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Reviews For Air by moonette

Friday 16th February 2007 08:04
Oh gosh, the Cannons! That cracked me up! I wonder if Mary's right about the scout's opinion of Oliver? I'm really enjoying the story.
Thursday 19th October 2006 17:05
Oh, the poor Cannons... The only time time they win win in ages, they have such an accident... What would Ron say?

Great chapter, again. The cold and disappointing Quidditch match was really nice to read all warm and snuggled up in bed... And of course, I loved Dom's father. Interesting piece, though, about Dominic not really wanting to play while Oliver desperately wants to... Conflict potential there?

I'm really looking forward to the next chapter!
Friday 20th October 2006 19:40Air (Author Response)
Hi Evelyn,

Thanks so much for continuing to read and comment. You made me feel all warm and fuzzy to think that someone enjoyed my story while all snuggled up in bed. That made my day! And thanks for the feedback on the Brit stuff. I'm going to try to find a Brit picker for future posts. I appreciate your help!