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Reviews For Muggle War by cryslin

Saturday 13th January 2007 22:40
Muggle War
Wow. I'm really intrigued.
And Dementors would've adored WWII with all of that horror all over the place!
Sunday 14th January 2007 12:26Muggle War (Author Response)
They would. I'm glad you like it.
Friday 13th October 2006 10:10
Muggle War
Interesting journal Harry has found. I look forward to hearing more about J. Harrison; though I hope you deal with Harry's present too .
Friday 13th October 2006 15:03Muggle War (Author Response)
The present is there in future chapters, I just needed to get a baseline story started. I'm glad you like it.
Wednesday 11th October 2006 22:39
Muggle War
What a great start to a story. I can't wait to find out what happens. Do you have any idea how long of a story (in chapters) this might be? Is this story going to tie in with Hank giving Harry some kind of reference to help him find the Horcruxes? Even if not, this is still a good story. Please write more and often!!!

Friday 13th October 2006 15:02Muggle War (Author Response)
The story is set at five chapters...a ficlet really. Thank you for the encouragement!
Sunday 8th October 2006 07:42
Muggle War
he other Ally battalions in invading Normandy

Shouldn't that be Allied?

I thought initally that the writer was an American, given his name, and the way he spoke. Seems I was wrong.
Sunday 8th October 2006 04:11
Muggle War
Oooh, ensnaring, brilliant and mysterious! All the good things!
Sunday 8th October 2006 17:15Muggle War (Author Response)
Thanks very much for the review. I'm glad you like it. More will come.