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Reviews For A Different Boy Who Lived by angelmorph

Friday 18th April 2008 18:35
A Different Boy Who Lived
I love how it's Harry, Neville, and Hermione as a trio, but I was wondering if Ron will show up later? Otherwise, its really really good, please write more!
Friday 5th January 2007 21:20
A Different Boy Who Lived
Poor child, having no toys at all by age five? Wait, at age three. What were they THINKING???
Monday 20th November 2006 16:04
A Different Boy Who Lived
I think the story with Hermione here explains A LOT about her
Monday 20th November 2006 17:07A Different Boy Who Lived (Author Response)
Thank you, that's why I wrote it. Also, thank you as well for ALL the reviews... I was quite shocked to come home and find 28 new reviews in my inbox...
Sunday 19th November 2006 15:11
A Different Boy Who Lived
Sorry, I think that came out wrong. I didn't mean to make it sound like Hermione's parents were deliberately punishing her. I only meant it as a kind of figure of speech, that in their acting out their grief it was like a punishment to Hermione. I think the line 'The tears flowed freely; she was tired of pretending to be grown up.' conveys very well what her parents had inadvertently done to her. I actually think this is a very good account of why Hermione is the pushy know-it-all that she is at least early on in canon .
Sunday 19th November 2006 15:39A Different Boy Who Lived (Author Response)
Thank you. There's no need to apologize. It's good to know that my reasoning, to explain in part Hermione's character, came across clearly in this chapter.
Sunday 19th November 2006 13:21
A Different Boy Who Lived
So sad for Hermione I can understand her parents grief, but why punish her for the loss.
Sunday 19th November 2006 14:56A Different Boy Who Lived (Author Response)
Thank you for reviewing. They weren't trying to punish Hermione. She's such an undemanding child, that in their grief, they failed to realize that she was hurting.