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Reviews For The Hermione Dreams by Mira Miracle

Sunday 28th October 2007 18:57
The Hermione Dreams
pssssst I think someone has read the 6th book before they read this!
Saturday 25th November 2006 09:33
The Hermione Dreams
Ooh, thanks for the story! I totally missed it when it was posted.

Very nice ending to your first story. And I must say that I prefer Harry's interpretation, too... What does Trelawney know about twue wuv, after all? ;-) Still, I loved all her comments. Tut, tut, indeed...
Friday 1st December 2006 05:23The Hermione Dreams (Author Response)
Thank you so much for your review! I'm glad you enjoyed the sequel as well - you're right, Trelawney certainly isn't the right one to talk about love. Although, we don't know anything about her past; there might have been someone
Yeah, Harry and I have something in common, at least when it comes to essays. Handed the thing back to the prof yesterday and am awaiting his verdict. I sincerely hope that he's nicer than Trelawney
Tuesday 14th November 2006 13:56
The Hermione Dreams
I'm a little confused. I think you might need a little more connecting information to make this less confusing.
Tuesday 14th November 2006 14:17The Hermione Dreams (Author Response)
Oh, I think I know the reason for your confusion It's a sequel to one of my stories called "Ron's Dream Diary" and it might help to read that one first... Thanks for your review anyways!
Thursday 9th November 2006 19:52
The Hermione Dreams
I think Trelawney's inner-eye needs to be tested. Harry's interpretations are so much better. I love getting into his mind with something so mundane as homework. I loved this story. Your really get a sense of Harry's personality in it. You have done a wonderful job. Keep up the good work.
Sunday 12th November 2006 05:12The Hermione Dreams (Author Response)
Thank you so much for your nice review! I like Harry's interpretations more as well, although I might be influenced by my love for R / Hr...
Sunday 5th November 2006 18:21
The Hermione Dreams
You know, I've never been a big fan of Ron and Hermione, even though I'm a canon girl all the way ... but goodness, Mira, this really just grabbed me. It was funny and silly and yet pretty darn captivating with its depth. I loved betaing it for you (as if I couldn't love betaing *anything* for you! ) ... rock on, Mira!
Monday 6th November 2006 00:09The Hermione Dreams (Author Response)
Wow, thanks! I love making H / G fans start loving R / Hr (this happened to my pre-beta Evelyn as well ). Oh, it's good to know that you'd love betaing anything *insert evil grin here* where was this crazy Harry-Draco-Voldy thing that was my first attempt at FF?
Sunday 5th November 2006 18:16
The Hermione Dreams
pass the boundaries of the Non-Seeing mind.

Oh goodness! Trelawney is awesome - she cracks me up every time you write her! I'm so excited that I inspired a fic - yippee! Nice one, Mira, very cute ... but what's this about Ginny? I agree with Trelawney - Harry needs to delve deeper!
Monday 6th November 2006 00:01The Hermione Dreams (Author Response)
Oh yes, I can imagine their conversation at the lake:

: Ginny, we could have had months... years maybe
: Yeah, if you would have just paid attention in Divination...
: See, Hermione, the subject isn't that useless!

Thank you very much for your review and inspiration for this fic!
Sunday 5th November 2006 09:47
The Hermione Dreams
I like the counterplay between Harry's optimism and Sybill's pessimism . I prefer Harry's talk on Ron and Hermione , even if it doesn't follow the Inner Eye.
Sunday 5th November 2006 23:58The Hermione Dreams (Author Response)
Thanks for your review! I prefer Harry's interpretation as well, but I'm as a big R / Hr shipper a tiny bit biased
Sunday 5th November 2006 04:41
The Hermione Dreams
Heehee. Ron is so clueless...not that Harry isn't. I can't wait to see this (and the dream diary itself) continue. Famtastic!
Sunday 5th November 2006 23:55The Hermione Dreams (Author Response)
Thanks for your review! Yes, Harry's quite clueless as long as long as Ginny's concerned About continuing: At the moment, I can't see the dream diary continue. In canon, it's a 4-week-diary, it'sĀ“been planned as a four-week-long fic, and this sequel is written as a one shot only. I'm really sorry about this, but if you've any idea about continuing it, feel free to contact me or to write it yourself.
Saturday 4th November 2006 19:54
The Hermione Dreams
That was great. I loved how you did that. The side notes bring it all together...and makes it funnier. And Harry's interpertation is way better than Trelawney's.
Sunday 5th November 2006 01:10The Hermione Dreams (Author Response)
Thank you so much for your review! I like Harry's interpretations more than Trelawney's as well, but that's maybe only because I'm a big R / Hr shipper
Saturday 4th November 2006 19:38
The Hermione Dreams
Heh, that was cute ... i agree with trelawney though, that was a shocking essay! Tut tut ...
Sunday 5th November 2006 01:08The Hermione Dreams (Author Response)
Yeah, Harry has never been the Divination God, so probably it's the best he can do thanks for your review!
Saturday 4th November 2006 14:23
The Hermione Dreams
I LOVE THIS!!! Best. I love it. Great job. Hope you'll send me the next chapter soon.

I love being Trelawney!!

Did your beta like my changes? Or no?

Saturday 4th November 2006 16:26The Hermione Dreams (Author Response)
Well, she didn't complain Unfortunately, this is a one-shot, so there'll be no future chapters. And as I'm currently working on a completely different fic, my NaNo-novel and a frighteningly real criminal law examination, I guesss there'll be no other sequels anytime soon.
Thank you so much for all your helps and suggestions, once again. I'm glad you liked the final product.
Saturday 4th November 2006 13:43
The Hermione Dreams
I laughed all the way through this, especially at Trelawney's comments. Just perfect.
Saturday 4th November 2006 16:23The Hermione Dreams (Author Response)
Thank you so much! I'm glad I could make you laugh! It's the sequel to "Ron's Dream Diary" which is also up here on PS, so you might enjoy that, too