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Reviews For Two Nights in the Garden by Felix Felicis

Monday 27th July 2009 19:37
Two Nights in the Garden
I was reading reviews from another story when i saw one that complemented your writing. Being me i looked at your stories and this one cought my eye. This is a very nice story with a passionate and heartfelt ending that i greatly enjoyed.

Amazing work,
Monday 27th July 2009 20:03Two Nights in the Garden (Author Response)
Thank you for stopping by! I always appreciate a review and yours was very kind. Might I ask, what story reviews you were reading to link over to mine? (If you remember, you can just leave another review with the answer). Thanks for taking the time to read and review!
Thursday 23rd April 2009 11:44
Two Nights in the Garden
Just finished your Magnum Opus and decided to re-read your earlier complete stories. Other fanfiction writers tell stories of various plotlines and many tend to use JK's characters like people in a book.

What I like about this particular story is that the characters feel like real people.

Thursday 23rd April 2009 19:33Two Nights in the Garden (Author Response)
Thanks for the comment about the characters being 'real people'. That means a lot to me. I wrote this to see how I could do in comparison to "Just Friends" by Desslok over at SU. Next to the story just completed, this may be my favorite! I really worked hard to make it all seem real. Thanks for the review!
Sunday 15th February 2009 12:48
Two Nights in the Garden
Very nice story. Thank you for sharing.
Sunday 15th February 2009 19:23Two Nights in the Garden (Author Response)
And thank you for reviewing! I'm glad you liked it.
Friday 27th June 2008 21:08
Two Nights in the Garden
alot of fun to read.
Sunday 29th June 2008 18:42Two Nights in the Garden (Author Response)
I'm glad you liked it. Thanks for stopping to review!
Monday 15th October 2007 12:21
Two Nights in the Garden
That settles it Ginny i the thoughest person in all the HP books.
Tuesday 11th September 2007 06:54
Two Nights in the Garden
so fluffly!!
great story.. keep writing
Monday 13th November 2006 13:24
Two Nights in the Garden
Oh, that was wonderful. I mean, there were parts where they were in so much pain, it certainly wasn't all happy, but it was really wonderful. I loved the brother/sister relationships of Ron and Ginny and Harry and Hermione; most people only focus on the romantic side. I really enjoyed this. Thank you.
Monday 13th November 2006 17:35Two Nights in the Garden (Author Response)
Thank you for your kind review! It was fun considering the foursome as brother/sister but also throwing in a bit of romance. I'm glad you liked it!
Sunday 12th November 2006 13:34
Two Nights in the Garden
Very well-written about Ron and Hermione; but does 'sky-rocketing' fit the mood?
Nice scene with Ginny and Harry . Harry seems to have become quite a bit darker after Hermione left. Perhaps a scene by himself while Hermione is in the house talking to Ginny and Ron would make his mood seem so different (at least it seemed so to me) from when Hermione and he were talking. I'm glad Harry's starting to feel more loved and worthy. Good piece.
Sunday 12th November 2006 19:39Two Nights in the Garden (Author Response)
Yes, there's a lot going on in this chapter, isn't there? I appreciate your honest comments and I'll make a note of them in case I ever update this story again.

Thanks for taking the time to review! I really do appreciate it.
Wednesday 13th September 2006 23:17
Two Nights in the Garden
It's kinda cute, though its missing some depth of emotion, my heart didn't wrench for Ginny and Harry's plight, but it wasnt a bad effort. I give it three and a half :
Friday 15th September 2006 20:27Two Nights in the Garden (Author Response)
Well, thanks for the review. I hope you at least liked the Ron and Hermione part!
Friday 8th September 2006 15:30
Two Nights in the Garden
AWWWWWWW... so sweet *sniff*

Nothing like a good fluff fest. Loved it. Looks like I'll have to hunt down the rest of your works to give myself a fluff-overdose.
Saturday 9th September 2006 18:31Two Nights in the Garden (Author Response)
I'm so happy you liked it. I know I can be a bit fluffy at times, but, oh well... As I currently have only one other story on PS, you might want to try my website if you're looking for more. Thanks for the review!
Sunday 3rd September 2006 05:07
Two Nights in the Garden
Fluffy fluffiness. I'm just not certain I understand what triggered that particular bout of Harryness.
Sunday 3rd September 2006 20:29Two Nights in the Garden (Author Response)
I seem to have an addition to fluff. They say the first step toward change is admitting you have a problem. Well, there it is! Although I don't really see it as a problem.

As for the bout of Harryness, *sigh*, you caught me there. A valid point, and one that has been brought up elsewhere, too. Perhaps if I have some time I'll write in what caused this to happen and update the last chapter. The reason is in my head but only indirectly included in the story. It more or less amounts to the fact that Harry has changed his mind about Ginny but now believes she won't take him back. Whether anyone else sees it that way, I don't know, but that's the joy of fanfic!
Sunday 3rd September 2006 00:38
Two Nights in the Garden
I am just a sucker for good chapter/story titles, and this chapter lived up to its title wonderfully - complete, they're all complete now in a way they weren't before. That was a lovely, lovely wrap up. I think you did a great job with Ron and Hermione, I loved their awkwardness while they teetered on the brink of finally telling each other the truth. As for Harry and Ginny, well I think Harry should start a Ginny Weasley Fan Club!! That was wonderful. Thanks for giving us a hopeful and warm story.
Sunday 3rd September 2006 20:24Two Nights in the Garden (Author Response)
Yes, the last chapter complete. It's like a pause in the journey before they start on a new path, renewed with their newfound love. I love the idea of a Ginny Weasley Fan Club because it does so many things at once. It reminds us of past times, it shows us that Harry really does care for her, and it's entertaining!

Thank you for your very lovely review!
Saturday 2nd September 2006 14:01
Two Nights in the Garden
That was really good. I had tears in my eyes. Tears of joy and happiness. Very good story. I loved it!
Sunday 3rd September 2006 20:21Two Nights in the Garden (Author Response)
I'm so glad you liked it! Telling me that you experienced such emotion is all the reward I could ask for. Thank you!
Saturday 2nd September 2006 07:52
Two Nights in the Garden
Ah, Hermione got "her Ron" and Harry got "his Ginny". This was such a beautiful and loving end to your story! The way you got Ron and Hermione together was so sweet and perfect. And Harry...gosh! That poor poor young man! Hermione's so right about those "bloody Muggles"! But he finally has all the love he deserves. I loved the scene with Harry and Ginny. It made me a little teary eyed. Their words just touched my heart. Thanks so much for this story!
Saturday 2nd September 2006 08:14Two Nights in the Garden (Author Response)
Thank you for saying this was
a beautiful and loving end
. That means so much to me! This was the first time I've really written Ron/Hermione, even a little bit, so I was concerned about how it would be taken. Thanks for saying you liked that part. And then there's Harry, the poor boy! But now he's got Ginny and everything will be fine.

I'm so happy you liked it and that you took the time to review!
Mira Miracle
Saturday 2nd September 2006 03:28
Two Nights in the Garden
Another wonderful, really heart-warming chapter, that left me with a big, lucky grin. It's amazing how you capture the teenage awkwardness between Ron and Hermione. They are both so shy about their feelings, and you let get them together just... right.
I love how you do Harry and Ginny and especially Harry's fear of losing her. "My Ginny" - how sweet and lovely! This shows how much he really cares about her.
Well, I would be thrilled to hear what Mrs Weasley said if Ginny wanted to go with Harry. She's her baby, after all
Your last lines were simply fantastic. Thank you for this great fic which shows us, once more, that Harry has love and is loved.
Saturday 2nd September 2006 08:12Two Nights in the Garden (Author Response)
Thank you for such kind words! Your review is very meaningful because you expressed exactly which parts you liked and why. Thank you so much. Harry just has a hard time believing he's loved sometimes, a sad result of the Dursley's treatment of him during his childhood. Fortunately, there's Ginny and Hermione and all of the Weasleys!

Since I'm convinced that JKR won't let Ginny go with them in the seventh book, I just had to write my own wishful version of the summer. I think Harry would just be lost without "his Ginny".