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Reviews For The Future's End by Sorting Hat

Tuesday 22nd April 2008 21:51
The Future's End
wow... this is really confusing... like for harry and them.. and to find out so much about your future.. yikes...
Saturday 1st December 2007 15:52
The Future's End
wow.... this is intense!
really interesting to read... really fast paced though... and James seems really inconsiderate to their feelings and that...
Monday 6th November 2006 16:20
The Future's End
'Hogwarts had wasn't the real target at that point' ?? -- I think you need to take the had out.
Interesting... but isn't James going to be a major target now? Certainly he can't be kept secret.
Poor Ginny.
Saturday 16th July 2005 19:21
The Future's End
Liz,I don,t think Harry dislikes him,he,s not near ready to face his "future " son. Nor is Ginny,or Ron. They must be totally in shock.
Saturday 16th July 2005 19:18
The Future's End
15 chapters and you unmask James in chap.2. Why ?? This just lets all the kids in Gryffinder [good and bad ones],know who he is and give Voldy another target,but dash it,this is a goooooood fic.