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Reviews For The Other World Cup by Mira Miracle

Tuesday 30th October 2007 15:55
The Other World Cup
lol nice. you would think that they would actually mention football(soccer here) and quidditch...
I wonder what is wrong with molly?
Monday 27th November 2006 13:37
The Other World Cup
Great story. I love this concept.
Friday 1st December 2006 05:07The Other World Cup (Author Response)
Thanks for your review! It was originally planned as a one-shot but it evolved somehow
Tuesday 12th September 2006 09:22
The Other World Cup
Heeheee... I *love* your Percy. He is perfect, really.

And horrible food and old castles ... Yup, that would be us
Monday 11th September 2006 14:01
The Other World Cup
HAHA this looks great.i can't read it now, but i will!!!!!!!!!! I love quidditch, and I also watch World cups, as well. (Although, if you mean "Soccer," I'm not that great at watching that. I'm better at basketball, and, sadly, Spanish Soccer is more understandable to me than American or English.)

Can't wait,
Monday 11th September 2006 15:54The Other World Cup (Author Response)
Hi Ryn,

thanks for your nice review! Well, it is about soccer, but you don't need to understand anything about the sport. The fic's written in the wizards' POV and they don't know anything about it either. I wrote this in reminiscence of the World Cup 2006 here in Germany, which was really, really great. But Quidditch plays a role, too. I'm looking forward to your feedback on the other chapters as well!

Cheers, Mira
Monday 11th September 2006 08:14
The Other World Cup
You,ve outdone yourself and every other writer on these three chapters. They are absolutely fantastic. I shall print them out and keep them to read another time and also share them . My thanks to you, Jeanne.
Monday 11th September 2006 15:56The Other World Cup (Author Response)
Thanks so much for this review. I don't know how to express my feelings when I read your review; it's the best compliment I ever recieved from a reader. You really made me blush.
Sunday 10th September 2006 21:22
The Other World Cup
Haha. That's funny. Percy thought Dean was talking about Quidditch. But so did I. And what happened to Mrs. Weasley?