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Reviews For How do they do that? by hewithnoname

Tuesday 8th August 2006 13:03
How do they do that?
“Well, I never, and to think, Sid, I have been using little pieces of sticks with red bits on them.”
“Matches,” Mr Ball added brightly.
“No, not really, they were all different lengths and the colour didn’t quite look similar, but there you go.”


Your Arthur Weasley is just too cute. Such a swet little 3-year-old.
Still a funny read.
Saturday 12th August 2006 12:02How do they do that? (Author Response)
That saying just popped into my head as I was typing it up, As I write it all down first, then type it up I tend to get little ad libs, If it makes me chuckle, then it stays in. I'm glad you liked it.
I hope you like the next two, which I hope are funnier.
I'm in two minds about the medical chapter, I might try and throw a curve ball. But as I'm English, we call it a googly.
Monday 7th August 2006 10:45
How do they do that?
Whoa. As brilliant as ever! Mr. Weasley is so funny! I'm so glad you updated's so different! I love that I'm learning about how these things work along with a large audience of fascinated witches and wizards. Very good chapter...I still can't wait for the planes though.
Saturday 12th August 2006 11:54How do they do that? (Author Response)
Once again thanks for the review. The planes chapter is the next one, I only hope you enjoy that one as much as the first two. I'm trying a more comical approch to the next two chapters, I hope you read and enjoy them, all fed back is greatly recived,