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Reviews For Defining the Relationship by TheGov

Thursday 8th January 2009 19:15
Defining the Relationship
So much to happen in one chapter. Lots of good stuff. I just keep waiting for Draco to hurt someone...
Wednesday 15th November 2006 20:14
Defining the Relationship
Yes. Malfoy needs to make a mistake...and fast! Very good chapter, once again.
Wednesday 15th November 2006 20:14
Defining the Relationship
Yes. Malfoy needs to make a mistake...and fast! Very good chapter, once again.
Wednesday 15th November 2006 20:13
Defining the Relationship
Yes. Malfoy needs to make a mistake...and fast! Very good chapter, once again.
Sunday 29th October 2006 12:26
Defining the Relationship
The story is progressing nicely--when it gets updated! (hint, hint, hint) I've enjoyed it since the first chapter. I'm drawn into the story, as though it were really happening. Good writing! And good luck with the election ... unless it'll slow you down even further ... ;-)
Sunday 22nd October 2006 06:29
Defining the Relationship
First off - I Love this story! I 've re-read it at least 6 times in the past 2 weeks!!!

I enjoy how you have Harry change his attitude and personality into becoming a truely happy person, the love between all parties (H/G, R/H, and Chris/Penny). Love the Chris Character - RED DEVILS RULE!!! (I still love to watch old war movies too.) And the way you have set up the impending doom from Draco - excellent!

I EAGERLY await your next (and all the remaining - hopefully many in number) Chapter

Keep up the good work


PS since I'm new here I wish to say congrats on your wedding - from your notes at the beginning of each chapter it seems you have found your "Ginny" (corny I know but you, hopefully, get the sentiment).
Monday 16th October 2006 21:16
Defining the Relationship
I'm enjoying this story. I think it is one of the best fan fics I've read in a long time.
Sunday 15th October 2006 06:53
Defining the Relationship
You've really got to subject Draco to a grisly and definitive end, *please*. No left-wing pleas for clemency, no sob sisters trying to ameliorate his evil deeds by claiming that it was balanced by what happened to his daddy ... just kill the bugger, please. I'm looking forward to it.

Nice touch making the godparents' agreement magically-binding, and good joke with the pregnancy bit.

Wolf's Scream
Saturday 14th October 2006 20:56
Defining the Relationship
Excellent interactions & story -- though I rather suspect that the peppermint humbugs wouldn't help the residual smoke on the guys' clothes. :-}
Wednesday 11th October 2006 10:10
Defining the Relationship
We finally get an update!! It really is torture getting updates for your other fics, but not for this one! Makes me wonder when the heck we'll get an update! Anyways, brilliant work, (you had to throw in some dram, eh?) and really just wonderful! Especially how you have the family interact, and especially Harry and Ginny and how cute they are together!

Tuesday 10th October 2006 19:16
Defining the Relationship
Oh, so nice to see Harry back in familiar roles - protecting Ginny and getting Quidditch injuries, lol. Seems like old times. I adored the interaction between Ron and Harry in this chapter. So fun and juvenile, and I also enjoyed how all the Weasley brothers have accepted him as one of thier own even before he marries Ginny. He's needed that for so long.

I also cheered on Ginny when she had Harry trapped in the hospital bed so used the opportunity to go over wedding plans. You go, girl!
Tuesday 10th October 2006 10:52
Defining the Relationship
Wonderful mix of fluff and action. I can't wait for the wedding
Tuesday 10th October 2006 09:45
Defining the Relationship
'“Their brains must be malfunctioning. Maybe Madam Pomfrey will have to amputate.”' -- Ouch .
Tuesday 10th October 2006 08:46
Defining the Relationship
Yay, a new chapter. Which was Awsome by the way, I love how you handle the characters, please keep updating, I really like this story.
Tuesday 10th October 2006 05:18
Defining the Relationship
Firstly, this chapter was full of the promise and excitement you would expect from a soon to be married couple. The threat of Malfoy throughout was a stabilising factor and I feel (although I hope that it doesn't happen) that there may be a death somewhere along the line.
I especially liked that Chris introduced Penny as his girlfriend.
You have my vote, for both the fic and the election.
Tuesday 10th October 2006 05:17
Defining the Relationship
Firstly, this chapter was full of the promise and excitement you would expect from a soon to be married couple. The threat of Malfoy throughout was a stabilising factor and I feel (although I hope that it doesn't happen) that there may be a death somewhere along the line.
I especially liked that Chris introduced Penny as his girlfriend.
You have my vote, for both the fic and the election.
Tuesday 10th October 2006 05:16
Defining the Relationship
Firstly, this chapter was full of the promise and excitement you would expect from a soon to be married couple. The threat of Malfoy throughout was a stabilising factor and I feel (although I hope that it doesn't happen) that there may be a death somewhere along the line.
I especially liked that Chris introduced Penny as his girlfriend.
You have my vote, for both the fic and the election.
Tuesday 10th October 2006 02:16
Defining the Relationship
I was so exciting when I saw the update!
Brilliant chapter it was great to see Harry and Ron being so...childlike and Ron teasing Harry about fatherhood, well all the Weasleys teasing Harry in general actually

Poor Fred and George I hope they catch the evil rat...or evil ferret soon!

Can't wait for the next update!
Tuesday 10th October 2006 01:49
Defining the Relationship
Keeping the suspense going - when is Malfoy going to show his ugly little ferret face?

I'm really enjoying your story, I hope you find time to update soon with you busy schedule.