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Reviews For Through and Through by aschowin

Felix Felicis
Tuesday 29th August 2006 18:19
Through and Through
Yes, I imagine it would be rather frustrating not knowing where to even begin searching. I'm glad that Harry has Ron and Hermione with him. You had a stroke of brilliance in bringing Dobby along, as well. The little house elf is always good for helping out a bit, not to mention he keeps the trio well fed and clean.

My only comment is that things seem to be moving very fast. I know Harry hasn't found much yet, but it still feels a bit rushed. Other than that, great!
Wednesday 30th August 2006 18:18Through and Through (Author Response)
Thanks for reading and letting me know what you think. I think Ron and Hermione are absolutely essential to Harry's quest, and I hope you enjoyed the part that they've played so far. Dobby is pure amusement for me to think about so he had to have a small part. Thanks again.
Monday 28th August 2006 20:47
Through and Through
This is a really enjoyable and easy-to-read story. I got a real sense of their disappointment when nothing turned up at the orphanage. It’s a great idea to have Dobby with them and I love the explanation of how Harry found R.A.B. – seeing the twins’ usual inventiveness and the way Harry catches them. Great story, looking forward to the next chapter.
Tuesday 29th August 2006 08:58Through and Through (Author Response)
Thanks for taking the time to read this, I truly appreciate it. I only hope that the orphanage scene was described well enough for anyone reading to get a sense of the picture that I had in my mind while writing this, as that was supposed to be the focus of this chapter, even if it filled only a small portion of the text. I thought that the twins would have to play some role in this story though, only because I love their antics, and we don't get to see them nearly enough in the books. It might have been a stretch on my part, but I had fun with it. Thanks again.
Monday 28th August 2006 14:52
Through and Through
I enjoyed this very much. I love a story where the author gives Ginny the mindset I took her to have at the end of HBP.

It's rare to find a fic that feels like it could actually be an extention of JKR's books. This is a really good start!
Tuesday 29th August 2006 08:49Through and Through (Author Response)
Thank you for reading and reviewing my story, it means a lot to me. I think Ginny is often given credit for her strong personality, and this is just another way of looking at it. It's just a different kind of courage that she's showing I think. Anyway, I hope you're enjoying this, and that you will come back to read some more.
Monday 28th August 2006 14:09
Through and Through
You tell your story in a very - 'down-to-earth' tone. I suppose it's the fact that there's very little dialogue and no spectacular super-power-sword-fights-against-50-death-eaters...

A very enjoyable read. I especially like the hints at Hermione's and Ron's relationship; it's very realistic and I hope it will develop that way in the next book. thumbsup:

And I'm glad Dobby's with them... I just hope they have more success with their search when they find Hepzibah Smith's house.

So, bring on the next chapter!
Tuesday 29th August 2006 08:34Through and Through (Author Response)
Thank you very much. I was hoping that most of this story would come across as possible, although the sword fight is only missing because I lack that kind of imagination. Seriously though, I'm glad your enjoying the tone of this story, and I hope that you come back to read more.