she wished his hair was longer is because she wants to see him for himself, not look at him and see his father. That was very beautiful. The whole fic was. But then again, you wrote it. I wouldn't have expected any less.

Wow, I do ramble a lot. Anyway, thank you for this wonderful piece. I know I won't forget this. ~Sonia

Monday 17th July 2006 19:54The Frog Prince of Slytherin (Author Response)
Aw, Sonia! Thanks for your kind review! You made my day - and I needed it since this was a typical Monday! I'm so glad you liked this story - it was so hard to write - even though I had the plot all worked out for me. Luna is such a difficult character to get right because she is so intelligent - so *I* had to have intelligent thoughts for her. Since I only have about one intelligent thought a day, it took me quite a while. LOL

I think you're right about Luna's role - being the reflection of all that is good in the magical world. That's what the moon does, after all, it reflects the sun. JKR says she loves her names, so she must love these characters very much to give them such names with such significance.

See? I can ramble, too! Thanks again for your kind words. I hope you'll read my next attempt at R/Hr. They are my "scary" ship - I can never work up enough nerve to write them - but I'm trying now!
Saturday 8th July 2006 16:24
The Frog Prince of Slytherin
Omg this is AMAZING! I think you shoukd write one or lwt someone else write one that has Harry needing a sanctuary and Luna comes with!
Saturday 8th July 2006 17:46The Frog Prince of Slytherin (Author Response)
I do have an idea for a one-shot - but right now I'm working on an R/Hr story that I must finish! LOL. So much fan fic, so little time . . . Thanks for reading and I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Sunday 2nd July 2006 00:33
The Frog Prince of Slytherin
I like your experimental ship. Unlike the Titanic, it truly is unsinkable. Bravo.
Friday 7th July 2006 13:02The Frog Prince of Slytherin (Author Response)
LOL - no Titanic here (or a tragic love story) I'll be back to the main ships very soon, though. Thanks so much for reading!
Saturday 1st July 2006 23:27
The Frog Prince of Slytherin
It's so cute!!!!!!!!!!! I love it. Good work.
Friday 7th July 2006 13:01The Frog Prince of Slytherin (Author Response)
Thanks for reading. You're always so supportive!
Lily Jane
Saturday 24th June 2006 12:54
The Frog Prince of Slytherin
Finally! My exams are over and I could read the story.
Last time I told you I didn't like the original fairy tale. I still don't like it, but it's because of different ending. Originally, there are two versions of the story and not in every non- German country both of them were translated. In the tale that I know, princess throws frog at the wall and I couldn't imagine Luna doing so. But that's not the point.
I like your Luna. Because she doesn't try to be someone else and believes there are good things in this world.
I like Theodore, because he knows what and why he wants to change in his life, but also because he caers for Luna, before he cares for himself.
I like Luna and Theodore together, because .... I don't think there's any logical reason for this, but I do anyway
I don't like Slughorn, because he cares for his career more than for other people's lives.
I like this story, because it reminded me that I used to believe in things I couldn't see. It made me cry as well.
Great job again
Saturday 24th June 2006 15:54The Frog Prince of Slytherin (Author Response)
LOL - since my intent was to make you like Theodore and Luna and more importantly, Theodore and Luna together, then I guess I did my job! I won't try to "sell" the fairy tale. It was a useful plot device for me, though.

I was a little teary writing the ending, so I'm glad it affected you the same way. Thanks for your review and for reading!

Thursday 22nd June 2006 11:40
The Frog Prince of Slytherin
Speaking stricltly for myself, I'll hapilly sail on any ship, however small and experimental, so long as you are the captain. Once again, you get the tone just right -- and Luna's not easy to do.
Thursday 22nd June 2006 12:17The Frog Prince of Slytherin (Author Response)
LOL - canon rocks ahead - hard right! How is that? I'll be steering the Good Ship R/Hr in my next story - we'll have to see how I do with that. Darn straight Luna is not easy to do - but at least when you have her right - you know. Unlike Hermione who is so contradictory in canon. Sigh. Makes me wish I had stuck with the little ships.

Anyway, thanks for reading! I really appreciate it!
Tuesday 20th June 2006 20:32
The Frog Prince of Slytherin
I was so excited to see that you had another story. I really enjoyed it as I have enjoyed all of your stories. Looking for your next one already....
Thursday 22nd June 2006 12:14The Frog Prince of Slytherin (Author Response)
I think my next story is going to be R/Hr and it should be up no later than September. (I have about half of it written now) Anyway, I'm glad you enjoyed this one and thanks for reading!
Tuesday 20th June 2006 18:49
The Frog Prince of Slytherin
OMGosh! Sooooooo cute! Awesome, awesome job! I really love all of your work. Thank you so much for posting it and I hope you keep the habit for many stories to come!
Tuesday 20th June 2006 19:21The Frog Prince of Slytherin (Author Response)
Well, I'll try to keep writing! It's a big plus when people read, so thank you for your reveiw! It means a lot.
Tuesday 20th June 2006 18:13
The Frog Prince of Slytherin
Really at a loss for words here.. this story is just so good it makes me wanna be Nott! I absolutely
Tuesday 20th June 2006 19:20The Frog Prince of Slytherin (Author Response)
I'm glad you liked it! Theodore was an interesting character to write and I absolutely loved Luna by the time I finished. She is a gift of a character. Thanks for reading!
Tuesday 20th June 2006 17:47
The Frog Prince of Slytherin
This was a reallly lovely story, St. M. You really have a knack for the bittersweet ending. Your imagery and atmosphere are dead-on, despite this being a bit of a departure for you. I like your Luna, I think that she is not as dopey as others make her out to be. Your Luna is perceptive, but distant, honest, guileless and independent

I thought you could have been a little clearer about why Theodore was dismissed (the thing with Luna's roomates seems so minor compared to what other students have done) and why he thinks he needs tp make a sanctuary for Harry. I very possibly missed these bits.

Bravo, beautiful story as usual!!
Tuesday 20th June 2006 19:18The Frog Prince of Slytherin (Author Response)
I'm glad you liked Luna - she was hard to get right - but on the bright side - I knew when I got her right. She was either terribly wrong or terribly right through the whole revision process.

The exchange with Slughorn is subtle and probably could have been clearer - except Slughorn isn't an up-and-up guy. Theodore has basically used up his chance at Hogwarts - there's no open-minded Dumbledore anymore and McGonagall decides to leave what to do with Theodore in Slughorn's hands. Slughorn doesn't want to deal anymore, so he dispatches his problem to the island in the North.

It's Luna who brings up sanctuary - not Theodore, although I probably could have delved into Theodore's thoughts about joining sides more deeply. But then - he is so apolitical that those types of musings (esp. with hormones raging) didn't seem in-character. Sigh. There's probably too much story to fit into this plot line.

Thanks for reading!
Tuesday 20th June 2006 12:27
The Frog Prince of Slytherin
Speaking for myself (and by all evidence, not too many others), I admire your story all the more for the promise that you are not doing a sequel. Not every story is made better by being wrapped up in a neat little bow.
Tuesday 20th June 2006 13:37The Frog Prince of Slytherin (Author Response)
LOL - pressure's off! True enough - this story doesn't end all the fluffily - but hopefully there is enough hope in the end to give everyone - er - hope. Thanks for reading!
Megan SQ
Monday 19th June 2006 21:20
The Frog Prince of Slytherin
I waited to post a review on this story, b/c I found the first chapters rather unconvincing, and I wanted to see the whole story first. Part 4 actually does make a difference, in that it really emphasizes Nott's loneliness and wish for acceptance. The first 2 parts sort of stated this abruptly, without giving much of a backstory to convince me. I felt that the fact that Theo is alone in the dormitory is not enough of a reason to make him want company so badly. It takes a more deep seated loneliness for that. From the last chapter, I take it you did think of just such a backstory for him. But the main problem is that 4 chapters are not really enough to tell it convincingly. Also, it would have been easier for me to accept it, if you explained more about Nott at the beginning, rather than the end of the story. So this short series makes a better re-read than a first time read. :-)

On the other hand I think you got into Luna's head rather well, perhaps even a bit too well, considering that the story is told from Theo's pov. And Theo is, after all, just an inexperienced 17-yr. old. Perhaps the reason I had a hard time believing the story is that I generally find Luna unshippable. Some people are just born loners and outsiders, and I don't see the point in sugarcoating it. She's not pretty at all, from Harry's description, so that's also a strike. In the end, all she has going for her in terms of shipping is a good heart, and occasional brilliant insights. But it takes a very experienced and emotionally mature man to appreciate it, despite all her oddities. And even then, he'd probably prefer her as a friend. That's just the way the world is.
Tuesday 20th June 2006 06:14The Frog Prince of Slytherin (Author Response)
Ah yes, the four part one-shot - it really does need to be read all at once, like any good fairy tale. I had quite the time with deciding where to place Slughorn's conversation - but I felt the backstory of how Luna's and Theodore's personal histories paralleled needed to be upfront. So the first two parts are about their past wounds and the last two are about their place in the world and their future together (or apart).

In HBP Harry thinks Luna looks "quite nice" when she goes to the party with him - so I don't think she's that unattractive even to Harry. She's just not his type. I didn't want to overplay the physical factor - but Theodore, like any normal teenage boy, is on the lookout for what's attractive about a girl - he notices her mouth from the get-go and then he notices more and more about her physical appearance. Happily, he gets to know her as a person while being wracked with lust. LOL. Poor teenage boys.

I don't think Theodore would ever admit to understanding Luna - the big attraction is that she understands *him* and she forces him to see other facets of himself. It's self-centered on his part - and it's not particularly mature, but that's where she hooked him and for this he would climb the hightest mountain, etc . . . That's not to say he can't ever understand her - he does enojoy "watching her ways" while they're together for that week. And he does respect her - always a plus in any relationship.

Thanks for reading!
Monday 19th June 2006 17:59
The Frog Prince of Slytherin
Oh oh! And I forgot to mention! The whoel Theodore/Gift of God made me honestly think that JK has a bigger role for him in the books. As in a good guy role. And yea. She does nothing on purpose, that woman, and yea.
Ohh and I hate Slughorn even more now. *glower*
Monday 19th June 2006 19:12The Frog Prince of Slytherin (Author Response)
Well, I adore his name - I mean for someone who loves names like JKR, she must have had some sort of role for him. And the bit about his mother being dead is from her website - in the edits part. She called him a "clever loner" and that's what I tried to show in this story.

Yeah, Slughorn is not a reliable friend, now is he? Not like you!
Monday 19th June 2006 17:56
The Frog Prince of Slytherin
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH! You never fail to leave my heart beating wildly!! I love, love, LOVED this!! Absolutely amazing!!
And eys, I am screaming sequel. If anythign just lots of Theodore /Luna moments in that next Harry/Ginny fic you've got coming! Lovely work!
Monday 19th June 2006 19:10The Frog Prince of Slytherin (Author Response)
LOL. *innocent* What H/G fic? I'm glad you liked this. I know it's not a typical ship, so I appreciate you taking a chance on it. As always, thanks for reading!
Monday 19th June 2006 17:17
The Frog Prince of Slytherin
That was an adorable fic! I love Theodore now; he and Luna seem perfect for each other. Just lovely. He makes a great frog prince.
Monday 19th June 2006 19:08The Frog Prince of Slytherin (Author Response)
I'm Theodore's good points came across by the end - I had to make him pretty froggy to begin with. Thanks for reading!
Monday 19th June 2006 13:25
The Frog Prince of Slytherin
I only have one word for this story.


Monday 19th June 2006 19:07The Frog Prince of Slytherin (Author Response)
Oh, I have more words than one for you! I'm glad you liked it and thanks for reading! It's not a usual ship!
Monday 19th June 2006 11:56
The Frog Prince of Slytherin
Oh, indeed, it does scream sequel!

I'm trying to think of an appropriate tale for a model--Beauty and the Beast? Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (with Harry as Gawain and Nott as the knight)? Hmmm. ;-)

In any case, this was quite lovely. It's funny--I really hated Slughorn here. I usually find him... droll. But he was thoroughly odious in his approach to Nott, yet the characterization was dead on. Lovely!

And of course, we had the Third Kiss. (And several subsequent kisses!) And a lovely spiraling together of two outcasts. Nicely done!

(And that quote from The Little Prince is one of my all-time favorites...)
Monday 19th June 2006 13:08The Frog Prince of Slytherin (Author Response)
Ugh. Slughorn. I always thought he put on the charm offensive for Harry (Boy-who-lived and all) and that he would treat the "little people" with less charm. LOL. I didn't mean to make him a particular villan - way of the world, you know . . . I think I've known too many employers (and teachers) like him. Sigh.

That quote from the Little Prince always gets to me - and I think it sums up Luna's special gift. To me, Theodore is the fox: "If you tame me then I will be the only fox in the world for you and you will be the only boy in the world for me." Talk about love as specific . . .

Funny about Sir Gawain - I was thinking about something happening at Christmas.

As always, thanks for reading!
Monday 19th June 2006 10:25
The Frog Prince of Slytherin
So thats the end? Oh. I wish there was more, or another story to go with it. It was really good. They finally got together. Good.
Monday 19th June 2006 12:58The Frog Prince of Slytherin (Author Response)
I know, it needs another story - but what or when that will be, I don't know. But yes, they got together and you can assume "they lived happily ever after!" Thanks for reading!
Monday 19th June 2006 09:24
The Frog Prince of Slytherin
LOL -- that does scream sequel! How can we leave them there? Would it be silly to request an epilogue for a four-chapter story? That truly was a lovely, sweet ending. You did a great job with these characters. As I suspected, I quite like your Theodore. Here's hoping that you're not too far off the actual thoughts/motivations of canon-Theodore!
Monday 19th June 2006 09:41The Frog Prince of Slytherin (Author Response)
You know, I was thinking I could do some sort of epilogue - but that really doesn't work, does it? I'm glad you liked Theodore in this story. Both these characters were a challenge to write! Thanks for reading! I'll see what I can do to round off the edges here.
Monday 19th June 2006 09:12
The Frog Prince of Slytherin
I was loving the story, but the end is WOW! so unexpected, so sweet, so deep! It was even better than I had expected. You are definetely my favorite fanfic writer now. And you know the competitors here in Phoenix song are very good.

But I just wanted to make a remark. I dont know if you wanted it to be compatible with canon and it is not . There is a little non-canon detail : Nott is in Slughorn NEWT class in HBP. See chapter 9, p. 176 U.K. ed. Slughorn is asking Hermione if she is related to some poyioneer and she says she is a muggle-born . Then: "Harry saw Malfoy lean close to Nott and whisper something".
Monday 19th June 2006 09:22The Frog Prince of Slytherin (Author Response)
THANK YOU for pointing that out! I don't know why, but I thought it was Blaise Zabini who was with Malfoy in Potions. I knew Crabbe and Goyle weren't. I'll have Sherry change that for me. *huggles Theodore who is smart enough to be in NEWT level potions*

I'm glad you liked the ending - although I can't take credit for it because I followed the fairy tale. LOL And I can't take the blame either! Thanks for reading!
Grandma Kate
Monday 19th June 2006 08:52
The Frog Prince of Slytherin
Oh St Margarets, I don't know how to tell you how much I enjoyed all the lovely word play in this. I am sure I will read about Luna and Theodore again and again.

Actually, I am glad that our hot weather is coming and I will have to stop most outside activities. I can read all about the true meaning ofwallpapering, and the wisdom of ancient Aunties, and become addicted to Days of Destiny all over again. Having a St Margarets Marathon sounds just perfect.
Monday 19th June 2006 09:01The Frog Prince of Slytherin (Author Response)
I'm glad you enjoyed the word play! LOL - I've got enough stuff posted to have a marathon, don't I? Don't re-read all that old stuff! I have stories at the Sugar Quill and SIYE and on my live journal that aren't here. Here's the link to my journal if you wish to stop by:

Thanks for reading!
Monday 19th June 2006 08:39
The Frog Prince of Slytherin
The ending was bittersweet, but yet very hopeful. I guess I am use to the "happily ever after" fairy tale endings, but you are right--it wouldn't have worked to have Luna go with Theodore just yet. I loved the scene where Luna explains why she wanted Theodore's hair to be longer. At the end, Luna's quiet revelations that opened Theodore's eyes to his future were so Luna. You gave her a wonderful voice. And you are right, this is screaming for a sequel, so consider my voice as one screaming for the sequel.
Monday 19th June 2006 08:58The Frog Prince of Slytherin (Author Response)
I thought I left it hopeful - I mean Theodore has more now than he did before the story started - he has all those invisible things in Luna. Sigh. Don't worry, I can hear the screaming. LOL. I'll see what I can do! Thanks for reading!
Monday 19th June 2006 08:22
The Frog Prince of Slytherin
You're darn right it's screaming sequel!!!!! Nice job, although I hate being left with a cliffie. So what do we have to do to get more story?
Monday 19th June 2006 08:56The Frog Prince of Slytherin (Author Response)
I didn't mean to leave you with a cliffie - Theodore will go off to Drear Island- he will help Harry - war is over - he and Luna set up a magical zoo/vertrinary hospital. Is that okay? LOL. I can read your expression from here.

To get more story, you must alter the space/time continum so I can write two stories at once! LOL. I'll see what I can do, although I really thought I had headed off all the screaming with that author's note. Silly me.

Thanks for reading!
Monday 19th June 2006 07:17
The Frog Prince of Slytherin
I'm glad their kissing went so well, but I'm mad at Slughorn. Poor Theodore.
Monday 19th June 2006 08:52The Frog Prince of Slytherin (Author Response)
I was mad at Slughorn in HBP for not helping Harry. So I didn't think he would be much use to a "nobody" like Theodore. Sorry for the lack of fluff - but I do think the love relationship was there. Thanks for reading!
Green Eyes
Monday 19th June 2006 06:36
The Frog Prince of Slytherin
Wow. I love unexpected stories like this. You break through all of the preconceptions we have of a person and show us that these characters could be more. The son of a Death Eater doesn't have to be a Death Eater. Good for you.

I am also screaming sequel...and getting very odd looks for it!
Monday 19th June 2006 08:50The Frog Prince of Slytherin (Author Response)
I thought I would head off the sequel stuff at the pass with that author's note, but I see I was mistaken. LOL. I'm glad this story was a bit unexpected. I know some people say that "redeemed" stories are a cliche but I don't know if that is true or not. I can say that they are darned hard to write! Thanks for reading!
Monday 19th June 2006 05:41
The Frog Prince of Slytherin
Sweet. How do you do it? How do you make these obscure characters so very much alive?

Monday 19th June 2006 08:48The Frog Prince of Slytherin (Author Response)
I'm glad you thought these characters were alive. I've been trying to do it in a shorter space, but it was still four chapters for Theodore. Thanks for reading!
Monday 19th June 2006 01:36
The Frog Prince of Slytherin
Wow. That was a slightly different perspective on Slughorn. Not likable at all... I did think he was rather comical before, but that side was just... horrid.

I loved the frog refenrences. And the Fluff.

It's been a very cute story!
Monday 19th June 2006 08:46The Frog Prince of Slytherin (Author Response)
I was miffed at Slughorn for not helping Harry in HBP, so I figured he wouldn't lift a finger to help a "nobody" like Theodore. I'm glad you liked the fluff - there wasn't much in this story, sadly enough. Fairy tales are like that - they end when the good stuff starts happening. Thanks for reading!
Monday 19th June 2006 00:58
The Frog Prince of Slytherin
I think you just broke my heart here. I hate the idea of poor Theodore being left without any support whatsoever--Slughorn is useless as a head of house if he won't protect the kid.

But I love the ending. The frog prince kingdom, sanctuary for Harry (and how much do I want to read THAT?)--beautiful.

One question: is there an Iron Henry in this scenario?
Monday 19th June 2006 08:44The Frog Prince of Slytherin (Author Response)
Thanks for reading!

I didn't mean to break hearts. *frets* but honestly I do see Slughorn as that sort of teacher. I mean he wouldn't help Harry - and he liked and respected Harry's mother and knows Harry has the full support and backing of Dumbledore, - so I didn't think he would bestir himself to care about a "nobody" like Theodore.

I'm glad you liked the ending. I would like to write a little Harry meets Theodore story but it might take me awhile.

By Iron Henry, do you mean the coachman who has the bands of iron around his heart and then they are released when the frog prince returns?
Monday 19th June 2006 00:48
The Frog Prince of Slytherin
Screaming sequel indeed! More like ... i don't know, can you get any louder than screaming? It requires a sequel. A sequel would complete it.

That was a really nice read and an unusual pairing too. Very sweet, and i thoroughly enjoyed it.

Monday 19th June 2006 08:39The Frog Prince of Slytherin (Author Response)
Thanks for reading! I'm glad you liked it, even though the ending isn't total hearts and flowers. I'll see what I can do to complete Theodore's story - but his can't really be finished until the war is over and Ron is really mad at me for not working on his story because of this little detour. LOL. So much fan fic. so little time!
Monday 19th June 2006 00:35
The Frog Prince of Slytherin
I like the unresolved ending, even if it does scream crazy Harry needs help sequel (or spin-off), in some ways. I liked the way you wrote Slughorn, just as vile as ever. In some ways, I think he's just as bad of a Head of House as Snape was.
I also think it's quite right that Luna would try to forgive Mr. Nott, and that Theodore wouldn't want her to. I enjoyed that exchange.
Monday 19th June 2006 08:37The Frog Prince of Slytherin (Author Response)
LOL - I think you're the only one so far who likes the ending. I could have tacked on "they lived happily ever after" to resolve it.

Yes, I thought Slughorn was vile in HBP - he wouldn't help Harry who was a sure thing for the good side- so I extrapolated how he would treat someone who was a nobody and "iffy" at that.

*huggles Luna* she tries so hard to be good - but she's still a very human girl.

Thanks for reading!