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Reviews For Indistinguishable by SnorkackCatcher

Friday 19th June 2009 05:01
"They love gadgets, but they do sometimes get carried away. I have to tell them what is and isn’t practical in a WWW product, because they don’t always understand where the boundaries are."

This line alone says so much. I really have to give props to this story, it was hilarious but covers both the Muggle and wizarding perspective at the same time! It's brilliant!
Friday 19th June 2009 14:54Indistinguishable (Author Response)
Thank you very much!
Sunday 28th September 2008 21:18
hahaha nice story i love this... and it would be aweosme if the twins went tinot the muggle world...
Monday 29th September 2008 01:06Indistinguishable (Author Response)
Thank you!
Monday 21st April 2008 20:52
haha!! I loved this!! I think that they should sell stuff to muggles tht would be brilliant
Tuesday 22nd April 2008 13:58Indistinguishable (Author Response)
Thank you!
Thursday 29th November 2007 21:18
hehe that is so cute! I love it! I wish that it was longer though It wouldve been funny if they pulled out their wands too or something
Friday 30th November 2007 03:26Indistinguishable (Author Response)
Nah, that would have spoiled the joke for them. L) Thanks.
Saturday 21st April 2007 01:47
The poor muggles will never figure out that WWW products are magic because we all "know that magic doesn't exist"! Right? Very well done. I like the confusions Fred and George can promote. Thanks for writing. p
Saturday 21st April 2007 08:17Indistinguishable (Author Response)
Thank you! That was the general idea, yes, although F&G have to be stopped from getting too cute in case it becomes too obvious.
Saturday 7th April 2007 17:47
Funny story! Fred and George being interviewed by a Muggle news reporter, hilarious! And you referenced Harry and Hermione and Mr. and Mrs. Weasley and house-elves! Very creative, I really liked it!
Saturday 7th April 2007 19:09Indistinguishable (Author Response)
Thanks -- I coldn't resist adding in the references to the other characters.
Monday 2nd October 2006 15:30
This is hilarious! I can just iimagine them doing this, and all the jokes and products floatin around in the market...

Well done, SnorkackCatcher!
Monday 2nd October 2006 16:00Indistinguishable (Author Response)
Thank you!
Monday 2nd October 2006 13:50
"local shop girl Tracey off her feet"

I'm pretty sure it was Cassie, not Tracy.

I enjoyed your interview. Especially since it was better written than a real interview.

Thank you for sharing.
Monday 2nd October 2006 15:58Indistinguishable (Author Response)
Thank you! (It was Cassie in the story by snuggle the muggle that I mentioned, but in HBP no name was given -- Tracey seemed as good a name as any.)
Monday 2nd October 2006 07:28
That is so cool! Gosh, the audacity of the twins, not only in selling in the Muggle world, but in their whole conversation with the journo - I just shook my head in wonder at their cheekiness! Great idea and very well executed. Love it!
Monday 2nd October 2006 15:55Indistinguishable (Author Response)
Thank you -- that poor reporter, told the exact truth in a completely unbelievable way.
Sunday 1st October 2006 15:14
This was great- really good Fred and George characterizations : )
Monday 2nd October 2006 15:54Indistinguishable (Author Response)
Thank you!
Sunday 1st October 2006 12:51
That was funny. And I think Fred and Goerge are the perfect people to try out that line. Very good.
Sunday 1st October 2006 12:57Indistinguishable (Author Response)
Thank you!
Sunday 1st October 2006 12:01
Hehe, cute.
Sunday 1st October 2006 12:44Indistinguishable (Author Response)
Thank you!
Sunday 1st October 2006 10:49
Perfect! I loved it!

I realized that something was off through most of it, but I couldn't figure out what it was. It took me most of the story to realize that the reporter was a muggle, which was great. All of the subtle hints of the magical world were also very funny. And I love the twins antics. It's kind of hard to believe that the magical world would allow them to market magical toys to the muggle world, but if anyone could get away with it, it would be the twins!

Great job!
Sunday 1st October 2006 12:59Indistinguishable (Author Response)
Thank you -- sorry if it was a bit confusing at first, maybe I should have specified that it wasn't a wizarding paper in the summary. (The 'Sunday Times' is a famous real-life psper in Britain.)

I was rather stretching a point to have them do this, but it was necessary to set it up.
Sunday 1st October 2006 10:34
I definitely have nothing to say other than the fact that I absolutely loved this! There can never be enough Gred and Forge fics out there! I really like all the little details yyou put in there as well, and the mentions to the family. You really stck everything in there really well... that's, in my opinion how great writing is made... to be able to have details without overloading the story! Amazing work! And I am so definitely gonna be checking those two fics you recommended out!
Sunday 1st October 2006 13:07Indistinguishable (Author Response)
Thank you -- I couldn't resist putting in the little nods to Harry and Hermione as family members, and had quite a lot of fun writing them in.
Sunday 1st October 2006 00:47
You've given us an unusual perspective on F&G and WWW.....not an easy task considering how well known they are. Very nicely done......and a good laugh, too! Thank you!
Sunday 1st October 2006 13:05Indistinguishable (Author Response)
Thank you very much!
Suzanne Foster
Saturday 30th September 2006 23:42
Funny! I was reading through this story with great enjoyment, thinking to myself, "Hey, this sounds like it could practically be George and Cassie's story," then I got to the end . . . and you mentioned them in your author notes. Very well done!! I enjoyed the story immensely, it was very cute, and I really liked how you didn't really come out and say that it was a Muggle reporter., and I sort of had to figure it out for myself. That was clever, and kept me a bit off-kilter, which was good, since I am sure that was how the reporter felt.

Very nice story. Thank you for writing it, and especially thanks for the plug!

snuggle the muggle
Sunday 1st October 2006 13:05Indistinguishable (Author Response)
Thank you! I nearly called her Cassie as a sort of in-joke, but decided that it wasn't perhaps such a good idea. When I thought about a wizard company selling in the Muggle world, it pretty much had to be WWW.
Saturday 30th September 2006 23:37
Very amusing. Good job!
Sunday 1st October 2006 12:41Indistinguishable (Author Response)
Thank you!
Saturday 30th September 2006 20:47
Amazing - that was great! The twins are wonderful - really in character - and the products you've created are so inventive! I would never be able to think of stuff like that - but you've done a great job. Plus, it reads really well, and made me laugh.

Sunday 1st October 2006 12:41Indistinguishable (Author Response)
Thank you -- glad you liked the products, it was a pain trying to think of them!