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Reviews For Hearts Afire by Sherylyn

Sunday 14th January 2018 09:19
Hearts Afire
Hi Sherry! So, with your belated b-day gift to Mary of another chapter to this fic I realised I had to reread it all. Gosh, it's beautiful and strong and heart rendering. Even though Ginny survived. Even though I KNEW that I still sat here wiping my eyes and sniffling as I read. And rereading I am transported back in time to when the kids were small and I had to be sneaky to get some fanfiction time. Literature is pure magic, and you're a brilliant magician.
Tuesday 12th February 2008 23:30
Hearts Afire
I started reading this marvelous story of yours and came to chapter two and 3, Ginny\'s injury. I swear on the grave of my grandfather, as I started reading it began raining outside... gently but firmly. And \"My Immortal\" by Evanescence began playing on my iPod.

Sometimes the universe wants us in the perfect mood, and engineers conditions to put us in it. Thank you very much for this story.
Wednesday 13th February 2008 07:15Hearts Afire (Author Response)
Wow. Thank YOU very much for such a wonderful review! You're right -- sometimes the world just makes everything "click" around us, and it's always so wonderful when it does. I'm glad it gave you such a great environment for reading!
Saturday 26th January 2008 11:00
Hearts Afire
nice chapter! that would be so hard on harry!
Saturday 26th January 2008 17:10Hearts Afire (Author Response)
Thank you! I'm glad his POV made sense on that
Wednesday 31st October 2007 02:56
Hearts Afire
This was so moving. To hear the fear and anguish in Harry's thoughts while he waits for Ginny to wake up from her near fatal accident. That was very profound. Thank you for writing something that so many people, especially men, have such a hard time expressing to those they love. p
Wednesday 31st October 2007 09:46Hearts Afire (Author Response)
Thank you! I'm glad it felt realistic to you. Waiting in a hospital for ages like this is horribly draining, even when you know things are "supposed" to turn out okay eventually, or the patient is improving, etc. And Harry and the rest of the family didn't even totally have that assurance! Thanks again for reviewing!
Friday 2nd March 2007 15:55
Hearts Afire
I loved this perspective of the wait. Waiting can be so interminable, especially when waiting for a loved one who is in hospital. You described it so well. Harry's raw need is palpable, even for one who normally bottles up his feelings.

Friday 2nd March 2007 16:25Hearts Afire (Author Response)
Thanks. And yes, waiting around a hospital is about the worst sort of waiting there is, I think. It's amazing how much "just waiting" can exhaust you! I'm glad that seemed to come across accurately for you!
Thursday 16th November 2006 17:06
Hearts Afire
I meant to review this chapter earlier when it came out, but life got in the way. I have read chapter 4, but I still felt compelled to come back and leave a review of this chapter. I can still recall the tension and emotions that I personally felt while reading this chapter.

The tension at the beginning, when Harry didn't know if Ginny would survive was so great. How you conveyed all the feelings and emotions that Harry was going through was so realistic I found myself feeling them right along with Harry. I loved reading all his internal musings. The depth of Harry's love for Ginny was so evident in your words. It gave me a warm feeling in my heart.

I loved the Weasleys and their support for Harry and Ginny throughout the chapter. Their love for Harry rang true in this chapter.

This is the perfect companion piece to St. Margaret's story. Thank you for giving us Harry's side of that wonderful story.
Thursday 16th November 2006 17:16Hearts Afire (Author Response)
Thank you so much for coming back to review! I'm so glad you liked this chapter so much. I'm really enjoying writing Harry, and it's so nice when my version is also something others enjoy. Thanks again!
Monday 30th October 2006 08:31
Hearts Afire
Wasn't Harry at the Quidditch match? ('What Harry didn’t see and what she didn’t see, either, was Miranda Smith falling off of her broom').
You do a most excellent (brilliant) job of conveying Harry's anxiety and fear . 'so pale, making even the stark white sheets look dark in comparison' -- good imagery .
Monday 30th October 2006 11:46Hearts Afire (Author Response)
No, none of the family (inc. Harry) were there. I think StM was just noting again that --b/c Harry wasn't at the game -- he couldn't see it any more than Ginny did, if that helps a bit.

And glad you liked it overall, though THANKS!!
Saturday 14th October 2006 19:40
Hearts Afire
This is a wonderful story you're doing, really rendered beautifully; fully the equal of St. Margaret's effort, because the love shines through your chapters too. I really enjoyed reading what you've done thus far; thank you for publishing it!
Sunday 15th October 2006 19:23Hearts Afire (Author Response)
Thanks so much! I hope to get another chapter ready before too long, but Real Life has not cooperated lately! Thanks for reviewing!
Tuesday 26th September 2006 19:50
Hearts Afire
I'm loving this...the parallel stories. The emotions here...the worry...the Harry! Great job...look forward to the next chapter!
Tuesday 26th September 2006 22:43Hearts Afire (Author Response)
Thanks! I'm glad you're enjoying it! I certainly didn't really *intend* to do this, but so far, it's been a lot of fun for me, too. Thanks for reviewing!
Tuesday 26th September 2006 13:28
Hearts Afire
Once again, great work, Sherry!
Tuesday 26th September 2006 22:43Hearts Afire (Author Response)
Thanks, Chele! I'm glad you liked it!
Tuesday 26th September 2006 12:44
Hearts Afire
I reckon this has to be a very hard chapter to write. Sadness, fear, pain, tears...Molly conforting Harry, very sweet.
Thanks, I enjoyed reading this chapter.
Tuesday 26th September 2006 22:41Hearts Afire (Author Response)
The first draft of it wasn't toooo horribly hard to write, but getting it all to edit out "just so" was quite a process with this one I'm glad you liked it -- thanks for reviewing!
Monday 25th September 2006 19:58
Hearts Afire
It's such a wonderful chapter! We can feel Harry's emotions and how they are strong. Poor man.
What I love most in it is that it is a very difficult one, because the situation is so hard that it could easily become something like Days of destiny. But you managed to get the right tone, no melodrama, just the real drama of such a horrible accident.
Monday 25th September 2006 22:10Hearts Afire (Author Response)
LOL oh, that would really be bad if I ended up writing it like Days of Destiny , wouldn't it? LOL! But yes, I know what you mean, and thanks -- I'm glad you thought it worked properly!

Thanks for reviewing!
Monday 25th September 2006 19:53
Hearts Afire
What a great chapter.
Monday 25th September 2006 22:09Hearts Afire (Author Response)
Thanks so much!!
Felix Felicis
Monday 25th September 2006 19:19
Hearts Afire
Great chapter! The feeling of being helpless while someone you love is hurting is probably familiar to all of us, and you used it to great effect. I could feel myself getting choked up a bit during this chapter. Doesn't it ever get easier for Harry?!? Well, yeah, I guess it does not that he's got Ginny. I love this story and I can't wait for the next installment.
Monday 25th September 2006 22:07Hearts Afire (Author Response)
Aww...!! I'm glad you felt like it worked okay and all. I was hoping it came across that way all right. Thanks so much for your comments and for taking the time/effort to review!
Monday 25th September 2006 15:24
Hearts Afire
Ahh, how sweet the taste of love when you've been worrying like Harry has here. Wonderful story, a great companion to Mary's, and I do love to see Harry's pov, but I guess I've mentioned before. Harry's musings in the second to last paragreph are profound. Love is the greatest power, but we often take it for granted and don't really consider what it would be like to be without. Until accidents like these happen.

Thanks for sharing, I loved it.

Wednesday 27th September 2006 11:39Hearts Afire (Author Response)
Thank you so much! I'm glad you thought Harry "got it" -- he had so little love in his life early on, I think he probably values it even more than most people, but yet, it's still something he can't quite believe at times, either.

I forgot to include this before, BTW: you can thank Parakletos for most of that particular paragraph. I wrote some of it, but he really came up with the best parts of it.

Thanks for reviewing!
Monday 25th September 2006 14:18
Hearts Afire
You've done such a wonderful job with Harry's POV so far. Ginny's POV couldn't tell us much about her accident, so I'm glad you've really latched on to the emotional turmoil of her family during her recovery. Excellent work.
Monday 25th September 2006 15:41Hearts Afire (Author Response)
Thanks so much! I just thought that bit was especially needing Harry's POV on what all was happening while a loved one is in hospital for a whole week! Gah, that's just awful to deal with for anyone!

I'm glad you think it worked well. Thanks for reviewing!
Monday 25th September 2006 11:40
Hearts Afire
This has to be the best chapter yet! You really took my hear strings, tugged them and twisted them and really made me all teary-eyed, which isn't good since I'm in the school's computer lab. I also have a ridiculous smile on my face that I can't seem to get rid of.... I'm almost afraid to look up lest poeple be looking at me as if I have 3 heads. Wonderful work, dear! I really love how well you captured how Harry must be feeling.... you really do an amazing job with characterization! Amazing work!
Monday 25th September 2006 12:21Hearts Afire (Author Response)
Aww... thanks!! I really appreciate you reviewing -- you're always so encouraging! And yes, reading fic in "public" can be a hazardous thing! LOL!! I'm glad you enjoyed it!
Monday 25th September 2006 11:11
Hearts Afire
A very moving chapter full of deep emotions, I loved it
Monday 25th September 2006 12:18Hearts Afire (Author Response)
Aww... thanks!! I'm glad!!
Grandma Kate
Monday 25th September 2006 10:43
Hearts Afire
Sherylyn, Hearts Afire is turning out to be so much fun to read. Maybe it is because of the good story line, but I think your read on Harry's POV is spot on.

I especially liked his response to this. "He was surprised when Ginny asked what the papers were saying about them, and was even more surprised when she compared what was being reported to Days of Destiny, the soap opera she was so fond of."
Monday 25th September 2006 12:18Hearts Afire (Author Response)
I'm so glad you're enjoying it -- I really am enjoying writing like this! And that part is largely b/c of St.M's, of course, but yeah... I can just imagine the look of "it's what ?!" on Harry's face when she starts giggling about a soap opera, after all he's been thru that week At least Ginny slept thru it all
Monday 25th September 2006 09:33
Hearts Afire
Oh, I love this. So much. I was reluctant to click on this chapter, b/c of course watching Harry & the Weasleys wait and suffer while Ginny was injured would be horrible, but you do a wonderful job showing us what St. Margarets can't (since her story is, after all, all from Ginny's POV). This is terrific--perfect characterization, and a wonderful fit with SM's story.
Monday 25th September 2006 12:16Hearts Afire (Author Response)
Thank you! I'm glad you think it fits, and glad it seemed to "work" overall. I love doing Harry's POV anyway, but trying to convey the right mix of emotions when you're waiting that long, etc., is harder to write than I thought it might be I'm glad you liked it!
Monday 25th September 2006 07:49
Hearts Afire
Bravo! Oh, I so enjoyed this. Dramatic angst is my favorite kind of story to read, and this fit the bill splendidly. I loved how Ron was the one who guided Harry at the beginning, and the interaction between Harry and Molly was splendid. It was so nice for him to have her to lean on, and I think it helped her to have him to take care of and keep her from fretting over Ginny. Really nicely done. I kept thinking how hard it would be for Harry to go through this so soon after thinking nightmares like that were finally over.
Monday 25th September 2006 12:14Hearts Afire (Author Response)
Thanks so much, Melinda! I'm glad you liked how it all fit/worked together. I just thought that the Harry & Molly dynamic worked for both of them, and glad you thought so too. And yeah... after all they've been thru, for her to be this badly injured for something so bizarre... had to have been soooo difficult!

Thanks bunches!!
St Margarets
Monday 25th September 2006 06:38
Hearts Afire
I really enjoyed reading this in its full beta'd glory! This was one tough scene to take on (geez - I'm glad Ginny didn't realize how bad off she way. ) and I think you captured the gamut of emotions that anyone would feel at seeing a loved one in the hospital. And you did it in character with our Harry - pulling in canon moments and the events from this story. Wonderfully done, my dear.
Monday 25th September 2006 12:03Hearts Afire (Author Response)
Thanks bunches. You really helped it out with your comments and all, too, aside from the fact that you set the whole thing up!! LOL!! Thanks again!
Monday 25th September 2006 01:02
Hearts Afire
It was a pleasure to be involved in this. Looking forward to the next bit
Monday 25th September 2006 01:07Hearts Afire (Author Response)
LOL You're so sweet to review something you've read 8642 times