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Reviews For Defining the Relationship by TheGov

Stag Writer
Tuesday 3rd November 2009 16:46
Defining the Relationship
Thursday 8th January 2009 19:36
Defining the Relationship
Great chapter ... so happy Remus got better.
Sunday 21st January 2007 12:08
Defining the Relationship
Hello Guv: Will you be back soon???I hope you will as I love this fic and your spin off. Hope to be reading you again soon. Jeanne, one of your most dedicated fans, 'seriusly'.
Thursday 11th January 2007 04:36
Defining the Relationship
i LOVED this story! I've had exams this whole pass week Unfortunatley i decided at the start of it to read the first chapter of this story!
And yet i havent been able to take my eyes of it. I read about 4 chapters each day!!!!
Funny, i had most of the same ideas as this plot. Anywys! great job!

Tuesday 2nd January 2007 08:38
Defining the Relationship
I LOVE this story and i can't wait for the next chapter!!!!
Tuesday 5th December 2006 18:40
Defining the Relationship
As always I completly loved this chapter. The chemistry bit was interesting. I think I'll go with everyone else and say Law and Order or CSI for the TV reference. I'll be interested to see where the story goes from here. This seems like a turning point in the story and things seem to be picking up. I can't wait to read what comes next. There latest chapters were great. I haven't reviewed in a while, so I just wanted to take some time to say good on ya! Looking forward to the next post!
Tuesday 28th November 2006 14:59
Defining the Relationship
I've only recently found this story, so I wanted to leave a review and tell you how much I'm enjoying it. The plot moves along nicely and you do a great job building and maintaining suspense from chapter to chapter, but what I love the most are your characterizations. Chris's Muggle perspective is a fun addition. Best of all, your interactions among canon characters really ring true. I enjoy your take on Harry/Ginny (and Ron/Hermione), but I think my favorite of all is the easygoing and mutually respectful friendship you've written for Harry and Remus -- it really feels like the kind of relationship those two characters would settle into, if they ever got a chance.
Tuesday 28th November 2006 11:52
Defining the Relationship
An interesting chapter. Primarily the part that dealt with Remus and the healers. I think it's a bit interesting how Muggle science can "cure" an affliction that seems to be confined to Wizards. (Lycanthropy only works with wizards, apparently) Harry's reactions and "family" duties in this were pretty cool, especially his anger when the healers proposed a treatment that would likely have done more harm than good.

And yes, it's probably a bad thing that Ginny's starting to understand all the psycho-babble.

Looking forward to the next installment. Hope we find the ferret this time!
Sunday 26th November 2006 10:12
Defining the Relationship
Nice chapter.
Yeah, Healer Woodville; nice tension with the hidebound older healers. I guess healers are like Muggle doctors, always thinking they know best .
Saturday 25th November 2006 16:09
Defining the Relationship
Good!!! I,ve just finished re-reading this for the second time, and now I,ll head for the sibling one, starring Chris and Penny. Not only love is better the second time around. Enjoyed it immensely.
Friday 24th November 2006 09:15
Defining the Relationship
What a wonderful Thanksgiving gift! A chapter of one of my favorite stories! :-)
Friday 24th November 2006 06:18
Defining the Relationship
Okay, so you were just teasing us with the idea of Malfoy taking on Remus as well as Hermione. I still hate Draco and he must die. Please.

I wonder if Harry's increased (?) vulnerability to dementors is going to figure into this? And why is that so?

Good details on the two treatments of Remus, I enjoyed reading of them both. Not sure why or how nitric acid would 'draw out' the silver, though. Once in contact with the silver a reaction would take place, sure. But 'drawing it out'?

Good ending, bringing home the danger that Hermione was in, and that Draco still represents.
Thursday 23rd November 2006 09:55
Defining the Relationship
I like how you haven't completely cured Harry overnight just because he's started therapy. Much more realistic this way, and the threat against his friends and family would very much, I think, bring him back to that turbulent time in his life. I'm eager for more.
Thursday 23rd November 2006 03:34
Defining the Relationship
Oh wow. That was an emotional rollercoaster of a chapter. Brilliant.
Wolf's Scream
Wednesday 22nd November 2006 20:13
Defining the Relationship
Interesting use of (Muggle) chemistry -- though I'd expect that even 1% nitric acid would sting like the Dickens -- try a bit of vinegar in an open cut (though vinegar is about 5% acetic acid, IIRC -- but nitric acid is a lot stronger than acetic). As for how dissolving the silver helps, I think I'll leave that to the Magic: were I to want to use chemistry to remove silver from a reaction, I'd be a lot more inclined to precipitate it out of solution, rather than dissolve it. :-)

Anyway: Well done! :-)
Wednesday 22nd November 2006 18:07
Defining the Relationship
TV reference...possibly CSI or Law and Order or one of the other crime shows...opening scene sounds like it could come from either rather easily...

Great chapter...I hope that Harry asks Ginny to go with him to see Dr. Berger soon.

Malfoy still on the loose scares me, especially for Ginny.

I look forward to Harry's first day as a Professor!
Wednesday 22nd November 2006 17:07
Defining the Relationship
Oh I'm glad that Remus will be okay! But now the dirty ferret is getting bolder and I'm really starting to worry! You'd think he'd have been caught by now!

And as far as the mention to the TV shows go... I'm going with CSI:NY since it's my favorite show, and the opening scene to this chapter fits the bill; forensics, who's the killer, etc etc However, the whole thing with neutralizing Remus' wound or getting it out of his system seems really familiar, or maybe it's just me, hell-bent on figuring out what show you're talking about.
Great chapter!

Happy Thanksgiving!
Wednesday 22nd November 2006 16:43
Defining the Relationship
Another great chapter. I can't wait to read more.
Wednesday 22nd November 2006 16:29
Defining the Relationship
I was so scared for Remus when I started the chpter. I was really glad he was cured so quickly and by an ameteur healer at that. It was really cool how Harry put him in charge of remus . . . i really liked that.
Hope Malfoy's soon put behind bars because the suspense will soon drive me mad! Wonder what's up with Chris . .? Anything to do with everyone favorite ferret perhaps??
Thanks for updating so quickly and a Happy Thanksgiving to you!
Wednesday 22nd November 2006 15:35
Defining the Relationship
I can't wait to see the feast. All the reactions. And thank God that they fouind a cure for Lupin. And I wonder who died in Chris' part of the story. Can't wait for more. And it was a very good chapter.
Wednesday 22nd November 2006 14:08
Defining the Relationship
Let me see... “The two bullet holes in the back of the head seem to indicate that,” could be from Law and Order, the late, great, Jerry Orbach.

(A couple typos, too: 'since' instead of 'science' and 'I' instead of 'It.')

Great story. S.
Wednesday 22nd November 2006 13:59
Defining the Relationship
Three big cheers for young, inspired healers who really work to help. Thank goodness for Healer Woodwille.

The start, however - how is that linked to the whole Malfoy thing? Is it just a red herring, or is there something there? Curious, very curious.

Too bad Harry didn't manage to ask Ginny to accompany him to Dr. Berger, he has to do so one day after all. I understand he's worried about Ginny's reaction, but I wonder what happened to his Gryffindor courage.

I guess there comes a period with much fear and worry, so I hope you'll get to the Malfoy trashing before anybody else is hurt.

So on the Thanksgiving note (even though it's not one of my holidays): Thank you for writing this fic and sharing it with us all, thank you to your wife for being your muse and support (approaching your first anniversary now, aren't you?), thank you to your betas and thank you to PS for hosting such a wide array of wonderful fics. Have a wonderful holiday.

Wednesday 22nd November 2006 13:44
Defining the Relationship
Thanks for the quick upate, I think all the characters need a *hug*. I'm delighted that Remus is better. Can't wait for the start of term!