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Reviews For The Coven of Echoes by hwimsey

Friday 5th September 2008 07:57
The Coven of Echoes
Thursday 1st November 2007 16:32
The Coven of Echoes
So sad wonder what happen between Harry and Ginny.
Tuesday 9th October 2007 03:19
The Coven of Echoes
Have you ever read Casca's Seeking Ginny over at Hidden Tower? It's the story I just finished before starting this, and I'm amazed by the number of plot lines this stories have in common with that one, most notably Ginny uprooting herself to run away from Harry. Not that that's a bad thing. Casca's one of my longtime favorite fanfic authors.

Plus, there's one big difference, and it's a great twist for you. I love that Harry's the one who's left confused and, as much as he might try to deny it, probably pining about his relationship with Ginny. I've seen so many fics over so many years do just the opposite that it's a bit mindblowing to see it go this direction.

Of course, you haven't denied Ginny her fair share of the angst, either. By throwing Miss Savage (whom I can't wait to meet) and Miss Vane into the equation you've created a truly impressive romantic quagmire. I look forward to seeing you characters try to dig themselves out of it. I doubt it's going to be easy.

On the other hand, I was put off in this chapter by the amount of background details you simply told to us in narration. I feel a bit oafish trying to offer constructive criticism for a completed story, but I generally try to be honest and the show-don't-tell thing always gets to me. In this case I think there were good opportunities to portray the important details in the Ron-Tonks and Ginny-Susan conversations -- or even in Harry's thoughts while he's tailing Ginny -- that wouldn't have been so disruptive to the flow of the chapter.

But on the whole I'm enjoying your writing style and your unique and intriguing plot line. So thanks for the hard work.

Wednesday 3rd October 2007 20:13
The Coven of Echoes
awwww!!! I feel so bad for ginny! I'm hating tamsyn! Im thinking that harry got a ring for ginny though not tamsyn
Saturday 7th July 2007 16:44
The Coven of Echoes
Great chapter. Very haunting ending.
Wednesday 20th June 2007 10:30
The Coven of Echoes
Good tension.

I feel bad for both characters. It's always hard to believe that Ginny would have so little faith in Harry's fidelity. But after spending so many years waiting for the other shoe to drop in a relationship I suppose people begin to see it even if it isn't there.

Nice writing quality, I liked the flowers in the garden. I especially like the blood red nails description.

I've waited a long time to read this, (so there was just more of it enjoy) I'm glad it's living up to the hype.
Wednesday 30th May 2007 13:25
The Coven of Echoes
Still got me hooked. Can't wait to find out what really happened between Harry and Tamsyn and not what Ginny thinks happened. Glad to see Ginny has a good friend left. But sometimes a friend can be a little too protective.
Sunday 27th May 2007 17:09
The Coven of Echoes
This is a stupendous story, and it is breaking my heart.
Monday 21st May 2007 19:34
The Coven of Echoes
Another great chapter!

You have a nice touch with the tear-jerker. I normally don't like stories about another woman coming between Harry and Ginny, but this is well thought out and beautifully written. How sad to think of Ginny living such a lonely life in Ediburgh.

Got go, I've got to read the next chapter!
Tuesday 23rd January 2007 16:50
The Coven of Echoes
Hmm, curiouser and curiouser. Harry, dear boy, has obviously never fell out of love with Ginny, but Ginny obviously believes he was unfaithful with Tamsyn. Ron doesn't seem to know what's wrong, or think there is anythiing there. Something isn't adding up already, though, and at first pass, I think it's Susan. If the cat doesn't trust her, she can't be good, is my philosophy, lol. Cats always know.
Friday 2nd February 2007 15:13The Coven of Echoes (Author Response)
Hmmm. You can tell you are a very good writer -- you pick up on clues no one else has.....

Gotta love a cat. Right useful those felines.

Thursday 11th January 2007 22:05
The Coven of Echoes
More insight into the angst and despair that Ginny is feeling. So she heard them. I wonder if she has mis-interpreted what she heard or if there are extenuating circumstances that will exonerate Harry. However, he did not chase her and that is puzzling. Great chapter.
Tuesday 16th January 2007 16:40The Coven of Echoes (Author Response)
Ahhh. But he did chase her -- but you will find that out in a few chapters!
Thank you again!

Sunday 3rd December 2006 19:44
The Coven of Echoes
Aww. That is really sad. I wonder what Harry's said of the story is. Very good chapter.
Sunday 26th November 2006 13:08
The Coven of Echoes
What an exquisite chapter. Poor Ginny. Now I understand the poor girl. The press are awful. I've never read them so fierce, really excellent job. I'm glad Susan is there to support Ginny. What a dear, making her pumpkin juice, I bet that takes a fair bit of effort. I loved how Ginny was walking down the lane peering into every shop window, completely Ginny. I bet Harry gets her those orange roses. How sweet, pulling up her blanket, he must be completely devastated. His nighttime vigil aw!
That French auror sounds like a major cow. I can't see how Harry would hang around someone like her, but I suppose seeing how skilled she is as an auror he merely put up with her for the good of the Order and instead gets his love ripped from him. Poor poor dear.
Ron and Tonks conversation was amusing as always. Tonks with her Tweed man. Haha. I love Remus. That's interesting about the American auror how he's over for diplomatic reasons. Also how Tonks told Harry to stay in the lobby. I wonder what made him break those orders, could he possibly sense when Ginny is in danger, haha. I lurve Harry. Breaking the guys ribs and everything, pent up fury now that has results.
Brilliant job. I can't wait until the next chapter which should be around Dec 1st right. What a brilliant day. I can't wait. Marvelous job. Brilliant.
Tuesday 28th November 2006 23:30The Coven of Echoes (Author Response)
Hello SG!! How are you?

Thank you so for the great review. You must thank my brilliant beta, Iviolinist also. She does a remarkable job.

I'm glad you liked the nightime vigil - so did I. I was concerned that some readers felt he was stalking the poor girl -- I just wanted to make him be protective in the only way he could be given the circumstances.

Hmmm. Tamsyn, she is a character, all right. But you're right, she is very talented. Unfortunately, she's also quite territorial.

Thanks for the heads up with Remus. Way in the future, I'd like to write a R&L piece, they are my favorite pairing if truth be told. And lord, dealing with a man who turns into a wolf -- the potential.

I think Tonks knew that having Harry, Ginny and Marc in the same room would be trouble - which it was. And that's only the beginning of it.

Next update should be Saturday, I think. And to correct you -- YOU are the brilliant one.

Thanks a million.

Friday 24th November 2006 05:35
The Coven of Echoes
I have my own guesses. The French lady is not what she seems and Harry knows that. All the things have to tie back to the Coven anyway. Is she holding Harry hostage? Harry looks grim and the French Lady is gloating, what lovebirds!

More confused by Ginny and her lemon drops.
Great story!
Friday 24th November 2006 05:35
The Coven of Echoes
I have my own guesses. The French lady is not what she seems and Harry knows that. All the things have to tie back to the Coven anyway. Is she holding Harry hostage? Harry looks grim and the French Lady is gloating, what lovebirds!

More confused by Ginny and her lemon drops.
Great story!
Tuesday 28th November 2006 23:20The Coven of Echoes (Author Response)
Hi you!!!

Hmmmmm. We're just going to have to wait and see on the French Auror.

Here's the inside scoop on the lemon drops. I envision them as a habit Ginny picked up before DD's death. Maybe she has memories of Harry and lemon drops (which might make it into this story) Perhaps it became a nervous habit during the war -- never any time to finish one with all the wounded. Then it became a hopefullness habit, her desire to finish anything had left her. Finally it just became totally ingrained. I'm that way with cups of tea -- they're all over -- nightstands, microwave, desk -- I just forget about them.

Does that help??

Thursday 23rd November 2006 21:08
The Coven of Echoes
Oh Harry and Ginny, when will you ever learn?
*frustrated snort*
They are so bloody in love. It's all quite fabulous, really. You've set this up in a terribly thrilling way, and I can not wait for more.
Hm, how oxymoronic can my review get?

impatiently pleased,
Tuesday 28th November 2006 23:13The Coven of Echoes (Author Response)
Oh Delani, you make me laugh! You go ahead with all the oxymoronic reviews you want (which it wasn't by the way!)

Yes, they are in love as much as they don't want to be. And from you lips to God's ears with the thrilling parts. They're all in my head -- let's hope they make it out to the paper the same way.

You're wonderful. Thanks for the review - and the smiles.

Thursday 23rd November 2006 20:43
The Coven of Echoes
gah! an update! well, okay, so I haven't actaully read the chapter yet...but still. It's gotta be good, right? Yay for fast updates!
Thursday 23rd November 2006 03:48
The Coven of Echoes
Okay, now we need to know what really happened that night. Do the things Ginny overheard warrant her running away without giving him a chance?
Thursday 23rd November 2006 12:20The Coven of Echoes (Author Response)
I would be remiss in my writing if they did not, don't you think?
Wednesday 22nd November 2006 19:07
The Coven of Echoes
Oh, the throes of misunderstanding! Poor Ginny, I wonder what she heard? This story seems like it is going to be one of those unsolvable mysteries until the very last chapter. Great job with that feeling of suspense, you are an excellent writer.
Tuesday 28th November 2006 23:10The Coven of Echoes (Author Response)
Thank you so for that kind review. Yes, poor they're in a world of pain right now. I do hope it proves an unsolvable mystery., otherwise I'm not doing my job!

Thank you again for taking the time to review.

Wednesday 22nd November 2006 17:11
The Coven of Echoes
Ah..the backstory...of some sort. I'm really upset about how they left each other....Ginny hearing something and leaving, not giving Harry a chance to explain....and Harry not going after her.

Great chapter! Can't wait for more!
Sunday 26th November 2006 23:47The Coven of Echoes (Author Response)
LOL - of some sort, yes. There is more back to the backstory. Eventually we'll get it all.

Thanks for the lovely review. Updates are coming!

Wednesday 22nd November 2006 15:54
The Coven of Echoes
*Claps loudly* YAY! Another chappie! Finally we get some well-deserved answers!

You are one of the only author's I know who have written their story around Ginny leaving Harry, rather than the opposite. And that's a good thing, btw. As cruel as this sounds, I kind of like it when Harry is the one heartbroken. LOL.

And your portrayal of Harry is key-on. I love how he was so devastated, that he stopped showing any kind of emotion. You played with that fact, as he followed Ginny to her flat while under the invisibility cloak, and even used the Muffliato spell to make sure she couldn't notice him.

You didn't cliffie the chapter this time, I'm very happy about that! LOL. The last couple sentences were very sweet though...
When the bells tolled midnight, the faint strains of the Veniams rose from the darkness. She did not hear them. Nor did she feel the touch of a strong hand drape the blanket over her, its owner standing watch until the dawn.

I assume that Harry had stayed there just to be at Ginny's presence.(Hmm... despite his own wishes, I think Harry might be falling for her again! O.O LOL that sounded cheesy)

But all-in-all, GREAT CHAPTER! Not much action/adventure this time, but I'm happy that I know the background information now. Can't wait til the next chapter!

-The Smart Insomniac (Alex =D)

P.S. Have a happy Turkey Day!
Sunday 26th November 2006 23:45The Coven of Echoes (Author Response)
Alex!!! How are you!
Your reviews always make me smile. Thank you so.

Yes, Harry is the heartbroken one, but so is Ginny. Both are angry too, which makes for a rather toxic combination.

I'm glad you like Harry's characterization. I wrestle with him quite a bit, especially since he is more in the temper of OOTP in this piece - mad at the world.

Yes, I liked the ending - sad and sweet. And yes, that was Harry watching over her. Can't help his feelings despite what his head tells him.

Must thank my lovely beta, iviolinist for her hard work. Without her, this story would have more leaks than my kitchen ceiling (see my LJ for THAT rant...)

Hope you had a great Thanksgiving.

Take good care and thanks again. Now get to bed!!

girl from ipanema
Wednesday 22nd November 2006 14:09
The Coven of Echoes
So, Ginny heard something and never let Harry explain because of her own insecurities. Of course, insecurities born out Harry being a noble prat. Me thinks that when all of this is said and done, there will be plenty of apologies to go around. Sigh, that falling towel seems to be very far away, indeed! When it falls, it better fall with a BANG
Sunday 26th November 2006 15:17The Coven of Echoes (Author Response)
That towel. Oh that towel. Let's say it's folded in the linen closet. But that's not to say it isn't on the top of the pile. And yes, isn't there the phrase about a bang and a whimper?

Thanks for the review, and thanks for keeping me smiling.

Wednesday 22nd November 2006 11:47
The Coven of Echoes
YAY! Backstory!! *bows down to the great hwimsey*

Although, after reading this chapter, it spawns more questions and scenarios. But it did answer the question - what happened to cause them the be so distant to each other. But it doesn't answer the question entirely. Reading through each person's POV, I got the impression that everyone's got their own version of events, and no one's is 100% correct. Simplest explanation I can boil it down to is Harry's famous, something had to give.

The long version (at this stage of the game), is that Ginny's own insecurities have played out in her mind (seeing/hearing whatever exchange between Harry/Tasmyn), and they were multiplied by an over-protective friend (Susan) who already had reason enough to dislike Harry. Hearing Ron's POV (and thank goodness for that), it helps me to reinforce that there was a falling out between the two that had others involved. Harry to give up and just be devasted? Not likely. Ginny to up and disappear? Not likely either. I bet there's a really good story for what Ginny saw... (hint hint )

Or I could be entirely wrong! I'm hoping you'll reveal that in the next few chapters (got to advance the plot in the present a bit further along).

This Tasmyn gal sounds like a real piece (of what, is the question). Sounds like she and Areids might make a good pair.

I'd still like to know about Ginny's lemon drop addiction. Highly unusual, and obviously she had it while Harry and she had gotten back together.

Please clarify the timeline for me here... we're 8-9 years post-HBP. The war lasted 4-6 years, we've got maybe a year of Auror training, Harry & Ginny "dated" for a year or so after that, then she left. Which leaves us approximately 1 year prior to present-day (So makes Ginny shy of 24 when she left). Sound about right?

Okay... I know I'm not going to get all those questions and things addressed, but I'm definitely looking forward to the next chapter. I'm guessing/hoping that we get some "snarky-ness" next from everyone all around. I'd like to see Susan, Harry, and Areids "showdown" at some point (do we get that at all?)

And btw, you made my day - I got an A/N shout-out! *dances badly*
Saturday 25th November 2006 01:17The Coven of Echoes (Author Response)
Oh blues, what am I going to do with you!!! Probably give you a hug first.

You're too smart, you know. Your instincts aren't far off about the backstory. And yes, more b/s is coming in dribs and drabs -- but we have much more of the mystery to deal with first.

Yes, Tamsyn is a piece of work. LOL about pairing the two. They might self-destruct!

I gave Ginny a lemon drop addiction because I originally was going to have her smoke but my early chapter beta, Kelleypen talked me out of it. It opened up a world of possibilities.

You're very close on the timeline. I think when you do my math you end up with Harry at 26 and Ginny 25. So the story actually is running in 2006. Does that help?

If you like showdowns, I don't think you'll be disappointed, but they may be between pairings you haven't expected.

LOL - I'd pay a dollar to see that bad dancing. You're too great to do anything badly.

Be good,
Wednesday 22nd November 2006 11:26
The Coven of Echoes
Oh this is wonderful, but so sad. It's coming across like a reel from an old movie. Really, the best writing I've read in a long time. Don't know where you will take it, but as long as you write like this...we'll be happy to read
Saturday 25th November 2006 01:07The Coven of Echoes (Author Response)
Hi girlspell!!!
Thank you for such a great statement about the old movie. It made my day -- that is what I'm aiming at in a way. I'm thrilled you're enjoying the story -- I'm having a great time writing it.

Take good care,
Wednesday 22nd November 2006 11:14
The Coven of Echoes
Stalker??? He hasn't seen her in months. Following her one time, even stealthily, does not make Harry (or anyone else) a stalker. They didn't part on good terms (Ginny ran away) and she has a bulldog of a roommate; is it any wonder He doesn't quite want to make his presence known?
Wednesday 22nd November 2006 10:48
The Coven of Echoes
WOW! I'm glad we finaly got some background . . .Ginny seems really miserable but in a way so does Harry . . . i hope that they'll figure things out soon. Excellent writing between pov's though . . . i really enjoyed it.
Saturday 25th November 2006 01:04The Coven of Echoes (Author Response)
Hello Elf,

Thanks so much for your review. Yes, they are both miserable I'm afraid. And may remain so for a while. I'm glad you're enjoying the story -- and thanks again for taking the time to review.

Wednesday 22nd November 2006 10:46
The Coven of Echoes
Oooooooooooh, a nice little town for the convergence of several negative energies; what storm may arise, I wonder. God love you, for giving us so much in this sitting. It’s nice to know that there are still strains of passion between the two of them; although they don’t know it yet.

“Christ, she looked like an angel.”

“Standing there in the cold night air, Harry forced his gaze away, fixing his stare on the rising moon. Backing away from her, his heart pounding, he swore in silence.”

“…Ginny could tend her own fires of rage toward the black haired wizard, she would not tolerate anyone else doing so.”

“Ginny closed her eyes and whispered his name one last time to the night. Harry.”

Tis a wealth of background you have offered that smacks of misunderstandings and inferences from events or occurrences taken out of context. I love the fiery attitude of Susan as Ginny’s sidekick. I am expecting a confrontation with Harry in the near future.

Oh, I especially loved the touch about reversing their positions as the train pulled away with Harry chasing after.

I think that you have definitely captured a future that I have considered Harry’s life to be like (don’t smack me) ‘if’ he defeats Voldemort and lives. His life is nothing but hell from the Prophet and there ‘has’ to be more than one reporter like Rita Skeeter out there. This story is the epitome of ‘Terrible things happen to good people’. It always seems that they have a hell of a fight to undo and injustice. Of course, when successful, the reward is always worth, isn’t it?

You continue to create some interesting characters and creatures, which definitely sets this tale apart from many others. Bastet is a brilliant name for a cat with personality; and hunting a garden gnome for fun too. The idea of Ginny seeking solace in a garden of the flowers that provide a soothing environment is ‘most excellent’.

The last line is especially stirring. Gives a romantic goose bumps, I must say.

~Thoroughly enjoyable!
Saturday 25th November 2006 00:58The Coven of Echoes (Author Response)
Hmmmm. With your reivews I always go to the last comment to see how you truly feel.

I'm shooting for that definitive glowing statement one of these days.

Yes, a lot of convergences. And yes, I don't think the press would let Harry have a moments peace (at least for a while). Emotions aplenty and not all of them happy -- but things will get better, but they may get worse first.

You picked all my favorite lines and you are too sharp by half to catch the train. I obsess a bit with trains in this piece. And the last line seemed like something Harry would do -- always protecting someone.

Thank fritz42 for Bastet's name (after you read the next chapter you may send her a box of chocolates....)

And you remain (whether you like it or not) the very most excellent.

Wednesday 22nd November 2006 10:14
The Coven of Echoes
Harry as a stalker, I didn't see that coming!

Another great chapter - thanks for the breathing room!

Keep up the great story and thanks for the early update!
Wednesday 22nd November 2006 10:38The Coven of Echoes (Author Response)
Oh no! A second reader that sees poor Harry as a stalker. He isn't really! He just wanted to make sure Ginny got home safe but knew there was no way in hell Ginny would let him escort her home. **Bangs head here**

Thanks for the review. I'll try to keep our boy in check!
Wednesday 22nd November 2006 09:52
The Coven of Echoes was one of the oldest hidden wizarding communities in England . The main thoroughfare of Kilgraith, MacDoohan Strete, was only accessible through a few closes off of Edinburgh's Princes Street...

Edinburgh's in Scotland, not England. Not that it really matters... we Scottish just tend to be kinda touchy about that stuff lol.

I loved, loved, loved this chapter! I could go on and list everything about it I liked, but I'd end up just recounting the entire chapter, and I'm pretty sure that you, having written it, already know what's in it.

But I can tell you one thing; I was right. Your characterisation of Harry is wonderful, and now I really can't wait for the next installment.
Wednesday 22nd November 2006 10:01The Coven of Echoes (Author Response)
Oh my dear!!

You are absolutely right! I am so sorry and will correct it (or my lovely beta will) ASAP. I have no excuse. I've honeymooned in Scotland and fell in love with it. I love the Scottish people no end. I hang my head in shame. They were very adamant to tell me the difference, especially in Tobermorey (sp?)

Thank you for the kind review. And can I ask a big favor? Keep me honest with my Scottish facts as I now live in San Francisco and am going by my memory and Google.

Wednesday 22nd November 2006 09:35
The Coven of Echoes
Nice description of the pub -- the pixie was a nice touch
'How the hell do you fry sheep stomach? I mean isn’t the pink quivering stuff bad enough?'
'Strete' -- sp?
You would have to bring another woman in -- but Ginny should know Harry would have nobody else but her. So what did she hear that night she ran off? And Susan's attitude toward Harry makes me a bit suspicious of her -- rather convenient for the Witch's Weekly to be on top of the bills Ginny is going to go through -- as if Susan intended Ginny to see it -- and the 'forced smile'.
I'd guess it's Harry who pulled the blanket over her.
Well done, even if parts are a bit frustrating (but you intended that, didn't you?),
Wednesday 22nd November 2006 10:09The Coven of Echoes (Author Response)
Hello you!

Didn't you like the pub? I swear I've eaten in a place like that before -- especially the sticky parts!

Strete is the Scottish word for Street -- I should have put it in the notes. My incredible research assistant, fritz42 (all knees must bow at the mention of her name) found it for me. You'll see the wonder that is fritz in the next chapter. The spells are incredible.

Hmmmm. About Susan. Everyone is rather suspect in this one, eh?

And yes, Harry kept watch over her. Something he couldn't help doing.

Me, frustrating? It's a mystery, that's its job.

Be good, and thanks for the review.
Wednesday 22nd November 2006 09:34
The Coven of Echoes
Oh, dear, how you brighten my morning.

Can I start off by saying that I really kinda hate Susan? Seriously, can't she get her own torrid love affair to be involved in and leave Ginny's alone? Geez.

So The Boy Who Lived To Be a Stalker, is really intense and borderline creepy. That's a good thing though, Harry is supposed to be super intense, so kudos!

And I don't think I have mentioned this before, BUT, I absolutley love Ginny's candy issues. Her throwing it away before it is finished makes her seem so hopeless, like she is giving up. And the mention of small habits like that make her character seem oh-so real.

Sorry for the longgg review.

stop reading! go write something amazing, instead!
Wednesday 22nd November 2006 09:56The Coven of Echoes (Author Response)
Oh my dear!

I really didn't want people to view Harry as a stalker! Eeck! It's just that Ginny has been threatened and Harry felt the need to make sure she got home safely but wasn't about to ask her permission -- not that Ginny would give it. Does that help?

AND NEVER ever apologize for long reviews - I live for long reviews.

I need to thank Kelleypen who betaed the beginning chapters for the candy issues. I originally had Ginny smoking which I realized was not a place I wanted her to go. Kelly suggested candy and what do you know -- it became a much more 'hopeless' habit -- you hit the nail right on the head.

Hmmmm. About Susan. Everyone's rather suspect in this one.

Thanks for your wonderful review. You're amazing too!

Wednesday 22nd November 2006 09:26
The Coven of Echoes
Ah, that's so sad. Poor Harry and Ginny. I don't think I like that Tamsyn woman, she seems up to something. Very good job, I am anjoying this story emensly. Keep it up, I can't wait to find out what happens next.
Grandma Kate
Wednesday 22nd November 2006 09:20
The Coven of Echoes
I love the way you set the story up. Ginny still loves Harry and visa versa but neither can see it. I think we will see many plot twists in this one.
Thank you for the early Thanksgiving surprise. Now we have no need for pitchforks, etc.
Wednesday 22nd November 2006 08:26
The Coven of Echoes
Hihihi...still laughing about the "He would not fall back in love with this woman. He would not."-bit. Great info though and isn't there something about 'You only can be certain that you love somebody when you're able to watch them sleep'?

I'd say it applies to Harry here...

*sniggers* He's not going to fall in love with her...
Wednesday 22nd November 2006 08:15
The Coven of Echoes
I really like this story so far. There's an interesting history you've created, and I'm wondering what Harry's side of it all is.
Wednesday 22nd November 2006 08:09
The Coven of Echoes
Oh dear, these two are just so good at ripping each other apart, aren't they? When you said that this story was angsty, you really meant angsty! Someone should put an injunction against French Aurors with weird sounding names and scarlet fingernails.

I can't say I blame Ginny for running away, but couldn't she have stayed and tried to find out what really happened during that night? Couldn't Harry have attempted to find out exactly what got Ginny so upset? And I'm sure that Susan meant well, but she really didn't help matters much, did she? *sigh* That scene with Harry running after the train broke my heart, along with the last scene where he stood watch over her until dawn; I'm always a sucker for a despondent Harry.

I can't wait for the next chapter. I hope you don't prolong the agony between these two (I have a sneaking suspicion that you will, though )They need each other! Great work, once again.

Wednesday 22nd November 2006 15:57The Coven of Echoes (Author Response)
Oh cwarbeck, my dear, I am chuckling reading this!

More ripping is coming, I'm afraid. We've got two raw and hurt people here. LOL about Tamsyn. She is a pip to write (we haven't heard the last of her.)

Ah. Why did Ginny leave without finding out what happened? Let's just say it was bad. Bad enough to cause her to flee. Bad enough for her not to want to answer his questions. Just to get the hell out of dodge. And you're right -- their breakup didn't occur in a vacuum. Now, no more hints.

Sorry about the agony. You know I'd do something about it if I could.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving - and thanks again for the kind review.

Take care,

Wednesday 22nd November 2006 05:46
The Coven of Echoes
Ooh! This is shaping up to be a bloody brilliant story, if you'll excuse my French! It's so well written, and the atmosphere you are creating is great.
I love the descriptions of the pub, just perfect, and the drunken pixie in the ashtray was a nice touch. Just enough to show it was a wizarding version of a typical muggle pub. Your descriptions of autumnal Edinburgh are very good too; makes me want to jump on a train and get some Christmas shooping done there.
The relationships being built up are very convincing too. Tonks and Ron, and Susan and Ginny; the conversations, and even the silences between them are so believable. And as for Harry, well, now we have some backstory, Harry is exactly as Harry should be. I think Romilda Vane only knows the half of it! I also love the way Ron knows what he's thinking from the way he stands.
All the way through I couldn't understand why it seemed like Ginny ran away from the pressure of Harry's fame, it seemed so out of character. But I should have known better, that of course there would be more to it. There's still so much more backstory we need, but I can't wait for H & G to have that conversation. I suspect (and hope) it's going to be a while yet before we get there.
Thanks for a really great read.
Wednesday 22nd November 2006 15:48The Coven of Echoes (Author Response)
No need in the world to apologize for your French (that's one of my favorite phrases!) Use all the French you want!

Thank you for such a marvelous review. How about this? We'll go Christmas shopping together in Kilgraith and see if the drunken pixie is still there. But you're eating the haggis.

Bless you for your comment about the silences. I think it's one of the most powerful forms of communication. And I, too, liked the image of Harry staring out the window.

Yes, there is still more backstory. And you're wonderful to know that we have to wait for it. Great minds.

Thanks again for the thoughtful review. Have a great Thanksgiving.

Wednesday 22nd November 2006 01:24
The Coven of Echoes
Why is it always so hard for Harry and Ginny (I wail). Nice back story - I was hanging out for more info.

Would have deserved the dirty rotten American right if harry had dissolved his femur and he had to drink skele-grow!

Can't wait for the next chapter. Will have to go look for your 'back catalogue' while I'm waiting.
Wednesday 22nd November 2006 15:43The Coven of Echoes (Author Response)
I know, the poor dears. The path to true love and all....

LOL - Yep, Marc got whipped pretty badly. Didn't leave him with a leg to stand on (I know, groan.....)

Ten days, promise, till next chapter. Looks like we (my brilliant beta, iviolinist and I) can keep on that schedule. Stop by and let me know how you like 4. Much longer and spells aplenty.

Have a great Thanksgiving,

mare iridium
Tuesday 21st November 2006 23:56
The Coven of Echoes
Wow, great, wonderful, awesome, interesting 9insert more delightful adjectives here)! I absolutely love your writing, and weeing that you;ve updated makes my day. I even signed in to review this, and I'm usually far too lazy.

I liked the way you presented the backstory, especially liked seeing Ron and Tonks away from auror duty. Although i'm not really liking Susan so much, becuase I think she did more to wreck Harry and Ginny's relationship in the end with the misunderstanding (at least I'm assuming its one). I am very curious to learn more about that Tamsyn witch, too.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving and three cheers for the new chapter.
Wednesday 22nd November 2006 15:38The Coven of Echoes (Author Response)
Dear mare,

Bless you for signing in to review! You are wonderful (great, kind, thoughtful and more delightful adjectives)

Interesting your take on Susan. Hmmmmm. And Tasmyn, double hmmmmmm.

Thank you again for the lovely review. Have a great Thanksgiving.

Tuesday 21st November 2006 23:29
The Coven of Echoes
Another good chapter filling in much of the backstory although obviously there is more to know about Madamoiselle Savage.

Unless Ginny learns to trust Harry, I don't see much hope for a reestablished relationship. Similarly, until she and Harry find some way to have privacy and avoid unwanted and sensationalist publicity, I don't see them being back together.
Wednesday 22nd November 2006 15:36The Coven of Echoes (Author Response)
Yes, you are absolutely right - Tamsyn is unknown to a certain extent.

G&H have a way to go. Both are hurt, both are stubborn, and both have pride to spare. Well see....... It'll be a long road.

Thank you for the lovely review and have a great Thanksgiving.

Tuesday 21st November 2006 23:18
The Coven of Echoes
I smell a dirty stinkin' rat and it's name is Tamsyn.

She and the American-with-the-weird-name should get together. They deserve each other. I am convinced she did something to screw up Harry and Ginny's relationship. Evil freakin' woman...grr....

I say we give the twins a case of firewhiskey each, a bunch of explosives, a molotov cocktail, and balloons filled with various smelly substances and set them loose on the two of them.

Oops. Forgot to say "excellent chapter" didn't I? *checks* Yep. I did. Have a fantastic Thanksgiving!
Wednesday 22nd November 2006 15:33The Coven of Echoes (Author Response)
Wooster! Hello!

LOL. Tamsyn is a character - let's just say that. I nearly fell off my chair with the molotov cocktail - you are absolutely hilarious. It reminded me of the scene in Mr. and Mrs. Jones when they are trying to kill each other off.

"Now dear." Bam, bam, slash, slash. Oi. Wipes tears from the eyes.

Thank you for taking the time to review and the kind words. You're wonderful. Have a great Thanksgiving.

Tuesday 21st November 2006 23:17
The Coven of Echoes
I smell a dirty stinkin' rat and it's name is Tamsyn.

She and the American-with-the-weird-name should get together. They deserve each other. I am convinced she did something to screw up Harry and Ginny's relationship. Evil freakin' woman...grr....

I say we give the twins a case of firewhiskey each, a bunch of explosives, a molotov cocktail, and balloons filled with various smelly substances and set them loose on the two of them.
Tuesday 21st November 2006 23:13
The Coven of Echoes
Lovely chapter! I was happy to get some background between Harry and Ginny. In the first part of the chapter, I was wondering what more could have happened to make Ginny leave. I knew that couldn't be all. The explanation at the end of the chapter cleared that right up. Why can't life be easy for these two? Oh, wouldn't be an intriguing story if it was. Keep the chapters coming. I get so lost in your descriptions. I can picture it all very well. Nice job as usual!
Wednesday 22nd November 2006 15:29The Coven of Echoes (Author Response)
I'm glad you liked the chapter. More 'explanations' from different POV's are coming.

LOL, no life for H&G isn't smooth. And you're absolutely right - it wouldn't make for intrigue. Unfortunately more intrigue is coming.

Please continue to read and get lost -- does one's heart good to hear it!

Happy Thanksgiving,

Tuesday 21st November 2006 22:25
The Coven of Echoes
Harry whipped around and threw the remnants of Voldemort’s soul at the twisted wizard’s feet and said in a hushed but triumphant voice, “Missing something?”

This is my absolute favorite line in this chapter. Strange as that may seem, it is just seemless bits like that which really define what I like so much about your work. My husband and I were talking recently about our preferences in writing styles. We both highly value a writer who can convey emotions, sights, sounds, actions with less words and without breaking from the narative to say "this is what these things sounded and looked like". I can see the whole fight and hear Harry's voice from just those two dozen words. I am sure I would never have been as effective with 5 times as many.

I was also extremely pleasantly surprised by the way in which you presented the backstory we have all been clamoring for. I was expecting a complete suspension of the current story in favor of a chapter of flashbacks. Although, considering your always unique and original style, I'm not sure why I should have expected that you would choose such an obvious approach. Instead you seemlessly integrated bits of background while still managing to move the plot forward. You just never cease to amaze me!

Happy Thanksgiving--enjoy some well deserved rest! Great, great job once again.
Wednesday 22nd November 2006 15:24The Coven of Echoes (Author Response)
Hello meddymo! It's wonderful to read one of your reviews -- like a chocolate croissant and a hot cup of coffee on a bleary day! You're wonderful. Thanks for the kind words. Right back at ya!

I'm glad you liked that line. And yes, that's what I was aiming for -- trying to tie in a major theme in as few words as possible. Backstory can cause people to glaze over and start drooling and it can be the bane of my writing existence - so praise for it is marvelous.

Have a great Thanksgiving. I am thankful for amazing readers like you.

Tuesday 21st November 2006 21:59
The Coven of Echoes
Aww...that was so sweet of Harry, if not a bit stalker-ish. Great job - I loved the descriptions of the town, with all the Halloween displays. And your prose is just a delight to read. Great job!
Wednesday 22nd November 2006 15:20The Coven of Echoes (Author Response)
Hello K!

Oh, I hope Harry didn't come of stalkerish -- he's concerned for her welfare and wanted to make sure she got home all right -- hopefully we won't have to slap a restraining order on the poor guy!

Thank you for the lovely review! Have a great Thanksgiving.
