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Reviews For A Golden Day by Kalarien

Sunday 14th October 2007 15:41
A Golden Day
huh interesting. Funny how the person that runs into "tom" is a wizard and just so happens to be related to ginny lol
Tuesday 1st August 2006 14:10
A Golden Day
oh my god this is so good i cant belive it. it is so good i wonder what every one is going to say
Monday 3rd July 2006 21:02
A Golden Day
I must say, I'm surprised Ginny doesn't have faith in Harry's survival, however I do understand that its protection for herself. Go and find him! Yay. I bet it's going to be like telephone tag. haha. Can't wait for the next chapter.
Monday 3rd July 2006 21:06A Golden Day (Author Response)
Well...not quite like phone tag. But there is plenty of drama ahead!
Sunday 2nd July 2006 04:24
A Golden Day
hope they find harry soon!
Thursday 29th June 2006 07:34
A Golden Day
Wow. What a day for Ginny. SHe said 8 months today, so this is the anniversary. A bad anniversary in the first place, but also a bad way to make it worst. But yet, a good chapter all the same.
Wednesday 28th June 2006 18:52
A Golden Day
Poor Ginny! Poor Harry! I hope he finds his identity soon only so that he can stop referring to himself as Tom! I can only imagine his reaction when he finds out who Tom is.

I loved the changing Ginnys in Harry's daydreams. Cracked me up!

Looking forward to the next chapter. Keep up the great writing.
Wednesday 28th June 2006 18:31
A Golden Day
Oh gods, I can't wait to see what happens when Ginny finally runs into Harry herself ... I love the suspense, even though I'm fervently wishing for it to be over!! Great chapter!!