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Reviews For Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor by Hank

Sunday 31st December 2006 19:50
Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor
Aww. Finally. Very good chapter.
Tuesday 9th January 2007 15:38Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor (Author Response)
Yeah, it was about time, wasn't it. Don't worry, there is still plenty of fun to come between Harry and Ginny.
No Idea Why I Smile
Thursday 30th November 2006 04:46
Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor
he just needed a little push

i like it...ive just finished the lot, and i hope you update soon...i look forward to the next chapters...

Thursday 30th November 2006 07:55Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor (Author Response)
Thanks for the kind words! Chapter 14 is with my pre-beta at the moment. I'm hoping to have it posted within another week or so. Chapter 15 is progressing nicely, which is good because I was worried about it just a few days ago. I'm hoping to have it posted in another month or so, which is rather fast for me. I hope you continue to enjoy the story as it unfolds.
Monday 9th October 2006 15:25
Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor
Wonderful story more please! I can't wait to find out what happens next.
Monday 9th October 2006 16:55Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor (Author Response)
Thanks for the kind words! I'm working on chapter 14. It's almost done; I just need a couple of hours of uninterupted time to finish it. The question is can I find the time!
Sunday 8th October 2006 15:00
Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor
That's kind of abrupt. The last chapter ended with Harry feeling all warm inside with Ginny . Now he's suddenly mad.
'“If he wanted to talk to me so much, he could have bloody well done it over the summer,”' -- Dumbledore's colossal misstep is biting him in the now, isn't it!
Jealous Ginny ? Not nice -- wasn't that a bit of an overreaction? At first its understandable, but after Harry tells her there's nothing going on, wouldn't she calm down a bit more ?
Well, Harry's being a bit dense about Ginny . And Hermione a bit stubborn about the Snorkacks . Now it would be interesting to see how Ollivander's wand turn out (perhaps another wand for Harry to use against Voldemort ; though you've got [or at least had] Harry doing wandless magic so there's no real need for that )
Ah, You resolved the Harry - Ginny idiocy (they were both a bit dense ) nicely; just a bit saccharine .
Monday 9th October 2006 09:34Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor (Author Response)
Thanks for the review! Yeah - with H/G I was aiming for something understated and funny. I hope I hit my mark!

Hermione is a bit of a stinker in this novel. It was time for her to get a little come-uppance. I mean, after all in the HP universe unicorns, centaurs and giant exist! How hard could it be to believe in a Crumple-Horned Snorkack?

As far as Ginny's temper goes, she's just nervous about her plans. After all, she's the one putting her heart on the line here. Also, she's Harry's friend now, too, which makes it doubly difficult. Just trying to capture some teenaged angst if you know what I mean.

And Harry's mood swings...Dumbledore's in for it! Of course, in my opinion, both in this story and canon the old wizard deserves it. There was no excuse for what transpired with the Dursleys. In this story I'm planning to explore how the two of them might have made up for it all. I hope you enjoy it!
Wednesday 4th October 2006 19:48
Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor
Great chapter, I just re-read the whole story to remember it. It's a wonderful story and I can't wait to see what happens next, specifically what Harry does with the wandless magic that he did over the summer. Keep up the great work and update son!

Thursday 5th October 2006 10:26Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor (Author Response)
Jake - thanks for the kind words! I'm glad to see you are still enjoying the story. There's more wandless magic coming up, but not terribly soon. Chapter 14 has been almost completely roughed out. I just need to polish the draft and send it to my betas. Check the other reviews for some hints of what's to come.
Wednesday 4th October 2006 16:07
Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor
YAY YAY YAY!!! YOU DID IT! Another awesome chapter! I REALLY appreciate you sending me your draft or beta copy or whatever it's called.
I wish you luck!
Thursday 5th October 2006 11:31Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor (Author Response)
Thanks Lindsay!!!! Chapter 14 is roughed out completely. I just have to remove some obsolete details and polish it up before it goes out to my betas. I'm hoping this will happen in a week or two, but don't hold your breath.
Wednesday 4th October 2006 15:01
Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor
Great Chapter Hank! I really enjoyed the Quidditch scenes and how you wrote Harry asking Ginny out. I hope that Real Life cuts you some slack soon and I can't wait for the next chapter!
Thursday 5th October 2006 11:33Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor (Author Response)
Sal - thanks for the review! Yeah - I really enjoyed how that came together, too. It was fun to write! Chapter 14 is well along. Hopefully it will go to my betas within the next two weeks or so. So far, so good...
Wednesday 4th October 2006 08:25
Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor
Sorry to hear RL is kicking you around. I hope things improve for you soon - and that we get more updates out of the deal I'm still waiting for that promised breakdown in chapter 16.

I liked the lighthearted Quidditch fun in this one, although I couldn't get rid of the nagging thought that they need to find another real Chaser. I LOVED Ginny's struggling to pretend indifference. It was painfully obvious she was failing miserably, but I really felt for her. I can't wait for the Hogsmeade date, and I like seeing Harry getting his support system around him again.
Wednesday 4th October 2006 08:41Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor (Author Response)
Hey Melinda! Glad to see you enjoyed it. Don't worry, they are going to find a real chaser. That's up in the next chapter. I've already written that scene, along with all the rest. I've just got to clean everything up now and remove all traces of Mark Evans (yes - I know; this story has been too long in the making ) along with making some modifications to the storyline which are forced by one of JKR's comments (okay, so if Harry isn't a DIRECT descendant of Voldemort, how do I move the story over to where I want it to be?). Anyway, all of those little problems have been solved - I just need to clean up the text and polish the dialog. Also, I need to try and figure out if I want to encorporate Horcruxes into the plotline somewhere to try and take it back into canon (that is if I feel like writing another 250000 words for a sequel!). Although, personally, I think this Horcrux stuff just might be the biggest red herring JKR has ever served up and I think I can find enough justification in the canon to cook up just such a plot(!). If you're interested send me an email and we can discuss. Thanks for the review!!!!!