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Reviews For Our Peter by dancinginmagic

Wednesday 13th September 2006 07:17
Our Peter
Very nice drabble; I think you entered Remus' mind very well. I liked the idea of the other Marauders protecting Peter too much for his own good... Interesting.
Saturday 9th September 2006 22:28
Our Peter
Ah!! YAAYY!!!! You posted it!! I aboslutely LURVE this story. I love that you take the situation from a different angle than most stories involving Peter. It\'s so... short and sweet! Seriously, you are the master of smallish one-shots that know just how to pull on that heart string. Or that brain cell, actually, since this one wasn\'t just touching, it made you think. Which are two of my favorite qualities in a story. ^^ Yay! Great job!
(P.S. My overenthusiastic "yay" was longer, but it triggered the "lame review filter" 8[ Sorry! I'm am a bit of a lame reviewer, actually, but you already know that. But I'm sure you know what I was trying to say.)
Friday 8th September 2006 10:10
Our Peter
It's not a bad idea, still, remembering the scene in POA, I wouldn't think Remus would grieve all that much.
Saturday 9th September 2006 15:54Our Peter (Author Response)
I don't think he would grieve as much as he has in my story, but I was just tired of all the Marauder stories portraying Peter as an obvious traitor or simply not writing him at all. I wanted to explore why he was such a coward when he turned to Voldemort, yet was placed in Gryffindor.

Thanks for your constructive criticism. I hope you prefer my other stories!
Thursday 7th September 2006 21:16
Our Peter
What a moving study of both Peter and Remus. The simplicity of your expression allows the depth to shine through. I hope it doesn’t end that way but I wouldn’t be surprised if it did. Very nice interpretation of the Marauders’ relationships.
Saturday 9th September 2006 15:52Our Peter (Author Response)
Thanks. I was sick of Peter never showing up in Marauder stories - I just wanted to portray him in a way that showed him in a better light and tried to explain his actions.

Thursday 7th September 2006 15:43
Our Peter
Welcome back, it has been a while. Worth the wait me thinks. A very well writen peice, Not many are willing to write about the more darker charactors. You do it justice. Once again great fic.
Thursday 7th September 2006 15:54Our Peter (Author Response)
Thank you! I'm glad you think it's worth the wait - I have another in the pipeline which definitely won't be as long in coming as this!