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Reviews For Air by moonette

Friday 16th February 2007 07:43
I loved seeing Oliver's fly over the lake through Mary's eyes - it had a poetic feel to it, that scene. I'm a bit confused by Mary, though, she feels a bit like two different girls in this chapter, but perhaps Oliver's striking good looks can have dissembling affects on young girls! I wonder how Oliver will approach his father, now that the letter bungle has been revealed. Good work, I'm straight on to ch. 4.
PS I'm not sure which phrases Evelyn was thinking of, but at most every match sounds wierd to me - I would say at almost every match.
Sunday 15th October 2006 07:41
You're American, aren't you? It shows in some places where you use unusual expressions, but of course, it doesn't make this any less enjoyable to read. Oliver's problem with his father is really nicely written. I suppose they need to work on it, Oliver on his hot temper, and his father on his cold attitude...

And of course, I'd like to know how Oliver and Mary's relationship will develop. There must be problem somewhere, Coach Winston probably?
Sunday 15th October 2006 09:18Air (Author Response)
Hi Evelyn!

Thanks for continuing to read! I'd love to hear why my unusual phrases are. I don't have the luxury of a Brit Picker right now. Please feel free to send me a message if you'd like, or even list them right here! If not, then I hope to see you at Ch 4, which is with my beta. Thanks again!