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Reviews For The Greatest Power by MuggleMomma

Wednesday 18th September 2013 12:44
The Greatest Power
I love this, I hope you write more awesomeness! All your characters are very in character making it feel like it was in the books which is the reason why I love canon .
Thursday 12th October 2006 07:09
The Greatest Power
I started reading this on Wizard Tales and fell in love with your story. I'm really glad you're now archiving it here. It's definitely a story meant to be shared. I look forward to re-reading it.
Thursday 12th October 2006 06:30
The Greatest Power
Welcome to Phoenixsong! I have already read your story on another site (I won’t give it away so other have a bit of suspense), and it was GREAT!!!! I love your portrayal of all the characters, its so “to canon”, and even better yet its very believable. You never know if a author is looking at the reviews or not, so I didn’t post any at WT as the update was a bit dated, I am thrilled that your bringing your story here, its by far my favorite site, and I’ll keep up with your posts on this story as well. But I have to ask- planning a sequel? Or have I missed it? I just finished yesterday so I have yet to look further. For all those reading this: This is a very well written story, and worth the read, will tell you that it is very angsty and will bring you to tears (or very close), but it also will warm your heart as well. Best of luck and keep your excellent work coming!